SD-WAN: O Futuro the redes WAN Corporativas

4:24 PM Add Comment
SD-WAN: O Futuro the redes WAN Corporativas -

When redes corporativas estão se Transformando não só por causa dos Avancos tecnológicos, mas de pela necessidade represents suporte a novos estilos de trabalho e, hoje mais do que nunca, de promover o cumprimento dos objetivos de negócio.

Neste sentido, escutamos muito sobre redes as definidas por Software (SDN, sua sigla em inglês na), mas uma the áreas onde as SDN realmente adicionam valor é a de Redes WAN corporativas.

é claro que não foi a WAN tradicional para concebida atender às demandas de largura de banda que empresas as atuais exigem, e por isso é necessário avançar para Outro esquema de Gerenciamento de speak. Neste contexto, semana passada apresentamos na Citrix Synergy na edição a NetScaler SD WAN Enterprise que uma oferece abordagem corn escalável, confiável e pronta para a nuvem.

A NetScaler SD WAN é uma solução Integral que combina a inteligência da tecnologia SD com o Gerenciamento de aplicativos ea otimização since talking WAN, garantindo a melhor experiência para os usuarios que se conectam a partir da sede principal e the filiais, mas também para o pessoal que trabalha de forma remota.

Por outro lado, a solução NetScaler SD WAN permite que empresas as otimizem a entrega de aplicativos através talking since. Também mede o desempenho dos WAN connections em tempo real e instantaneamente se adapta às deficiências que a rede possa apresentar. A solução é rentável, porque aumenta one confiabilidade dos serviços WAN e dos Links MPLS Estratégicos because Internet e da conexão móvel com custos 80% mais baixos.

Além disso, o NetScaler SD WAN com capacidade de virtualização é completamente diferente de tudo o que há no mercado, pois oferece resposta de redundancia mais rápida, capacidades de balanceamento de cargas de rota única, extensões intelligant para entrega de Mídia sem perdas em tempo real e segurança de ponta a ponta de nível corporativo.

Empresas de diferentes setores verticais como financeiro, e varejo industry já esta implementaram solução para avançar em direção à transformação digital. Para mais informações obter, visitem o nosso website aqui. Você também pode assistir a uma demonstração. Aguardamos os seus comentários e as suas consultas.

Out with the old ... and in with the new

3:23 PM Add Comment
Out with the old ... and in with the new -

XenServer 7 was published on May 24, last month. It is a phenomenal release, some major new product enhancements, the XenApp and XenDesktop help customers derive increased value from their Citrix investment.

Inevitably, though some older XenServer Versions are at the end of their coming supports life, and as I know that some customers even these product versions use remain, I would like to draw attention to the publications here.

The Matrix Citrix Product Lifecycle covers all data and from the XenServer Table I 'd want to draw your attention to XenServer Versions 6.0, 6.0.2 and 6.1, all of which are to go through end-of-life ( EOL) next September.

XenServer Edition Upgrades

XenServer 6.0 & 6.0.2 are already in Plant Maintenance (EOM), and I honestly hope XenServer admins already have updated to a newer version of this infrastructure, as it is currently it is not a technical support. For XenServer 6.1 infrastructures maintainability data already on the original intention extended is good, and while there are still a few months Support links, version 6.1 go at the end September 2016 EOM & EOL !

With the above product lifecycle dates in mind when using XenServer versions prior to 6.2, you should be aware at this time of license structure changes. These older versions per-host-based licenses used, the socket licenses per CPU changed in XenServer 6.2, matching the market trend of hypervisor and additional product licensing at the time.

with need to upgrade customers even per-host-based licensing these licenses through their Citrix their account portal. License upgrades are subject to active Software Assurance (SA) and exchanged on a 1: 2 basis (for each host license, you get two CPU socket licenses). As part of the license swap, you must agree to the older Pro-host licenses to withdraw, but customers can still use their host licenses during the XenServer resource pool upgrades, they once this process is complete abolition.

from a product edition perspective, all XenServer 6.1 licenses introduced (regardless of Edition) roll up in XenServer 6.2 and with active software maintenance (SWM Citrix XenServer 6.2 as an alternative SA and 24 × 7 technical support to separate) can then upgrade 6.5 / 7 Enterprise Edition XenServer. There is no license swap outs needed from XenServer 6.2 to 6.5 or 7, as the 6.2-licensing will be easily recognized by the license server as applicable for Enterprise Edition against any 6,5 or 7 infrastructure.

How XenServer editions rollup across newer product versions

This includes XenServer Licensing and key product lifecycle data that must be taken into account for some upgrades. What is the best process the host upgrades for the conclusion? Well, why not blog in its own right in the future. There are a few technical considerations to take into account, based on the provision, the criticality of workloads, and is an issue on which there are many opinions!

If your XenServer infrastructure is near the end of its support reached, reach for advice on how best to your local authorized Citrix partners to continue.

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Citrix X1 mouse つ い て

2:22 PM Add Comment
Citrix X1 mouse つ い て - に


今 回 ご 紹 介 す る お 問 い 合 わ せ は こ ち ら で す

. F:?. IPad 上 で マ ウ ス が 使 え る っ て ホ ン ト Citrix X1 mouse に つ い て 詳 し く 知 り た い の で す が

A:.は い, Apple iPad / iPhone で Citrix Receiver を 利用 さ れ て い る ユ ー ザ ー の 方 が ご 利用 い た だ け ま す

「Citrix X1 mouse」 は, 物理 マ ウ ス をiPad / iPhone Bluetooth の ペ ア リ ン グ に よ っ て Citrix Receiverで認識させ、iPad/iPhoneで利用している仮想デスクトップ、仮想アプリケーション用のポインティングデバイスとして機能させます。

Citrix Receiver経由で接続するXenApp/XenDesktopの仮想セッションの中で機能するように設計されているため、物理マウスを使い複雑なWindowsアプリケーションをiPad上で操作できるのです。

詳細 は 下 記 の URL FAQ を ご 覧 下 さ い.

Citrix X1 mouse に つ い て 特 に 寄 せら れ る 質問 に つ い て 抜 き 出 し ま し た.

ご 購入 の 際 は ご 注意 く だ さ い.

◆ Citrix X1 MouseはiPadおよびiPhone上のシトリックス以外のアプリケーションで動作しますか。

い い え .Citrix X1 mouse は, お よ び iPad iPhone 上 の Citrix Receiver、ShareConnectおよびGoToMyPCにマウス機能を提供します。Android、Mac、およびWindowsデバイス上では、標準的なBluetooth対応マウスとして機能します。X1 Mouseは、シトリックス以外のiPadおよびiPhoneアプリケーションにはマウス機能を提供しません。

◆ Citrix X1 mouse は Apple が サ ポ ー ト す る ソ リ ュ ー シ ョ ン で す か.

Appleでは、iOSに対するネイティブマウスサポートを提供していません。Citrix X1 mouse は, iOS と 通信 す る の で は な く, Citrix Receiver と 直接 通信 し ま す .Citrix X1 mouse と は Citrix Receiver Apple が 公式 に サ ポ ー ト す る API を 使用 し て, X1 mouse とCitrix Receiverの間のBluetooth通信(BLE)を確立します。マウスの機能は、XenAppとXenDesktopのホステッドアプリケーションおよびデスクトップ、Citrix ShareConnect、GoToMyPCモバイルアプリケーションでのみ利用でき、その他のiOSアプリケーションでは動作しません。X1 Mouse は iOS 以外 の デ バ イ ス で も 使用 で き, そ の 場合 は 標準 的 な Bluetooth 4.0 マ ウ ス と 同 様 に 動作 し ま す.

◆ Citrix X1 mouse 納 期 に つ い て


◆ X1 Mouseの問題のトラブルシューティングの診断方法を教えてください。

1.iOS 5.9.5 版 Citrix Receiver以降をインストールしてください。アプリケーションストアで「Citrix Receiver 」を 検 索 す る と 見 つ け る こ と が で き ま す.

2.iPhoneまたはiPadからBluetoothを有効にします。下部の「オン」スイッチで「X1 Mouse 」を 有効 に し ま す.

3.Receiver を 起動 し, 右上 の receiver メ ニ ュ ー の 設定 オ プ シ ョ ン か ら X1 mouse を 有効 に し ま す.

4. マ ウ ス の 下部 の 「接 続」 ボ タ ン を 押 し ま す.


6.ペアリングが終了すると、マウスカーソルが表示されます。マウスクリックは、XenAppまたはXenDesktopセッション内と、Citrix GoToMyPC, Citrix ShareConnect の 各 セ ッ シ ョ ン で の み 機能 す る こ と に ご 注意 く だ さ い.



B 「設定」 - ..> 「Bluetooth」 に 移動 し て Citrix X1 mouse を 見 つ け 「i」 を 押 し 「デ バ イ ス を 削除」 (Forget This Device) を 押 し ま す


D.Citrix X1 Mouseが、別のBluetooth対応デバイスではなく、意図したiPadまたはiPhoneに接続されていることを確認します。


Citrix X1 Mouseで引き続き問題が発生する場合は、交換用マウスのリクエストをこちらから送信できます。



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Six calls for fast-track Citrix Service Provider business

1:21 PM 1 Comment
Six calls for fast-track Citrix Service Provider business -

There are so many skills and qualities that keep our growing number of Citrix Service Provider unique and individual, but when it comes to the construction is successful, models business is thriving, there are three common characteristics that stand out:

  • you have the wheel not reinvent to model its business on proven tools and strategies to ensure the , most success
  • you think, as the C-Suite. you approach the customers of a business optimization asking view: "How can we make your business better?"
  • they use Citrix resources and insight. they use the tools, resources and know-how from the special pages in SalesIQ because it at their disposal as with
[1945001eineganzeMarketing-AbteilungistNein] wonder that our discussions and research tells us that the partners are eager to access more sales and marketing resources that can help them bring more to market faster and more efficiently for faster time to revenue.

Well, Citrix Service Providers -. You are asked, we delivered

to spark market-led talks new business opportunities

We are pleased to introduce a new set of sales and marketing calls designed to build and expand to help your business, hosted by Citrix and Microsoft services.

This purpose-built talks address six main applications and general scenarios help that grow to meet align with the current requirements in the market and easily by the service provider business:

1 - calls to build and your core Citrix hosting business deepen

  • hosted desktops and applications
  • Citrix on Microsoft Azure Hosted Services
  • Windows 10 migration to the cloud with Citrix

2 - calls to grow, expand and differentiate your hosting business:

  • Skype for business on Citrix
  • Office 365 on Citrix
  • Hosted Microsoft SQL Server and Citrix Solutions

stock, this ready-to-go kits help you to go to market faster, you can arm yourself with the resources you need to reignite effective discussions that attract more customers. Each kit comes with presentations and reference materials packed you need to understand the opportunity and solution and marketing campaigns with ease create through the use of pre-made, customizable email and landing page templates and a range of banners continue to drive awareness.

Where to now?


Ready to take your business with high-quality, high-margin differentiate hosted services? Access and download the materials that you need today. Me


It is easy to stay up to date and connected to all things Citrix Service Provider. Here's how:
Join our LinkedIn group | Follow us @CitrixCSP | Subscribe to our Blog


We choose to go to the moon!

12:20 PM Add Comment
We choose to go to the moon! -

We choose to go to the moon ... and do so 500 Citrix XenApp users in a 1U platform!

moonman set Fifty-five years ago John F. Kennedy one of the greatest technological challenges was ever known to mankind. to land a man on the moon and return him safely During his speech at 1961 Rice University, he said "We choose to go to the moon ... to do things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. "

The guiding principle is that the HPE Moonshot and Citrix engineering teams have followed since the first day.

challenge the status quo, such as which have blade servers to conventional servers, has led to great solution engineering of the HPE Moonshot team. Since the first release of the platform I've been fortunate to be involved with some of the best technical minds at HPE while designing the Citrix software stack for each or our solution releases. From the first XenDesktop bare metal graphics solution to the latest XenApp with Intel Iris Pro bare metal graphics Moonshot, the engineering relationship between Citrix and the Moonshot teams have amazing.

Similar spacecraft NASA Project Orion, the people in the space has a purpose to go further than they have ever been, so does the latest HPE Moonshot system also have a purpose Hyper Compute standard for Citrix XenApp continues to make than ever before available. Lets take a look in the next HPE Moonshot platform take.

The newly reinvented HPE Moonshot 2.0 Edgeline solution is something that Hyper-Compute with Citrix Xen family combines the highest scaling solution in [1945008zuliefern] only a 1U unit . It is the only solution on the market that really an IT Architect enables platform craft with a Citrix Mobile Workspace solution design that can be scaled for a variety of users and applications, whether its bare metal or completely virtual - and it can provide whatever, whenever.

on-demand graphics are natively there with the HPE Moonshot m710x and if you do not have your applications for GPU in need then the new M510 returns the set of XenApp users in only 7 inch this side of the solar system ! With these two new cartridges, the possibilities are impressive.


The EL4000 is the smallest and simplest Moonshot platform that gives you with the smallest amount to experience all the benefits of Moonshot of data center space in 1U. The EL4000 supports 4 Moonshot cartridges and a mixture of either the ProLiant M510 or the ProLiant m710x. is management of the machine available the new iLO 4 Web Console as providing any Xen platform is easy. The chart below outlines the networking and supported cartridges.


can look at a couple of design decisions with this new solution.

Draft 1) XenApp All topless graphics

Since the new M510 was LoginVSI validated over 150 XenApp 7.8 sessions per cartridge support, a simple design -Choice might be all bare metal to do with PVS. This Hyper Compute Design for Citrix XenApp delivers the most amount of XenApp session per single cartridge with up to four M510 cartridges that can deliver on 500 XenApp sessions in 1U . This design often not GPU-based applications are best served, since the M510 have not embedded graphics card.


Design 2) XenApp All can top with graphics

in this case, there is a scenario to be where the applications relying on a GPU available as Microsoft Office 2016 applications such as WebGL BioDigital man and CAD application like Revit 2017 will be hosted in XenApp. Since the m710x with Intel Iris Pro graphics P580 comes embedded the activation of a GPU is not required on the m710x for running bare-metal XenApp simple and additional configuration.


Design 3) Branch Office Mobile Workspace

Perhaps you have a BU that requires the need for their own XenApp, XenDesktop , and the infrastructure in a single platform focused. to host In this case, a smaller version of Citrix and HPE Moonshot Mobile Workspace with the EL4000 with m710x with Citrix XenServer implementation of infrastructure VMs and the M510 to the XenApp workloads can run make sense. In this design we would use two m710x as our hosts with Citrix XenServer in a pool of HA and our infrastructure of virtual machines that control is carried out, PVS, storefront and NetScaler VPX and so on. The m710x has use the most amount of local memory NVME virtual storage devices such decisions as Windows Server Storage Spaces, Atlantis, and others are possible. Both M510 cartridges run as bare-metal Windows XenApp servers. Of course, this can also XenServer running on the M510 and XenApp running on the mirrored m710x.


Design 4) All Up Citrix Solution Stack

For all the Citrix Solution Stack, we can send a mixed workload of virtual XenApp virtual machines, virtual XenDesktop host and the necessary infrastructure VMs all on Citrix XenServer. The Flex Cast-in-a-box or Xen Selva Gardena, like our Citrix calls CTO Christian Reilly, provides a variety of Citrix workspaces as Windows 10 virtual desktops with access to applications on Citrix XenApp hosted all managed within the same infrastructure, exists in the same Chassis.


Additional functionality and flexibility available when two or more stacks together EL4000 housing. HPE has a number of network options, cost-effective and seemless scalability to meet the demands of your growing business.


In summary, the new HPE EL4000 Moonshot Solution with Citrix XenApp, XenDesktop and XenServer can host a variety of use cases and applications, whether they depend graphics or not-and all in a one unit (1U) footprint server rack are. Of course there are many other variations, which be designed more in this solution for intensive users like financial traders with XenDesktop and much. HPE really feel a great job aimed at making this new Moonshot solution, as they have reached the moon and come back!

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XenDesktop XenServer + + Citrix Lifecycle Management: Better Together

11:19 AM Add Comment
XenDesktop XenServer + + Citrix Lifecycle Management: Better Together -

With the release of XenServer 7, we provide our best virtualization platform yet done. Only includes XenServer support for Intel's virtual graphics (GVT-g), as well as support for Linux graphical desktops with NVIDIA GRID vgpu and market-leading NVIDIA scalability provide an excellent user experience. It maximizes VM density and performance while reducing the infrastructure cost of storage through in-memory read cache and IntelliCache absolutely the best virtualization platform XenApp or XenDesktop workloads make XenServer run.

But wait! It gets even better. Citrix Lifecycle Management deployment and management of XenDesktop on XenServer delivers a truly better together experience.

Lifecycle Management simplifies the deployment and management of XenDesktop on XenServer environment. It's easy to quickly XenDesktop proof of concept on XenServer.

Subscribe to begin your Citrix cloud credentials and deploy.

If you do not have a Citrix Cloud account, you can easily create and request a free trial for lifecycle management.


Add Citrix XenServer as a resource site for Citrix Lifecycle Management.

a resource location is a hypervisor or a cloud that has set of resources where you deploy your Citrix Lifecycle Management Plans. The native integration of lifecycle management with XenServer allows to lifecycle management your XenServer environment for the provision of access and the equipment necessary to configure.


XenDesktop Proof of Concept Blueprint in your library.


Ask select the XenApp and XenDesktop Proof of Concept draft Deploy Wizard and your XenServer environment as target resource location.


Once the deployment has begun, you can follow the progress of the deployment by the administration side.

may take to finish 60-0 minutes for use.


Once the design has been provided, you can also monitor the health of your XenDesktop environment, warnings automatically create corrective actions based on application-specific metrics and also those XenMobile and NetScaler plans redundancy, automatic scaling, and disaster recovery.

to improve Citrix Lifecycle Management availability and performance also includes XenDesktop production design and some other plans that you can use to implement these environments on your XenServer host or cluster.

together ~~ POS = TRUNC Citrix Lifecycle Management with XenServer and XenDesktop provide a truly better together experience. You can start today by requesting a free trial to You can also use all the exciting new developments and improvements done in the lifecycle management world by @LifecycleManage

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Segurança além do antivirus

9:17 PM Add Comment
Segurança além do antivirus -

Nunca foi difícil tão defender a empresa de falhas de segurança. Chegamos a esta Conclusão ao debater com responsáveis ​​pela área de TI de toda a América Latina e a razão é simples: a Infraestrutura tecnológica cresceu e muito evoluiu rapidamente. Portanto, hoje há mais muitos aspectos a considerar, principal no que diz respeito a aplicativos e à speech.

O mundo dos apps é composto por muito mais que aplicativos web. De fato, vemos a incorporação cada vez mais de acelerada SaaS (Software como um Serviço) e de soluções em nuvem. Em relação à speech, Contemplando apenas a quantidade de dispositivos conectados e os Desafios mobilidade there seu uso e suas exigências atuais superam os do passado

Alguns dos riscos de segurança a que empresas as estão expostas são .:

  • Ataques DoS: nos últimos anos ressurgiu este tipo de ataque. Graças à ampla disponibilidade de ferramentas baratas e botnets (grupo de computadores controlados por um único recurso) para a geração e execução de negação de serviço (DoS), agora Todas as Empresas, Sem importar seu tamanho ou setor, estão em risco;
  • Ataques web no nível de aplicativo: os Ataques a componentes e tecnologias web como, por exemplo, Protocolo HTTP, Java ou Servidores Web, aplicativos populares e aplicativos web personalizados de uma Organização estão ocorrendo com mais Frequencia. Alguns exemplos de ameaças são os Ataques XSS (Falsas solicitações do cross-site scripting), a injeção de SQL e os Ataques de transbordamento since memória
  • Ameaças à capacidade de uso . As soluções de segurança podem se transformar ao mesmo tempo em uma ameaça, afetarem se a experiência do USUARIO. O mau rendimento result the rotinas de inspeção de Informática, sobrecarregamento de SSL, processos complexos de inicio de sessão e capacidades inconsistentes de acesso podem levar os usuarios a procurarem soluções informais e inseguras. Dessa forma, a empresa pode enfrentar a necessidade de adquirir corn equipamento, ou Hardware com uma capacidade maior da que estava prevista anteriormente, sem que isto seja necessário.

Diante dessa perspectiva, contar com to ADC (Application Delivery Controller) é fundamental para os recursos proteger Digitais empresa since. Por isso, quero convidá-los a conhecer mais sobre NetScaler. Graças a esta tecnologia, é possivel garantir a segurança e manter a alta disponibilidade, a agilidade e a experiência de uso. Além disso, a possibilidade de contratar o NetScaler por do Meio modelo de licenciamento " pay per use " permite aumentar ou diminuir sua capacidade de acordo com as necessidades singulares de cada negócio e orçamento empresa doing. Clara Mente a segurança já não se limita apenas a usar to antivirus ou proteger alguns aplicativos web. Ela Requer abrangente to enfoque muito mais.

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Bring Down the Walls (and Grow Your People)

10:18 AM Add Comment
Bring Down the Walls (and Grow Your People) -

When companies decide it's time to redesign a job to start the initiative, the result is they are trying to reach a generally from three things: cost savings, cooperation profits or productivity. It is rare that the word "mentoring" comes.

Yet, a funny thing happened on the way to achieve these three "typical" benefits in our own workplace redesign. We have an intelligent, mature workforce, also. And it does not cost a penny extra

If Citrix designed our new workspace, the walls came down -. Literally. Not a single leader had an office with a door that closed. Senior Manager, infiltrated directors and VPs the frontline of our IT organization and they brought their conversations with them. And in a single day, we won the best mentorship program that we never knew we needed.

I venture would guess that you and I have had all the mentors at least once. And this is usually how this relationship works:

  • choose to take a day and time with your mentor, you usually meet in their office or on a. 1: 1 GoToMeeting and the door close
  • you warm up some challenge or decision (all in your view, by the way).
  • get some sage advice or a story from your mentor experience.
  • Perhaps you may not apply it.

Do not get me wrong, there is nothing broken with this experience. It's a wonderful investment of time by a senior manager or a peer. But what if you added that a mentoring experience that no investment is needed? It simply exists in the day to day, even leaders coming from behind the door.

I did not realize how powerful this work experience was and how lucky I am to live Citrix until I was sitting next to a manager in my department in a cube range to the bottom wall.

He worked with his own coach on the phone ... right there in an open workspace. He was very open and he was sharing insights through several challenges, the week has been gleaned. Suddenly he was so real! And were his insights so for me (well, maybe in a few years career). Not long after, another leader was on a GoToMeeting in an open work area, working on a project related problem. You really asked great questions and role modeling curiosity before directly to solution.

One of the most powerful events for me was the personal. I was on a GoToMeeting with a team member a 1 procedure: 1. I did not expect to any challenge to get calls, but you did. I had to sit a privacy room available where I could choose, if I expected to take a moment of friction, but I had not seen this coming.

After hanging up, a colleague who had been sitting next to me caught my eye. "You want to talk?" She asked. What followed was to help think one of the on-site mentoring session, me with the employee about the next steps. I was a better leader at the end, and so was the decision, the staff and I came to.

The challenges in the development of talents are real. According to, 3.6 million baby boomers are entitled to this year and 25% of Millennials into retirement will become managers. If talent to develop quickly ... ... is not on your mind, it should be. And luckily you do not need to hire someone to start your mentoring program. Just bring the walls, and bring leadership into the open.

You will be surprised how quickly people will grow.

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Transform app delivery with Citrix solutions and Cisco

8:16 PM Add Comment
Transform app delivery with Citrix solutions and Cisco -

We have just returned from Cisco Live! Las Vegas, where we will present technological solutions, powered by Citrix and Cisco, which allow our customers digital business transformation. When it comes with an estimated attendance of 28,000, Cisco Live to learning about technology for the data center! Raj Gulani, Senior Director of Product Management, Data Networks, Citrix and Calvin Hsu, vice president of product marketing, workspace services was the place to be!

show live from the ground, Steve Coulter Cisco interviewed, Citrix. They talked about the safe use and data delivery solutions based on Citrix NetScaler, XenDesktop and XenApp with Cisco ACI, Cisco UCS and Cisco Hyperflex.

Interview Cisco Live with Raj Gulani for Citrix NetScaler and Calvin Hsu for Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp

As Steve says, the mission of Citrix is ​​a world where people with energy, organizations and things are properly connected and accessible, complete the make exceptional possible These solutions are customer oriented. The technology enables the company's transformation. They are software first, which allows us quickly to innovation and they are programmable, so that customers can customize them to work in any environment or location.

Two major solutions presented at the Cisco Live, XenDesktop and XenApp on Hyper and NetScaler with ACI

, the value of our solution, Citrix XenApp on the Cisco Hyper platform, we help drive customers towards simplicity with a modular solution, ready to go and easy to implement. It can only be scaled using the resources in an automated fashion, the customers need to run their XenApp applications in a predictable way without over provisioning.

From a networking perspective, we showed NetScaler CPX, which is for use in containerized environments and NetScaler management and analytics system (NetScaler MAS), which for the configuration, orchestrating and monitoring NetScaler on all platforms and environments provides a single point available. Citrix continues with Cisco ACI for Innovation -. We integrate with Cisco CliQr to offer application workflow orchestration for traditional workloads and containers workloads private public and hybrid cloud

Citrix as key partners provided in the Cisco Digital Network Architecture for our integration with Cisco APIC - EM

in "the future of the network, it is here," David Goeckeler, SVP and GM, Networking and Security Business Group, called Cisco out Citrix as a key partner in the Cisco Digital Enterprise Network Architecture (DNA) for our integration with the Cisco APIC - EM. His lecture featured a video endorsement of Raj Gulani, Senior Director of Product Management, Citrix Delivery Networks in which to speak with our integrated solution offers the advantages of DNA for our joint customers.


The Cisco Digital Network Architecture is an open, extensible, and software-based architecture that allows new digital applications for the Digital Enterprise - on your staff, customer experience and operations. It enables simplification of network operations through automation and orchestration. And it allows the safety of the company to the network as a security control point for both sensor and enforcement. Software innovations within Cisco DNA include automation, analytics, virtualization and cloud services.

IMG_4359-crowd (1280x960)

Everyone likes a good presentation and a raffle.

to enable more about Cisco and Citrix

Together Cisco and Citrix unbeatable application and desktop virtualization, networking and mobility solutions Digital Business Transformation. We offer automated tools that help you build, manage and accelerate your employees. We provide integrated, scalable and secure solutions, the applications, desktops and data as on-demand services to users anywhere, anytime and deliver on any device, over any network.

For more information on the Citrix NetScaler and Cisco ACI solution, visit

for more information about the Cisco Hyper Citrix solution, visit

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Get ready for the Citrix Ready Spotlight Video Contest 2016!

7:14 PM Add Comment
Get ready for the Citrix Ready Spotlight Video Contest 2016! -

CR Spotlight Video Contest Marketplace Banner_320x163 Op2

companies now believe firmly in the influential power of visual content and do for adoption quickly create video their stories.

According to Cisco, 2017 Video for 69% of all consumers will account for Internet traffic. Video-on-demand traffic alone have almost tripled. We can safely say that videos are a valuable and immensely popular form of communication and engagement with the public, and customers' purchasing decisions also influence greatly can.

Here is a great opportunity for you to be creative and flaunt your Citrix Ready verified products and their unique characteristics. Citrix Ready has launched its annual Spotlight Video Contest 2016 and i'ts open to all Citrix Ready partners in life. More information about the Citrix Ready Spotlight Video Contest 2016 landing page.

Think spread to the Citrix Ready Spotlight video contest as a cool and fun way, the word about your Citrix Ready offers and engage at the same time and win customers.

How to participate

choose a topic

this year's Video topics include industrial / use case and features. The video must today emphasize "or solutions" different functions and how they are integrated with Citrix products. In the industrial / use case subject that video should focus on how your product / solution for some sectors of the industry is beneficial and provides resolution for some specific applications.

to upload the videos

to fill out the online form; You can read the detailed competition terms and conditions here.

The last day to be competition July 31, 2016

Who will win?

[1945001EineJury] designated Citrix Ready is the video messages, check to remember the finalists videos. The selection is based on the following criteria -. Video content, quality, innovation and relevance of the information provided in the video available

In addition, all participants stand to benefit a chance of Citrix Ready promotional activities on social media channels. The selected finalists videos will be hosted on an exclusive page for popular vote and will be extensively promoted by Citrix Ready. The videos that the maximum votes Garner will be announced as winners.

All finalists and winners are considered great prizes to be won in the range of Citrix Ready Content marketing campaigns to demand exclusive channel between. The finalists win Citrix Ready brand infographics and podcasts. The winners will earn an exclusive demand gen campaign.

wondering what it takes to win?

to our last year finalists for inspiration check-out, but make sure that you do not recycle their ideas!

So what are you waiting for? Hurry up now and send your videos here.

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If HTTPoxy Threatens ... NetScaler protects!

6:13 PM Add Comment
If HTTPoxy Threatens ... NetScaler protects! -

Has heartbleed a bell? Not man heartbleed; but the pun version of it given as the name of an error, the exploited, the TLS / SSL heart beat function bleed of data from a server vulnerable. If you can not bring back from heartbleed, poodle logjam or dystopian Shellshock hear memories. These are all natural vulnerabilities - bugs with impressive names

Introduction HTTPoxy

Welcome to the list of bugs with impressive names, or rather a welcome return after 15 years - HTTPoxy. the vulnerability HTTPoxy 15 years in 01 before discovered HTTPoxy settings was renamed Although revolves around HTTP requests and malicious proxy. Intended to sound like a disease, the logo of this vulnerability completes the picture.

HTTPoxy has its own website and Twitter feed responsible disclosure of error to ensure (although the branding may well be an attempt to catch always wait a fashion statement!)

understanding HTTPoxy

HTTPoxy is a number of weaknesses, the application code runs in CGI or CGI-like environments influence. The server-side Web applications are the main concerns with HTTPoxy

to quote the official CGI documentation -. The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a simple interface for running external programs, software or gateways under an information server in a platform independent manner. Currently, the supported information servers are HTTP servers. The interface was to put it on the World Wide Web (WWW) in use since 1993

in simpler terms, this means that when you use features such as a search engine or support forum on a web server, so these functions need not be written in the web server itself. Using CGI, the Web server requests can be sent to other programs to generate Web content. The results of these programs is then used to create the actual web pages.

Web requests include a number of HTTP headers. These HTTP headers allow to pass information in the form of request and response between a client and a server. If the server can pass the header to another process that will handle the CGI work, it makes life even easier.

HTTPoxy the Code requires under a CGI-like context are executed that recognizes HTTP_PROXY and an HTTP client that trusts this HTTP_PROXY. The HTTP client that HTTP_PROXY variable use as a Web proxy to perform an HTTP request. This is where HTTPoxy vulnerability a namespace conflict than on their website just revealed -

  • RFC 3875 (CGI) specifies the HTTP proxy header from a request in the environment variable as HTTP_PROXY
  • HTTP_PROXY is 1945001 to configure an outgoing proxy
[] HTTPoxy impact a number of server software, including PHP, Go, Apache HTTP Server, Apache Tomcat, PHP engine HHVM and Python, used is a popular environment variable. The HTTPoxy vulnerability does not allow for remote code execution, but it makes Web services open to man-in-the-middle attack.

Can NetScaler act as vaccination against HTTPoxy disease?

In a word, yes!

First HTTPoxy itself does not affect NetScaler! protect

Secondly NetScaler several functions both and block against HTTPoxy has attacks.

Here is how you can protect against this vulnerability NetScaler with:

  1. drop requests with Proxy header

with to allow responder function in NetScaler requests fall with a simple policy, as shown below:

responder policy httpoxy

"HTTP.REQ Add. header (" proxy "). CONTAINS (" HTTP_PROXY ")" dROP

2. drop proxy header

the Rewrite feature to fall into NetScaler proxy header in a request, as shown below:

Add Rewrite action httpoxy_act delete_http_header proxy

Rewrite policy httpoxPol

"HTTP.REQ.HEADER (" proxy "). CONTAINS ( "add HTTP_PROXY ") "httpoxy_act

3.Block requests with Proxy header

NetScaler AppFirewall, the proxy-based header block with signatures, as shown below:


Protect provides each HTTPoxy NetScaler

NetScaler with its powerful tools effective means to block an attack from the HTTPoxy vulnerability and fall. use the above methods to test your applications.

in addition to the above methods, you can also use NetScaler to switch from HTTP to HTTPS whole environment, ensuring the safety in several different vulnerabilities . Stay safe with complete protection against vulnerabilities with NetScaler.

blog context courtesy of Lena Yarovaya, Director of Technical marketing at Citrix

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Citrix sweetens the deal for a premium service

5:12 PM 1 Comment
Citrix sweetens the deal for a premium service -

From August Citrix Service Provider can from the start of service CloudPortal Services Manager (CPSM) hosted applications and desktops benefit in the premium XenApp and XenDesktop offer at no extra cost. to provide partners with Cloud Portal Services Manager already multi-tenant app and desktop services, a 15% reduction is obtained in the monthly subscription cost of their Citrix solution!

new value and cost savings for service providers

the inclusion of CPSM hosted applications and desktops service new solution value, functionality and significant cost savings to Citrix Service Provider brings:

  • license cost savings: Delivering XenApp and XenDesktop Premium cloud portal Services Manager hosted applications and desktops service no longer requires an additional CPSM license costs - included in the new premium offering is
  • Technical cost savings: service on the cost of infrastructure for efficient and scalable multi-tenant architecture save with
  • value New solution .: multi-tenant architecture and provisioning platform a for providing broad portfolio of free services like Share File, Office 365, Exchange and Skype.

Simplified reference architecture and technology stack

The premium package update is in line with an updated Citrix Service Provider product strategy goal in the provision and management of multi-tenant Citrix Service Provider simplifying architecture.


are using

provided for this purpose features and cases of app orchestration in the Hosted directly folded Apps and Desktops service, simplifying the solution architecture for service providers. Find out more about the July issue of the hosted applications and desktops Service 11.5.6, the support cases supplied for use, the app once orchestration required -. As multi-site support and offers discovery

When CPSM grows in functionality, app orchestration will expire and not XenApp and XenDesktop support versions over 7.6. Service app orchestration 2.6 will use to continue, 2017 supported by 31 December, and have access to product updates, ease migration and support the downward ~~ POS = TRUNC with App orchestration managed services.

renewed focus on CloudPortal Services Manager

for the future has Citrix renewed focus on CloudPortal Services Manager as the primary control panel and automation platform for Citrix Service Providers. Momentum has been building for the CPSM solution this year to provide service updates for Office 365, Share File, Skype for Business, Dynamics CRM and hosted applications and desktops. We look forward to the power and benefits of CPSM (no extra cost) for all Citrix Partner deliver XenApp and XenDesktop Premium.


Check out these additional materials to learn more about what CPSM do for the hosted services business.

  • Visit the Cloud Portal Services Manager product page
  • hosted applications and Destkops Service 11.5.6 Blog

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Change Citrix Partner Feedback Drives

4:11 PM Add Comment
Change Citrix Partner Feedback Drives -

If Citrix Summit 2016, our partners one thing made quite clear: with Citrix, Everything is Awesome

Ever notice how wonder we are selling this type #CitrixPartnerLove ? It's easy. We have to ask not afraid, -. And hear

My father told me that the answer is always "No" until you ask. Now, we ask . Your input is driving improvements to the way we support our partners. There is, as we ". Yes," the business of

ask enable even if you make your opinion a difference?

Especially with our Citrix Partner Incentives. What Citrix Advisor Rewards, Opportunity Registration for networking, specialist incentives and Net New Partner Sourced all have in common? They are the results of inspiration and spirited feedback from you!

More than 0% of all Citrix business flowing through the channel. The truth is rock our partners! And that's why do over and over again, only we do not ask we really listen for feedback .

As a leading supplier in the market, we want to find out exactly what our ecosystem wants and needs from us , so we can provide our mutual success and the annual Partners Loyalty continue Survey is an important part of the conversation. Which is why we are all the stops this year pull safely assume all our Citrix solution to make Advisors.

In fact, we are on your feedback so passionately that all respondents are automatically entered into a drawing for a chance to win $ 100 gift card. There is at least one winner for each day to be the poll is open, so the odds are in your favor!

Don 't miss, look for an email in your inbox from "" on August 15, 2016! And do not worry if you miss the first e-mail - we will plan at least twice to remind

Stay connected! Follow the Citrix Partner Network on LinkedIn Facebook and @CitrixPartners on Twitter | Join the #CitrixPartnerLove conversation

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Start managing mobile apps in less than 2 hours!

3:10 PM Add Comment
Start managing mobile apps in less than 2 hours! -

You probably by now that in contrast found to PCs that have an average life of 3 years or more, mobile devices have a much shorter shelf life. On average, mobile devices have a 12-month lifespan before users want to upgrade to the latest and greatest new gadget. So, to find a way to quickly deploy and manage mobile applications and devices is crucial in order to stay ahead of user demand.

Fortunately, in the last few years, advances in Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) a long way in terms of the ease of implementation -. Shipped particular enterprise mobility management as a cloud service

provide faster

Depending on the environment, is XenMobile Cloud determining the position and deploy mobile devices and applications in less than 2 hours. And you will not only get speed, you will get peace. With XenMobile cloud, you feel less anxious to know about your mobility program that you have a solution that you can stay ahead of demand.

Lower costs

Like other IT related cloud services, cloud XenMobile your mobility infrastructure costs keeps low. In fact, with XenMobile cloud, there is little to no required infrastructure. Plus, the Citrix Cloud Ops team or a hosted Citrix Solution Provider accepts the hard work of configuring and maintaining the infrastructure, so you can focus on your users - managing their devices, policies, and Apps. XenMobile Cloud subscription fee also replaces the need to purchase and manage licenses.

Keep your security team happy

With XenMobile cloud, there is no mixing of your data with other clients. And provides XenMobile cloud the same end-to-end security, the on-prem offers XenMobile. Read more here.

Why XenMobile cloud

While offering most other EMM provider also a cloud version, only Citrix offers the same EMM in two XenMobile cloud and XenMobile functions - prem in all three editions of XenMobile: XenMobile MDM, XenMobile Advanced and XenMobile companies. Why is that important? It means you will not have to sacrifice the safety and productivity, simply have the benefits of an EMM cloud service to use.

This is just one of the many ways XenMobile beating the competition. If you want to attend VMworld, stop by booth # 527, what you just learned and take home your own mini-me.

this month Stay tuned more things to find out XenMobile makes better.

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Be the "Top Dog"! Custom marketing for Citrix Service Provider @Summit

2:09 PM Add Comment
Be the "Top Dog"! Custom marketing for Citrix Service Provider @Summit -

I recently took three Pragmatic Marketing certification courses. In Foundations course, the teacher asked us to shout a definition of marketing. The most common answer was: "The four Ps of marketing," the "product, price, place and promotion."

If you are a Citrix Service Provider, you may be familiar with this very basic definition of marketing, but realistically, you have to help put a real marketing plan in place. And that's OK!

successfully market to your hosted services offerings, you need a plan.

2016 is the year to grow your hosting business, and on the Citrix Summit 2016 I am excited to help move a collection of marketing tips and tricks, and start on a real execute marketing plan.

Participants of SUM180 the Citrix Service Provider track get first access to a normative sample three-month marketing plan - built specifically for Citrix Service Provider. SUM180 the elements of this plan will break

A solid foundation

The basis of a great marketing plan is based on two important elements .. 1) Knowing who your buyer (or buyers) 2 ) Create clear messaging for the buyer. Add SUM180 learn how to identify where the market dynamics for hosted premiums is and how to create clear messaging targeted that can be applied in your company to attract new buyers and expand opportunity with existing customers.

integration savvy marketing tactics in your plan.

Once you have defined your buyer (s) and create clear messaging, you need to start thinking about how to raise the word of your sales pipeline. Whether it's a customer presentation deck for your sales team, an email marketing campaign, videos, blog posts, social media or a live event - you have already set up your messaging, so you just have to figure out how it to make it come to life. Add SUM180, I will. Through proven marketing tactics like the ones I listed just go and show you concrete examples of Citrix Service Provider colleagues who are already finding success

Turnkey marketing resources for Citrix Service Provider

Think not have the time to write and create all this content and marketing activities from scratch? As we talk through each marketing tactic, we will advise you of Citrix Service Provider Marketing and Sales Enablement resources turnkey. From desktop-as-a-Service Messaging Source Doc, to an e-mail care series and much more are these resources, making it easier for you to execute your marketing plan.

win a session free marketing consultation with the team Citrix Service Provider!

I am thrilled to say that this meeting participants have the chance to give the members of the Citrix Service Provider team to win a day off marketing consultancy. The winner will be drawn on completion of the Citrix Summit.

If you are interested in growing your marketing know-how to take, please session in the new Citrix Summit attend marketing track.

I look forward to you! Register for Citrix Summit 2016 today

Stay connected -. Follow Citrix Partner Network on LinkedIn Facebook and @CitrixPartners Twitter | Join the #CitrixSummit conversation

6 of the top reasons for Citrix Summit 2016

1:08 PM Add Comment
6 of the top reasons for Citrix Summit 2016 - participate

Citrix Summit is designed to be filled with the value from the get-go. As we went deeper into our Summit travel, we are constantly looking for the peak experience for partners to improve the custom fit to your needs.

we want to be the best business partner for you. We asked what you really want, and you told us.

Here are the Top 6 things you can not miss at Summit , because we give you prepare a whole new way to do business with us

  1. solutions sandbox demo -. They asked more room to play with our technology and we hear you! Now you can see demos in the Expo Hall, then go and hands-on in the demo sandbox. Designed as a self-directed environment, the demo sandbox will be staffed with engineers and demo mentors willing to help as you experience for yourself how full build and customize client installations. You will leave with the exposure that you have to win positioned ensures
  1. Geek Speak @ Summit Theater -. Our Citrix Technical Professionals (CTP) are a group of 50 of the most outspoken, honest and caring technical experts in the Citrix customers and partner ecosystem, as CTPs excellent, their efforts in the back to the Citrix community with the aim of improving technical expertise of the other to see. New this year, we have CTPs present content that you can not find anywhere else. CTP presentations found in the Citrix booth in quick 20 minutes informal chunks, giving the participants and presenters time to add a bit to talk
  1. keynote -. Our management team will share their vision and exciting forward-looking strategy for the channel transformation, making the way you do business with Citrix will redefine. They are for the year 2016 detailed direction on the priorities of sales you get your game plan to help increase and to take lucrative opportunities for the very near future and long-term strategies, as customers seek solutions to tarnish.
  • Bob Calderoni, interim CEO and President
  • Carlos Sartorius, Senior VP ,: They are three leadership keynote speaker listen to Worldwide sales and Services
  • Kimberly Martin, vice president, partner strategy and sales
  1. Networking - One of the things you love most about Summit? Hands-down, the networking opportunities. This year, we have built in more opportunities for you to share some time with your Citrix colleagues. You are not welcome reception or the always-exciting Partner Appreciation Party (Details coming soon!) To miss and this year we will have more unique opportunities to network. As this year's Summit is a global event, we present Territory time, where you can connect with people from their own region. We also have a women in tech cocktail reception, both men and women who are invited and encouraged to attend!
  1. Sessions - This year we bring an even stronger focus on our core products, XenApp, XenDesktop, NetScaler, XenMobile and as well on Citrix Workspace Suite and Citrix Workspace cloud. We do deep dives product and shows you in simple, clear manner how to best position and to sell and how to compete. Because we are laser focused on core products, go to you with a more focused plan away as you go deals and money in 2016.
  1. More time make - They told us that the content that we have at Summit too fat for just two days. We heard you loud and clear! Summit has now begin Learning Labs (Instructor-Led and self-study), which a day earlier (on January 10), so you can concentrate on learning what you need to and then bring full concentration to the summit meeting and breakout Sessions. We have also extended the event into a third day, so you have more time in breakout sessions to drill-down, build your strategy in line with our and network with your Citrix counterparts.

bonus for beginners

Yet another special element only for first-time Summit Basecamp - the Summit trip for the first time participants to improve. There is a cocktail reception for first timers who decide on Sunday evening in the Summit Basecamp program, you can give a chance to network before the conference and optimize spent at the top of your time.

So much for you Summit in the memory - if you have not already connected register now

remain - follow the Citrix partner network on LinkedIn Facebook and @CitrixPartners on Twitter | Join the #CitrixSummit conversation

Migration to Cloud Portal Services Manager to Grow Your Business DaaS

12:07 PM Add Comment
Migration to Cloud Portal Services Manager to Grow Your Business DaaS -

Since the 2015 survey found that desktops-as-a-service market continues to grow.

Many existing Hosted Service Provider now want the DaaS Join community hosted desktops and applications to their portfolio book. They can combine their existing hosted services such as Exchange, Lync, SharePoint, file storage, and so on, to offer companies hosted the complete cloud workspace.

to grow the DaaS business and scale, automating customer on-boarding and management process to reduce the time to market is the key. Citrix CloudPortal Services Manager (CPSM) is to provide the only self-service control panel and automation tools on the market, with the latest Citrix XenApp / XenDesktop, app orchestration has native integration and Share File technologies complete DaaS solution available ,

However, the difficulty that some service providers face is they have the existing IT environments with hosted services and customer managed either manually or via a third panels; As they move to Cloud Portal Services Manager in their existing environment, rather than building a new infrastructure, the cost and keep reducing the customer service continuity? With Citrix Worldwide Professional Services, we have a tool to help.

How it works

Each existing multi-tenant Active Directory environment, regardless of manual or managed through a control panel tool usually has a pattern for hosted customers OUs and identification once CloudPortal Services Manager has been installed, it can be configured to suit your current settings. Here is the overview of the process is to help migrate existing customers and users.

Fine tunes the Cloud Portal Services Manager

The flexibility of this product allows you to manage your clients tenants in many different ways. Most service providers provide CloudPortal Services Manager with its default settings. But for migration purpose is the best practice tune the settings for fine to meet existing environment in the context of preparation for the migration. This also includes the configuration as:

  • Active Directory base OU (s) for hosted customer
  • Customer OU name pattern
  • Customer sub OU structure
  • users Active Directory common name pattern
  • user sAMAccountName and UPN pattern

If you have Microsoft Exchange service offerings available on the spot, make sure you Exchange service in enable Cloud portal Services Manager and configure with appropriate customer and user to meet your existing plans deals.

create existing customers in CloudPortal Services Manager

After you complete the configuration preparation, it's time to test an existing customer for a trial run to take over.

first create that test customers in CloudPortal Services Manager with the same company name and customer number (or the identifier). The provisioning process is to search for the customer existing OU in Active Directory.

Import the existing user import

existing user is no longer the most difficult and time consuming task, the tool makes the process simple and easy to manage.


Navigate to the leave AD user import page, select your customer users to import into, according to the target AD OU, check the user, and click import. It is so easy!


What if the customer has Exchange accounts

If the client Exchange user has existing, then providing Exchange service to the customer with relevant customers plan and the provision of service for imported users with appropriate user plans that you have in the "fine tuning" of the stage prepared.

For large number of users with the same mailbox settings such as storage limit and enabled protocols such as MAPI, the multi-user service provisioning function in CloudPortal Services Manager will help to simplify the process by in mass deployment.

, so that all their programs are The Exchange service provisioning in CPSM for existing Exchange users not create new mailboxes for these users but instead it is the imported users in the portal to link their existing mailboxes intact ,

What about the existing contacts and distribution groups of customers? The Exchange Import Objects tool can help you achieve that.


Moving Forward

Now you have on-board, the customers, and are willing to offer hosted applications and desktops to them as well as to new customers to. CloudPortal Services Manager is simply easier to use self-service portal hosted workspace management, they can expand-as-you-grow on multiple Active Directory forests, geographic locations and data centers manage, enhance new service integrations and diversify deals. To make the most of the flexible and extensible platform and your DaaS manage and hosted workplace delivery in scale

Related Resources .:

  • Manage App and Desktop Delivery to a large extent with Cloud portal Services Manager
  • Hosted Workspace self-provisioning Meets user - or why CloudPortal Services Manager is crucial for scaling a DaaS business

Citrix :. Companies Powering go the world go 'round

11:06 AM Add Comment
Citrix :. Companies Powering go the world go 'round - Brand

Citrix products power the systems of some of the biggest tech companies in the world

Did you know that they also many other companies help you do every day to use their work better; such as hospitals, schools and banks? It's true!

virtualization solutions including XenDesktop and XenApp combined with NetScaler, receiver and XenServer that help doctors patients with better access to information to deal with, help teachers with innovative tools to work together to help students learn in new ways and financial institutions secure mobile banking access to its customers.

But not only give our word to help them to take!

MaineTownship School District

offers to the goal of students and faculty with access to its information technology systems from any device, anywhere, anytime, Maine Township High School District 207 used XenDesktop, NetScaler and XenServer and receiver for Chrome. The fact that students and staff remote access to Google Apps for Education Technologies and Windows productivity tools, help the new infrastructure of the school district provide an improved, unified user experience, while reducing downtime and reduce the cost to the user equipment and technical support ,

Our goal is to provide a fast, reliable and secure information technology experience to transform learning, cooperation and innovation teacher. - Henry part, Deputy Superintendent of Technology and Learning, Maine Township High School District 207

Childrens Hospital Los Angeles

as one of the top children's hospitals in the country, children's hospital of Los Angeles (CHLA) is constantly looking for ways to improve patient care and to make clinicians more effectively. Over the years, this has meant its facilities expansion and growth of its IT infrastructure. In 2013 CHLA updates its Citrix-enabled virtualized environment with new versions of XenApp and XenDesktop, and the addition of NetScaler App Delivery Controller. The results: a fully redundant, fail-safe environment, greatly improved boot and pull through times and a better insight into the performance of

If the environment is not available, people can not access the electronic medical. Record (EMR). And when that happens, the patient care suffers. Therefore, we have built two separate server farms and as a front-end it with redundant NetScalers -. Greg Bush, Director of Technology, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles

Piraeus Bank Egypt

Piraeus Bank Egypt has a workforce of 1,000 and has a broad portfolio of business and investment products. The IT department of the bank requires always-on services to their growing number of branch offices and workers to deliver the required access an ever-increasing number of applications. With XenServer with XenApp, XenDesktop and NetScaler, the bank was able to reduce the cost and energy consumption and realize an impressive 327 percent ROI.

With each new implementation, we always want to achieve high availability, fast response times, integrity and reliability. Our Citrix infrastructure we can achieve this goal. -Hisham Sherif, Deputy Director, Head of IT Department, Piraeus Bank Egypt

These are just some of the many stories we can tell about how real companies are using our products, the lives of their very real customer.

Check out more to improve special Citrix customers!

Would you like to share your success story? We'd love to hear it!

A summit, Two XenApp & XenDesktop releases (7.7 and 7.8)

9:04 PM Add Comment
A summit, Two XenApp & XenDesktop releases (7.7 and 7.8) -

Citrix Summit 2016 is underway in Las Vegas announced this week and for the first time ever, Citrix not only one, but two versions of XenApp and XenDesktop on stage.

now for download on is XenApp 7.7 and XenDesktop 7.7, published on December 29 th , 2015 Today announced at Summit 2016, Citrix also an upcoming 2016 Q1 release of XenApp and XenApp 7.8. A big event - Citrix Summit, two major product announcements -. XenApp and XenDesktop 7.7 and 7.8

This post covers both versions, and shows how the rapid pace of XenApp and XenDesktop release cycles Citrix makes it possible to bring more innovation to our industry-leading application and desktop virtualization solutions , The accelerated pace allows you more app and desktop applications with your existing deployment speed to address the deployment of applications across the enterprise, and simplify IT management of end-user computing.

XenApp and XenDesktop releases 7.7 (now available)

XenApp 7.7 and XenDesktop 7.7 is now available for download on available. This 7.7 release enhances the ongoing relationship and integrated value between Citrix and Microsoft with new cloud deployment and collaboration improvements, increases flexibility FlexCast Management Architecture (FMA) across multiple geographic locations and simplifies application management with the following features:

  • Comprehensive Skype for Business functionality within a virtual desktop app or . As a result of close collaboration between Citrix and Microsoft, this version of RealTime Optimization Pack offers a completely native Skype for Business user experience in a virtual application or desktop, as well as high-quality voice and video.
  • Advanced integration with the latest Microsoft platform. You can now use the fast deployment of virtual desktops in Microsoft Azure Machine Creation Services (MCS) feature of XenApp and XenDesktop. In addition, Citrix Provisioning Services now supports on-premise deployment of Windows 10 virtual desktops.
  • Improved image provisioning technology. simplifies Rapid deployment of desktop or server images patch management, saving memory and protects configurations based image. This release introduced a number of improvements in the Provisioning Services technology with support for NVIDIA GRID GPU performance improvements on vSphere, FIPS compliant communications, in-place upgrades of target device software, support for modern pre-boot environments, extended license period , advanced APIs and more.
  • Simplified management across geographically distributed installations by zones . The new multi-zone management functionality allows you to deploy a XenApp Web site that spans multiple sites or zones thus tightening it to publish multi-site management by allows applications in all zones from a single console.
  • Improved application management and monitoring . now have to manage more flexibility and control your implementations. You can specify the number of resource-intensive applications running on a single server now limit to get scalability and performance. You can proactively notifies error conditions or excessive use making it contain simple questions before they affect the entire application, while new use reporting functions use a detailed insight into the use of resources to provide.

XenApp and XenDesktop Releases 7.8 (Coming in 2016 Q1)

the upcoming availability of XenApp and XenDesktop 7.8 Announcement!

Remember all the features and functionality of 7.7 are installed in 7.8, so that the forthcoming XenApp and XenDesktop 7.8 release the feature-rich version of XenApp and XenDesktop on FlexCast Management Architecture to date. This publication focuses on the improvement of application management and delivery, to increase the optimization of the user experience while the server scalability and flexibility of the architecture robust needs to be located based on vertical and users.

The 7.8 version of XenApp and XenDesktop offers the following advantages:

  • app simplifies the management of applications on a master OS image with AppDisk stratification. New AppDisk technology allows administrators to package and manage applications, regardless of their master OS image alleviating the complexity of managing multiple, departmental-based images. AppDisk makes it easy without installing or updating applications to influence, the golden desktop or server image.
  • Integrated AppDNA compatibility testing for applications with AppDisk coated. AppDNA layering benefits of AppDisk expanded with instant provisioning application compatibility reporting and layer ordering for assigned AppDisks. Now an admin will be able to validate all OS or inter-app compatibility problems and rehabilitate before the AppDisk applications to distribute their employees.
  • Seamlessly Manage Microsoft App-V packages from the Studio Admin Console. XenApp and XenDesktop administrators can now use Citrix studio to the distribution of App-V applications on virtual desktops or XenApp servers without a separate App-V servers and database infrastructure simplifies administrative processes and eliminate the additional infrastructure costs to manage.
  • Improved app publishing experience. Manage Large companies hundreds of applications to thousands of servers. The newly enhanced Studio features an intuitive user interface for the app-publishing and new features that the admin to publish applications across multiple delivery groups improved day management for easier management and tracking on machines, applications and delivery groups allow.
  • Improved graphics performance for virtual desktops. virtual desktop graphics performance optimization is crucial for the acceptance and this version brings even more improvements, including the combination of our innovative Framehawk display technology with our high-performance HDX 3D Pro graphics acceleration for Windows 7 and 8 virtual desktops.
  • Higher scalability for innovative technology Framehawk . Newly published offers Framehawk remote display technology a brilliant experience users under very demanding network conditions and provides interactivity in real time on networks where packet loss affect performance. This version brings improvements in scalability to allow more than 40% reduction in memory requirements, up to 20% increase in CPU efficiency and more than 50% improvement in bandwidth efficiency when using touch input and a significantly higher frame rate for a smoother user scrolling.
  • and more ... just to give you a few of them experience: the ability to virtual desktops sessions with session recording for VDI record troubleshooting to locate and speed; Extensions for Citrix Storefront as self-service password reset; and vertical-specific extensions as published applications by the client name over, which is very important for health care administrators.

This is just one of many XenApp and XenDesktop announcements this week at the Citrix Summit is made. Read more about our new XenApp and XenDesktop maintenance options that help compensate for long-term planning with fast pace product releases. Stay tuned to hear more about what's new in XenApp and XenDesktop for the latest feature Details and Availability Information 7.8!

Look Citrix Summit Keynotes Live From Central Partner

10:05 AM Add Comment
Look Citrix Summit Keynotes Live From Central Partner -

In a perfect world, all our partners would participate in able Citrix Summit 2016, but we know that the world rarely perfect. If you are not able to be in January in Las Vegas 11-13, you can still get your colleagues practical for first glance for Citrix Go-to-market strategy for the new year to join.

Log on to Citrix Partner Central and observe the General and Tech Talk keynote live from your device, no matter where you are, and for a new season inspire you let your clients with Citrix solutions for safe use and delight data delivery.

You will hear of the Citrix leaders who are the way to partner mapping growth and opportunity, with a renewed focus on Citrix core products, and learn new resources to use the partners lucrative opportunities in solutions and services enable , They will also provide insight into the key market and technology trends obtained which are on the minds of your customers.

Your local colleagues to participate and hear executives from the new interim CEO along with other Citrix, who share their vision for stronger partnerships and greater joint success

mark your calendar now .:

Summit Keynote schedule
day 1 General session: Monday, January 11 | 8:30 PT

Speaker: Bob Calderoni , interim CEO and President; Carlos Sartorius , senior vice president, Worldwide Sales & Services; Tim Minahan , senior vice president and chief marketing officer; and Kimberly Martin , vice president, partner strategy and sales

Day 2 Tech Talks Keynote: Tuesday, January 12 | 8:30 PT

Speaker: Tim Minahan , senior vice president and chief marketing officer; Bill Burley , corporate vice president and general manager operates, workspace services; Abhishek Chauhan , vice president and CTO, Delivery Networks; and Jesse Lipson , Corporate Vice President and General Manager, Cloud Services

do not miss a moment of the Summit vision and leadership of senior leaders: Visit Citrix Partner Central for all details.

and the date for Citrix Summit 2017 January 9 to 11, at the Anaheim Convention Center in California.

Stay Connected save - follow the Citrix Partner Network on LinkedIn, Facebook and @CitrixPartners on Twitter | Join the conversation #CitrixSummit

Citrix Cloud Workspace: Wider Reach, New Pricing, Updated packages

8:03 PM Add Comment
Citrix Cloud Workspace: Wider Reach, New Pricing, Updated packages -

Citrix Workspace Cloud provides the easiest, fastest and most flexible way to deliver secure mobile workspaces on the market. Period.

Our platform offers tremendous value for our customers and partners ... and we are about to make it even more attractive.

Since we launched the platform back in October 2015 to life, the reaction has fantastic. Our customers love the elegance of a SaaS-style cloud-based management level and a subscription pricing approach.

In its Citrix Summit Keynote Jesse Lipson presented, as we the platform with updates as Workspace cloud are gone is price, are discounted and sold.

Decreased prices, à la carte storage.

First offered customer feedback on how we can improve our pricing and packaging options. So later in Q1 you see Citrix annual subscription price for our Virtual Apps and Desktops reduce package and a reduced price to our Integrated Apps and Data Suite package.

We are also offer Secure documents are service their application to meet separately from the virtual apps and desktops services easier Customers granular flexibility on how to configure workspaces.

even more appeal to large enterprises. Volume discounting

We also listen to our larger customers that need to be able to implement cost-effective and thousands or even tens-of-thousands of seats management loud and clear. In response, we are going to be different Volume Discounts meet its offer to the needs of these large users

One of the elegant features of Workspace cloud is the ability to manage multiple locations -. Often typical for large companies with a global presence. with its flexible ability in combination on any virtualization platform or cloud, this new discounting further increases for large mobile workstation users.

Where we passed.

responsive to implement

should expect customers more services and subscription packages Add on the platform this year Citrix to see. And do not forget the new and exciting technologies in the workspace Cloud Labs area, where you will see graduate to full services at the beginning of this year, some of these experimental services. Stay tuned for more workspace cloud-based innovation.

Follow @Fountnhead

Two guys, Intel and a handful Virtualization Insights

7:02 PM Add Comment
Two guys, Intel and a handful Virtualization Insights -

you have heard, two of "two men and a truck", "Two men and a truck", "College boys move ", and many other variations on this theme, is not it? (These experts artfully pack a truck and drive your goods to a new place. They move the things carefully to you important and efficient and save you money compared to traditional moving companies ...)

apply the concept to the recent Citrix Summit in Las Vegas and you get "Two guys, Intel and a handful virtualization Insights".

The moderator was Johanna Holopainen, Director, Strategic Alliances for Intel. the place was the MGM Grand, and Damien McKinney, virtualization architect at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center of Hartford, Connecticut and Citrix Healthcare Evangelist, Christian Boucher the two boys. They talked about data centers with dense infrastructure package, moved mobile applications and data with virtual technology and driving better business and patient value.

The conversation between the two boys eight Soundbytes produced recalls.

Intel x86 technology and Citrix solutions for health care, expand your world of possibilities.

Intel + Citrix partnership provides networked mobility, the Internet of Things (IoT) virtualization rich applications, networking capabilities, cloud solutions and dense data center infrastructure. What's more, every company healthcare industry professionals who can help design agile IT solutions offers

impact on the economy .: more innovation, provide more and build flexible, industry-friendly IT environment.


x86-based servers wisely under Intel and you can provide a dense physical infrastructure that supports full virtualization.

in the case of St. Francis Hospital, Damien and his team chose to reduce HP blade servers as virtualization platform around. Christian found that dense virtualization-enabled data center infrastructure by Citrix, Dell, Lenovo, Nutanix, IBM and many other manufacturers is available

impact on the economy .: with well-designed virtualization solutions, you can use the 1-2-3 are physical infrastructure costs and enhance the provision of mobility features.

Citrix XenApp, XenDesktop and NetScaler reduce key to mobile electronic medical records (EMR) delivery.

Damien and his team offer numerous remote services to radiologists and cardiologists Remote. St. Francis Hospital System implements a ratio of about 75% to 25% XenApp XenDesktop. Users access Epic (EMR) and clinical tools on XenApp and NetScaler

impact on the economy .: Citrix solutions for healthcare a comprehensive suite of offer features that provide each device, any network, anywhere access to EMRs, non-EMR clinical tools and business applications. These solutions offer flexible deployment options and implementation options to the specific needs of customers to customize and deploy the applications they want.

Citrix healthcare solutions support more than electronic medical records (EMR) delivery.

While the impetus for Intel x86 technology and Citrix solutions for healthcare can often be the basis for Epic, Cerner, McKesson or other electronic medical record (EMR) applications to serve the reach of Citrix and Intel technology can go far beyond this application. Christian noted that it only resulted in the addition of a small footprint of additional users (and licenses). In the implementations in which was involved, adding other applications such as non-EMR clinical tools and business applications Citrix technology can allow the supply of non-EMR clinical tools and business applications and feature sets such as disaster recovery, legacy device updates and mergers and acquisitions easier solutions

impact to the already implemented IT architecture to realize the economic .: Capitalize functional and financial economics of scale.

XenApp Automated Provisioning reduces downtime considerably.

Damien found that epic updates released every four to six weeks. Thanks to remote provisioning capabilities in XenApp, his team has clearly Reduce downtimes required to process these changes - to 12 minutes! Christian added to the conversation, to emphasize the fact that to be able to patch and update in a small window, means little to no effect user quit. (He also noted that many Citrix not even recognize Platinum customers, the good news: provision of services in purchasing the Platinum product)

impact on the economy: Minimize downtime saves lives, reduces costs and increases the reviews patient and employee satisfaction.

A dense highly virtualized environment affects many maintenance easier.

Every inch of space in the data center has a corresponding monetary value. Read: data center space is expensive. Virtual technology significantly-reduced the amount of physical hardware and data center footprint required

impact on the economy .: More virtual machines (VMs) per physical Server chassis translated into reduced heating, cooling, network cabling and real estate costs.

often experienced IT leaders on mergers and acquisitions very far in advance of the public.

For this reason, it is of crucial technology solutions to implement, which allow you instant access to new users to give or make changes on the fly.

business impact: The automated provisioning capabilities in Citrix support solutions for the healthcare IT managers to quickly change and update access to services , This saves time and money and increases user satisfaction.

have staged in mergers and acquisitions (M & A), the process of implementing consolidation easier.

The ultimate goal of making in a M & A healthcare environment is usually centralization of services. Three acquired hospitals to different environments than the two existing combined in a hospital system, for example. Both panelists encouraged for common ground and building those advocating the viewers. They suggested also the implementation process stage to deliver perhaps first EMR access, and non-EMR clinical tools and business applications from three to six months later

impact on the economy .: Agile virtualization technology allows you constantly quick to be changing needs. This leads to lower costs and higher user satisfaction.

For more information ...
Citrix solutions for healthcare, click here and here.
Intel Health and Life Sciences, click here.
Citrix Summit 2016 in Las Vegas, click here.
St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, click here.

and follow us on Twitter!

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Citrix XenMobile & CVE-2016-0728: Am I

6:01 PM Add Comment
Citrix XenMobile & CVE-2016-0728: Am I - affected by this zero-day vulnerability

If you reports on the latest zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2016-0728) have read that allows Android or Linux applications to extend rights and get root access to the device have concerns about its impact on your XenMobile use. However, we would like Citrix customers want to assure that although XenMobile server running on a Linux platform , it does not contain the vulnerable code.

For Android, Google has released a security blog describing the vulnerability as a limited number of Android-version 4.4-based devices to influence. Google has already released a patch for this problem, which should be available from equipment manufacturers shortly.

Although may be customers XenMobile use, support a small subset of the affected Android 4.4-based devices in its user base, which reduces XenMobile MDX Container and Secure / Shared Vault of this vulnerability on customer risks Data-at- radical having additional encryption made over and over each encryption by the device.

Find out why industry analysts give XenMobile the highest score for safety with the XenMobile Security Whitepaper

Patients value resuscitating with Citrix Diagnostic: Meaningful Use Unhealthy

5:00 PM Add Comment
Patients value resuscitating with Citrix Diagnostic: Meaningful Use Unhealthy -

Industry Update as of May 2016:

Add the past, measured Medicare the value and quality of doctors and physicians care through a variety of programs and mechanisms such as Accountable care organizations report that comprehensive primary care initiative, the Medicare Shared savings program, the Physician quality Reporting system, the value modifier program, and the Medicare Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive program. Congress rationalizes this then in a single framework clinicians help transition from payments based on the volume of payments based on the value. A new rule now will implement these changes through a single framework, the quality payment program. Read more here.

I think the HITECH Act and meaningful use give us expediency at the expense of innovation, but the urgent need to build electronic health record where (EMR) infrastructure, they are a necessary Evil.

that is, driving the focus on the introduction of new technologies EMRs commoditized through faster implementations, rather than rewarding product innovation and financial incentives for better quality of care.

EMRs healthcare providers access secure anytime anywhere Enabling Citrix has an important role in their compliance with Meaningful Use and HITECH requirements.

, for example, 88% Epic played users use in the US Citrix solutions to their EMRs access . According to what I get in the industry in 2016 by a January conference on Medicare access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) and new developments learned the future of meaningful use in its current form is questionable. The value of Citrix in delivering a high level of patient value in health care brings units, but remains consistent This is the backstory .:

When JPMorgan Chase Healthcare Conference in early January, Andy Slavitt, the acting administrator of CMS, provided a grim outlook for the wise use and said that the program would 2016 Healthcare CIOs will be replaced in the year cheered by the nation, but were skeptical, what's next , Slavitt remarked: "The Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) calls with its emphasis on a new merit-based incentive payment system and alternative payment models, a new streamlined regulatory approach

[ But Karen Desalvo, national coordinator for HIT, warned that changes take time and wise use is still the law of the land. At the same time, 31 of the largest US health care systems, including the partners Health, Geisinger, Henry Ford and Inter Health called for the end of the meaningful use-claimed that it had reached its goal of 80% acceptance of EMR by hospitals and doctors. They argued that it is time to move from focusing on technology to improve care.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has promised willing to have the new rules for this spring inspection, but there is no indication it will capitulate and end soon meaningful use anytime.

place in the sector Regardless of the outcome, to the relocation of the introduction of new technologies will improve care at the top nor Citrix. Citrix will continue to work with its healthcare customers to extend the same level of security and accessibility to other applications, including remote maintenance, tele-medicine, coordinating patient engagement, PACs image viewing and maintenance.

With this new focus on the clinical results, the provider of high patient care will drive innovation in the hospital to incentivized, clinic and at home several tools, including technology. By efficiency in the health allows processes through technology, Citrix will continue to allow doctors and healthcare professionals to spend more time on the important core competence delivering superior care.

MACRA looks like a winning combination of merit -based compensation incentives and less supervision of CMS. Providers will be strengthened and compensated for innovation and to deliver improved patient care. So Citrix will continue to be a valuable partner with their healthcare customers as they move to a value-based model.

For more information about how Citrix provides secure mobility in healthcare, click here., Or on Citrix security and compliance technology, click here

and be sure to add us on Twitter to consequences. Follow @citrixhealth

* If you are in the healthcare industry, we invite you to start a dialogue with us. You can by clicking here to share your thoughts on the subject in this blog or any other health IT problem with a Citrix researchers.

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