back for a while, a film "Flash of Genius" tells the story of Robert Kearns called - the man who the to model invented industrial breaking intermittent wiper blades of them by the human eye. Many of us do not notice this simple but ingenious, functionality, because nowadays seen as a "standard" pretty much. That may be so, but this is a "standard" that will revolutionize the driving experience forever.
So also with virtualization.
Outdated traditional IT methods causing untold growing pains in companies, industries and markets of all sizes. Many companies feel like they are driving blind do against rising demand more with less - by increasing productivity security tightening providing remote access for employees or employees with -. All while reducing the cost and complexity
So, how can companies break free from these traditional barriers and obstacles? With a secure app and desktop delivery solution from Citrix
app virtualization and VDI. No one does it better
In Forrester 26 criteria for the review of server- hosted virtual desktop providers, Citrix alone in best user experience, differentiation and solution viability over the widest range of applications .
and while many other vendors, customers can have the choice of app or desktop virtualization is, Citrix is uniquely positioned both in a single, offer highly customized and flexible solution. In fact, our virtualized solutions are the most agile, mobile and secure way for businesses of all sizes to break through proven and say yes to a new era.
New eras + new partner calls = new opportunities.
We hold the #CitrixPartnerLove momentum with this recipe for success is to open new talks. is why we are pleased to launch a brand new, partner-exclusive campaign see and help with Customers IT are mired in old and revolutionize them the way they work and live on a way started.
They easily identify the real challenges you are faced with your customers App and desktop virtualization. Whether it be turned to tighten security and compliance, OS migration of a sinkhole to a snap, simplifying the lives of workers with BYOD or cut IT budgets-we've you with everything you need to build, customize and run a campaign in minutes. Take a look at these leading examples of how app and desktop virtualization can solve real customer challenges, including:
# 1 OS migration? Solved.
How many customers to delay the transition to Windows 10? About 65%. And it's no wonder. Many cocoons are still of the massive burden on labor and migration caused resources from XP to Windows 7.
Only XenApp and XenDesktop including AppDNA for AppDisk, the industry's most powerful application migration and remediation analysis tool-transformed OS upgrades and browser updates in non-events, while in minutes, new applications for thousands of users provisioning.
employees remain productive, users have a seamless interface, and it can move forward with more strategic initiatives.
# 2: Vulnerabilities? Closed
Traditional IT has established itself inefficient.
software problems require staff to travel from place to resolve place issues. Users on certain sites and certain devices. And with data across the enterprise distributed, hospitals and financial institutions are increasingly susceptible to security breaches, compliance missteps, even tablets at the airport-not lost sophisticated phishing to mention custom malware and targeted hacking. Companies are spackling holes as fast as they can, but many are running out of options.
With desktop virtualization, IT is shifting to a single access point, be kept secure sensitive information in the central data center, limiting actions based on both user identity and the endpoint device.
The result? Better security, privacy and compliance management. Personal devices can flow freely in any organization, can a complete mobile workplace on any device they choose over any network to enjoy the user while IT full security and control maintains
# 3 :. Costs? Slashed
Another common scenario: struggling businesses burdened with aging PCs, high IT costs, and workers who are most of the time in the field. You need new servers and workstations and better tools to stay competitive.
XenDesktop enables IT instant access to corporate and legacy applications on any Windows 10 device to provide, companies or BYOD, without the time and cost of manual deployment in any place in the business. Available Old laptops and PCs, thin clients and other non-Windows 10-compatible devices can use the same high-performance experience as they provide with newer endpoints.
The advantage of Citrix? A reported 70% savings.
ready to start a revolution? It starts with a few drops in the ocean.
Start here (login required) by accessing Citrix MarketingIQ. Find the talking points, see, most applications useful infographics and customizable e-mail that you can use co-branding and generate leads in a few minutes. Fully packed and ready to go, we have done all the leg work for you.? - All you need to do is to open the door
Do you want the conversation to keep going
Drive your discussions with the Mid Market Success Kits deeper , Discover a wealth of materials and actionable items that you can carry out today on certain app and desktop virtualization use cases targeted help that have also industry-level talks for the healthcare and financial services verticals.
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