GoToMeeting audio hardware for a busy office

6:37 PM 1 Comment
GoToMeeting audio hardware for a busy office -

There is a great buzz in our Cubicle, and I can often hear 3 or 4 conversations around me. The energy is great and it is a large, collaborative environment, but it does not come without its side down.

We love GoToMeeting and use it several times a day for XenApp development, but with the background noise in the office, it can be difficult to hear my encounter on other calls. It had to be a solution; I was convinced. So I spent a few months for the best audio hardware searched and analyzed various types of headphones, microphones and audio interfaces and learned a few things. It turned out to be quite a long way with some missteps. Now I'm getting for me great sound and the others hear me

Here is my were targets .:

  1. Other people can listen in a conference clear to me and will not go through other conversations around me distracted.
  2. I can the people on the call hear clearly even at high background noise.
  3. I can hear what I say, I can say so, if I murmured.
  4. The equipment is comfortable for long sessions.
  5. I without distracting to listen to music with the same equipment those around me.


Over the years, I have to go on marketing cheap and nasty or expensive with a lot of money on different headsets and found trying either. I did not want to jeopardize or waste money, so I was pleased to find an article on gaming headsets "own", which really helped. I had a nice pair of Bose QC25 noise canceling headphones, so I added Attach 4.0 uni-directional microphone, as follows a Antlion ModMic:

photo of a ModMic attached to a pair of headphones

The ModMic consists of a magnetic clasp that can be folded or removed the headphones on sticks, and the boom upward. A large piece of industrial engineering! At £ 40 it may seem quite expensive and there are cheaper lapel or headsets available. I have two apart no problem for one year in operation and have had from when I managed to destroy the 3.5mm plug (although it was easy, a new solder at the end); mind you I'm an idiot and break every year a 3.5 mm plug or so, usually on planes. :)

sidetone / foldback

My next problem was that with highly insulating headphones, I found it hard to speak, if I could not hear me, so I wanted a good foldback get to sound. I am more aware of this than most people might, as I have done live sound mixing for bands on hundreds of occasions over the years. Musicians love to hear what they play or sing clearly; it is an important part to produce a good performance.

Therefore, we go to great lengths people good mixtures for their in-ear monitors (headphones) or foldback to obtain keys. In the telephony world, this is known as sidetone and according to Wikipedia, it was used in the telephony since the 19th century. With digital audio, we learn still, and I am not the only one frustrated by the absence of sidetone:

Software sidetone

One way to support sidetone would for software the user's voice back to play it. However, be heard, be problematic with more than a few milliseconds latency; it can be really off-putting.

I tried LineIn on a Mac that do not work too well, probably because the recording and reproduction never achieved quite rate as often as you receive samples and build a distracting echo.

It is possible to use software sidetone under the 10ms end-to-end range with pro-audio hardware with VST driver and obtain a professional digital audio workstation package as Ableton Live. This is expensive and difficult to integrate with software under Windows as GoToMeeting, used the standard Windows audio stack. Even a few milliseconds delay is due to comb filtering perceptible with the sound of their own voice when compared to what you hear via bone conduction.

hardware sidetone

I have installed a Sound Blaster Live PCI card from around 01 and it has a sophisticated mixer hardware. but I was the driver unable to get to the last versions of Windows running and solutions with PCI cards are not very mobile. Unfortunately, when I evaluated a few recent consumer audio interfaces and found lacking the function on many of the latest USB and PCI express audio interfaces.

So, I thought I try a little external mixer. use headsets usually unbalanced 5 volt bias microphones with 3.5mm plug. I had not find a good off the shelf solution to those external mixer, which are typically used to link balanced XLR connectors with 48-volt phantom power, although there are some schematics available if you want to build your own hardware. If you try that, please let me know how you get on. , Antlion have an XLR modmic announced that I am keen to try, if it is available

Finally, I found a recommendation for the Behringer UA302 and ordered a:

photo of the UA302
This is a great value (I paid £ 35). The 3.5mm headphone jack right above works quite well with the ModMic, and I can even roll the bass a little on my voice from the tape to deal properly with the proximity effect of a microphone in front of my mouth (the voices sound boomy to making tends). It is fast to my voice sidetone independent of the teleconference adjust general volume. For music, I can reflect the Modmic out of the way and the audio quality (and volume!) From the UA302 is pretty good. The sound quality is not as amazing as my hi-fi amplifier at home, but I would rate it 8/10.


I am very happy with this property and the sound quality I'm always with GoToMeeting. the QC25 is a great sounding pair of headphones and the noise reduction and comfort is remarkable. In Pro-Audio or HiFi conditions the QC25 is not the best thing to in an ideal environment, but in a noisy office, the noise suppression is by far the most important key determinant of the quality of sound. I can also run conferences and music at a low level and to protect my hearing.

sidetone really helps me speak clearly. Many people do not like it, I got the sound of her own voice, and once I get immediate feedback on my uttering what is important to me, because I tend to mumble. People mute in our meetings frequently and will try and contribute to the meeting without enable or disable that can harm the flow of the meeting circuit. With the hardware mute switch blocks the sidetone I know immediately if I switched me mute the microphone, since I can not hear what I say, so deal with it very quickly.

For quieter environments

I usually find gadgets disappointing; but this rig has worked so well, I have a different (with Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro Headphones) for use at home. In this case, I went for the undirected version of modmic to figure out it was quiet at home so the more even frequency response of an omnidirectional capsule as the unidirectional version would be problematic.

I regret that since omnidirectional modmic pick up some of the sound coming out of the open back of DT770s and the unidirectional version would have it better. It is well possible without sidetone in a quiet environment to manage, but I large sidetone'm addicted now.

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The quickest PoC in the cloud - XenApp Azure marketplace

5:36 PM Add Comment
The quickest PoC in the cloud - XenApp Azure marketplace -

I am pleased to announce that now XenApp 7.8 in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace try. This offer is the latest addition to our existing portfolio in the Azure Marketplace, which includes NetScaler VPX (BYOL) and Share File Storage Zones controller.

benefits of XenApp in the Azure Marketplace

Trying to XenApp in the Azure Marketplace is a great way to start with XenApp in a public cloud environment. Here is why:

  1. are fully validated and tested - You can download a complete XenApp 7.8 environment anywhere in the Azure cloud with a single click-stand-up. Azure currently supports 22 regions of the world and growing, so you can deliver applications close to your user base. The XenApp study has been validated and is fully compliant to Citrix on Azure Reference Architecture
  2. evaluation Simplify -. You can evaluate quickly without expensive manual setup time, which in our current XenApp release, new.
  3. app compatibility test Speed ​​ - XenApp Azure Marketplace provides an easy way for the hosting and end-user experience to deliver apps to test from the Azure cloud
  4. customize and extend -. adjust the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) solution template customize the XenApp offer XenApp and expand services support. For example, you can create so your specific needs


Getting Started

different XenApp topologies such as multi-site, backup site order to fit Sit down with XenApp in Azure marketplace began everything you need to bring to the table, is an Azure subscription. We are far from handle - really

  1. Sign up for Azure portal
  2. Enter basic Azure settings such as subscriptions and location information and general deployment settings, such as credentials and machine sizes [
  3. Press "Create".

deployment usually takes about two hours. Once the area has been completed to provide, you receive a notification email with a link to storefront / NetScaler as a front-end of the insert. Reporting had at the same credentials you use in step 2 above given thee. All applications that you need to do basic management of the Citrix environment, is at your disposal.

PikePlace SF

XenApp environment topology

The environment that is created by this model is as follows:

PikePlace architecture

There is a simple deployment of XenApp, consisting of:

  • desktop Delivery controller
  • License Server
  • storefront
  • 2 VDAS
  • NetScaler VPX Gateway
  • RDP Jump box for managing

the machines are used on a single VNET and storage account within a Resource Group. To delete the application after use, you can simply delete the resource group.

Under the Hood

Charging XenApp deployment in the marketplace is an ARM template. ARM templates are declarative JSON files that can be used to create complex multi-VM solutions in Azure and configure. You can now create your own unique and repeatable XenApp topology in Azure by creatively expanding our template. To the XenApp template to that template Link URL follow in the deployment.

PikePlace Template


There are some limitations of this environment.

  1. This listing is intended as an attempt not production.
  2. get provided
  3. All VMs used by this property on an ARM-VNET. can not use Desktop Studio directly providing additional VDAS. This is because XenApp 7.8 only supports Azure Classic and Azure Resource Manager not as hosting platform. Support for Azure Resource Manager will come soon.
  4. [Update as of April 14th] Due to a possible error in one of the pictures, administrator passwords can not begin with a special character.


We look forward to your feedback. For example, what use cases you want to see the production version of address? Please use the Citrix discussion forums or even the comments in this blog post, to start a conversation with us.

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Taming Patchday with Citrix AppDNA

4:35 PM Add Comment
Taming Patchday with Citrix AppDNA -

What is Patch Impact Analysis?

Patch Impact Analysis is a new feature in AppDNA 7.8, the range surface determined by a Microsoft patch to your portfolio of applications. , it is important to realize that this does not tell you what the patch does, or its criticality, but the applications * could * be affected. This should help you plan what applications you want to test, and also help to understand how could be a patch invasive.

For example, if you we be able to recognize that 70 of the applications have been directly affected by the patch 1000 applications for a particular patch.

What affects directly or indirectly meant?

is directly affected the application directly an API from a file is imported updated by the patch. For example, if Application.exe imported directly from mydll.dll and mydll.dll updated by the patch, we will report it as red.

The other criterion is when the application the same file redistributed as a being Patch. For example, if the app redistributed (or installed) flash.ocx and the patch then has released an update for flash.ocx.

This was a new scenario, as we need in the release and supports patch at the end of this blog detailing your AppDNA version with AppDNA patch. You only need this patch if you are interested in patches

Indirectly affected application are generally re- Distributable as .Net, Java, C ++, etc. affect applications that have dependencies that are affected by the patch.

How to use Patch Impact Analysis

to Configure-> Solutions-> Patch

Patch Impact

calling them your patch analysis:

name your solution

Select which method of patch-import (means manual that I downloaded them to a file share on):

Choose your source

Select which applications you want to analyze

Select your apps

Select which patches would like you to analyze up to

select your patch

If your patch imported is not yet, you can click Browse to select a patch:

Browse to patch

The last step is to click on analysis, which then perform the analysis:

Analyse your apps

wait until the analysis concluded:

Analysis Complete

AND PRESTO -we a who report!

This is the top-level report is pointing to a base which or indirectly affected applications directly via Patch: can on an application

Top Level Report - Expanded Out

you will see and the detailed report for each application, which may explain why we use will be affected by the patch:

Detailed Report Adobe Patch

Learn how to solve this my patch Tuesday woes?

No, not quite, because we can not guarantee that an application actually using the patched APIs, we would perhaps be able to know, because it is directly linked to the infected file.

hopefully useful to understand it is to be able to which applications can be used to test rather than blindly targeted test them all and also how invasive a patch is by seeing how much of your portfolio there are potentially affected.

You can patch AppDNA 7.8, by following the instructions in this ZIP file, you need to do this only if the additional algorithms that detects applications sought distribute the new files that are patched. I would only do this to recommend to the laboratory.

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Press "Ctrl" Citrix Receiver for Linux

3:34 PM Add Comment
Press "Ctrl" Citrix Receiver for Linux -

If you use the receiver on Linux, with which you have faced and issue where the Ctrl key does not mention the remote application by or desktop.

Fortunately, this is easy to fix. The process is different depending on the distribution and desktop manager you use. The following are instructions for Gnome 3 on Fedora and Ubuntu Unity on:

on Fedora:

If you have not already have Gnome Tweak Tool installed, then you must install it. It is a handy tool in any case, so do yourself a favor and get to install as root it


DNF install gnome Tweak tool 3.18.1-1.fc23.noarch (your version may be somewhat different)


yum install gnome-tweak-tool 3:18 , 1-1.fc23.noarch (your version may differ slightly)

  • Start Tweak Tool and deselect "Show location Pointer"
  • click to activities and enter "optimize", then on "Tweak tool" on
  • in Tweak tool, select "keyboard and mouse" on the left side
  • Set "show location pointer" to off

Under Ubuntu you need to use the dconf Editor or gsettings to change the value:

  • gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse locate pointer false


  • Install dconf Editor: apt-get install dconf editor
  • Start dconf Editor. Click the Unity button and enter "dconf" then click on the dconf Editor icon.
  • browse by org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse. "Locate Pointer" button and make sure that the check box is not selected to disable

This is it! Go ahead and select all, cut, paste it back, undo, then maybe make it bold, underline and italics. Enjoy and keep on with Citrix Receiver on Linux.

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How to integrate Azure with Citrix Workspace cloud apps and desktop

2:33 PM 1 Comment
How to integrate Azure with Citrix Workspace cloud apps and desktop -

It's been a while that we covered the topic of hybrid cloud models with Citrix as a hub. Several years ago we talked about this model if we introduced first native provisioning AWS. I thought it was time to take this issue into attack, but use of the approach of our apps and desktop services in Citrix Workspace cloud management solution and Azure the latest Citrix addition to Azure marketplace a blog post about ,

Recently Prasanna Padmanabhan wrote. You can deploy an entire XenApp infrastructure in Azure in a few easy steps. His blog can be found here.

This blog to focus on creating a resource zone in Azure and retain that. In an on-premise datacenter and domain Below is a high-level architectural view of the solution. Use of apps and desktop services in Workspace Cloud, the main XenApp / XenDesktop farm components are in the cloud, while the resources reside in Azure and on-premise.

Here is a basic diagram of an architecture using Azure in hybrid mode
Here is a schematic diagram of an architecture Azure in hybrid mode

must be observed with that I already with an existing Workspace cloud environment involved in your local domain.

[1945001gestartetActiveDirectoryfürdiesenEinsatz] I use an on-premise. All AD communication via the VPN connection sent. The machines can participate in all AD activities. There are other ways to deal with Active Directory and a VPN connection.

  1. The way I treat just described. Domain all Azure has resources.
  2. , you can deploy a separate AD site for your local domain and a domain controller in Azure.
  3. providing a separate Active Directory in Azure, and create a trust with your local domain.

The Setup

The first step is to build a site-to-site VPN connection between Azure and your local data center. NetScaler can be used to establish this connection. One of your famous CTPs, Stéphane Thirion (@archynet) has laid the necessary steps; First he shows you the Azure steps, followed by the necessary steps on the NetScaler. His contribution can be found at this link.

When I setup my environment, I used the newest NetScaler build (at the time of this publication) in Here are some additional environment details about the environment that I used for the purposes of this blog

  • On-Premise NetScaler connect to my Azure account
  • My pre- Location network
  • My Azure environment is based on a address scheme.
  • All machines with the "Classic" method via the web portal in the central region were created.
  • I have my configuration to perform a bastion or jump server in Azure work. This server had a public IP and port for RDP (3389) was open on endpoints. He was placed in the subnet
  • The server, the Cloud Connector and the VDA installed part of the subnet.
  • I have a workspace Cloud account with 2 resource locations; 1 for my on-premise and 1 for Azure
  • All resources in Azure domain are connected through the VPN connection.
  • all server resource zone be secured by the use of Network Security Group (NSG) within Azure

Let's start!

After a PBR (Policy-based route) indicate the steps that have been created with Stephane in your NetScaler configuration. Below is a picture of me.

NetScaler PBR for Azure

In this way, for all traffic for my subnet determined are routed correctly through the Azure Connector that I created.

On To Resource Creation

When are familiar with the Azure portal, you see two options when creating VMs: Classic or resource manager. At the time of this blog, Citrix Provisioning support native "Classic" Azure. All my resources were in the Central Region Azure created data center as it continues to support the classical method.

to create the first server was, my bastion or "jump" server. This server is my entry in the subnet, for which I created other images to work from. This was a simple "basic A1" server. Not many resources here, but enough to get the job done. For a full list of available VM sizes, see the Azure Marketplace.

to create a Network Security Group My next step. The NSG I created, has been applied to my resources subnets. This allows fall for masses allocation of all resources to the necessary subnet automatically within the rules of the associated NSG. Below is a screen capture is a partial list of ports shows I opened. As always when ports and a separate resource to open, do this in the best interest of your solution and your company's security.

NSG in Azure

There are many resources that NSG and their creation cover and architectures. Here are three to get you started. Many more sites like this are just a keyword search away.

  • Build with NSGs
  • Create a DMZ application with a firewall and NSG to protect a simple DMZ
  • Back Azure Virtual Network and create DMZ on Azure VNET with Network Security Groups

you can also NSG assign to VMs. I chose a subnet to stay, so that all future deployed machines to get the allocated same

The second server:.! The workspace Cloud Connector

Next on my list to was the Workspace Cloud Connector Server. If you select your VM size, do so within the parameters and the load that you feel is the best match. For the purposes of this blog, I selected a "Standard A1" server.

When I was that server to create, I made sure this place within the subnet. This allows me to segment my traffic and possibly another NSG should apply to the subnet that are necessary. This server is a manual creation either PowerShell or the portal. I opted for the portal.

I removed the standard endpoints that Azure has the VM, WinRM and RDP. I'll take my NSG care access to the VMs can. Use my jump server, I'll use for RDP access, but can directly to the gold image on the Internet. I removed the public IP address for that server.

After the Connector VM has been added to my local domain, I setup a new zone in my workspace cloud environment, downloaded and installed in order to connect.

Adding a Connector

First, the resources to create site in your workspace cloud environment. Download the plug and install it on the Azure Connector machine. During installation, you will be prompted to sign this to your business website and promote connect.

Selecting the right zone

Once the installation is complete, your new plug in your resource area appears of your workspace Cloud Web console. As a best practice, a minimum of 2 connections per resource zone.

Success with connectors

You can now your Zone in Workspace Cloud Studio create properly assist in the published resources dismissed.

Studio zone creation

Studio Zone creation screenshot

Large, including the connector setup to not much.

Azure VM resource

I have another VM that is the "gold" for my hosts shared environment in Azure. Same build process as before. I took advantage of the Azure portal manually create the VM to make sure to place them in the correct subnet I use for these resources.

When installing the VDA when prompted for your DDC, in the FQDN set of the connector that you created. The VDA is to communicate the connector with the Workspace cloud environment using SSL as a secure proxy for this communication. During installation of the VDA, I decided Receiver installed. I had my receiver onsite storefront help to aid in the provision of additional applications.

Once your image is to your liking, it's time to take a picture. It is recommended that the VM is in an off state when you make your first recording. During the process, there is no need to check the box on SysPrep machines with VDA version 7.7 or higher. Images can be displayed for Azure in classic web UI,


delivery of the goods

If you do not happen so, configure Azure a hosting platform in the apps and desktop service workspace cloud management console ,

Add the subscription

to be copy and your publishing file contents in the "Import" Insert section. Then follow filter the remaining window with your data center and your network of choice.

Once this is complete, configure your machine catalog.

Machine creation step 1 in Studio

Once this is done, we can move on to the delivery group creation. For image selection you can find a list of all "captured" have machines. Select the appropriate gold image.

Image selection

Make sure to enable you Workspace cloud to manage access to these delivery group in order to fit it in the subscription model. You will see the Studio command prompt shown below. After the delivery group successfully added, you can add in the published subscription after the image.

Manage the group

Services to add

After you finished creating the delivery group, the Azure console will show your VMs in a stopped state. That's nice, because you are not incur any unnecessary costs.


Time to start a VM and test your deployment. //


products known

  1. Change your time zone in your Azure VM! Check the time zone for your VMs.
  2. The NSG I created this blog, are very open. It would always be a proven way to make this as secure as needed.
  3. PowerShell provides a robust set of tools that expose the Web interface is not complete.

Happy hybrid cloud-ing!

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Mesosphere DC / OS, container and NetScaler CPX

1:32 PM Add Comment
Mesosphere DC / OS, container and NetScaler CPX -

Today our friends at Mesosphere the beta version launched its DC / OS - a complete open source platform for the execution of containers and complex. Workloads

This announcement in a number of different ways, is important - both in its breadth of support the industry and construction and an ecosystem, as well as the capabilities of the platform, beginning, the promotion are now the fit needs of customers who are starting to use container-based workloads on a large scale.

Citrix is ​​a strong believer in a truly open community and ecosystem rich platforms, like our products, or are designed to run top of a variety of enterprise computing platforms. with platforms that are the integration of products from partners such mesosphere customer choice and makes it possible to attract the best products for each function.

This in are designed so that in turn makes it a big win for customers who choose the solution that best meets their needs. The great thing about DC / OS, to work with all components fully come to run out-of-the-box with the option to cut it with enterprise-class components like NetScaler via standard interfaces. [1945004[

Citrix is ​​also incredibly enthusiastic driven by the ongoing changes in the business infrastructure through the adoption of container technologies. last year, we announced the tech preview of our market-leading ADC in a container form-factor NetScaler CPX and feedback from our customers has been overwhelmingly positive. A large number of customers have the Tech Preview download it to test in a variety of environments and products.

NetScaler CPX obviously not run in isolation but as an integral part of the fabric of the operation and scaling a container-based deployment. One of our largest customers helped pull on one strand only an integrated stack Mesosphere Marathon, Nuage Networks, Infoblox and NetScaler CPX. This was made possible by the integration, Citrix moved together with Mesos Marathon, which is free at GitHub available. If you are more interested about this solution in learning how we pulled together or just to see a demo, please contact your dealer and we would be happy to help.

One clear where enterprise infrastructure is about visibility, monitoring and troubleshooting in the development and operation of workloads in these environments of the main areas of learning is that, while the new generation of platforms such as DC / OS are some of the key challenges are. With the advanced management, insights and logging functionality already built into the product line NetScaler customers can begin platforms such as DC / OS with the same confidence as other existing enterprise platforms for adoption they use.

So, congratulations to the team at Mesosphere! We are pleased about this new version and our continued support your platform.

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こ の 5 年 間 で 情報 セ キ ュ リ テ ィ は 何 が 変 わ っ た の か?

12:31 PM Add Comment
こ の 5 年 間 で 情報 セ キ ュ リ テ ィ は 何 が 変 わ っ た の か? -


そ こ で, 3 月 17 日 に 本社 製品 部門 CTO の ク リ ス チ ャ ン ラ イ リ ー が ポ ス ト し た 情報 セ キ ュ リ テ ィ に 関 す る ブ ロ グ 「five years in information security - What has changed 」.を 日本語 で 紹 介 し た い と 思 い ま す

こ の 5 年 間 で 情報 セ キ ュ リ テ ィ は 何 が 変 わ っ た の か?

今日の情報セキュリティを取り巻く状況は常に進化しています。攻撃ベクトルが増大し続けるにつれ、攻撃はより頻繁になり、攻撃者の手口もより洗練されたものへと進化しています。私たちはこれを「ニューノーマル(New Normal) 」と 呼 ん で い ま す.


アン チ ウ イ ル ス ソ フ ト ウ ェ ア を 実 行 す る こ と.
不 審 な リ ン ク を ク リ ッ ク し な い こ と.
強固な パ ス ワ ー ド を 選 択 し, 頻繁 に パ ス ワ ー ド を 変 更 す る こ と.
多 く の フ ァ イ ア ウ ォ ー ル を 設置 す る こ と.
自 分 の ハ ー ド ド ラ イ ブ を 暗号 化 す る こ と.




3、個人を標的とした攻撃に注意すること:標的型攻撃は、一見信頼できる発信元からの個人的なメッセージやペイロードを使って特定の個人を狙い撃ちします。今や、有害なメールを無害のメールから区別することは、セキュリティ専門家にとってさえも、ますます難しくなっています。また、攻撃者が真に貴重な標的を見つけた場合、多額の資金をつぎ込んだ非常に高度なAPT(Advanced persevering Threat)攻撃が行われます。そのような攻撃から身を守るためにはより良い教育が必要ですが、それだけでは十分ではありません。セキュリティの強化によりデフォルトの攻撃サーフェスを減らす必要があるほか、封じ込め戦略により攻撃をサンドボックス化する必要もあります。

4, セ キ ュ リ テ ィ 侵害 を 想 定 す る こ と: 昔、組織にとってセキュリティ侵害とは、その発生自体を否定すべきものであるか、または秘密裏にのみ語られるものでした。しかし今や、セキュリティ侵害の発生を報告することは、多くの組織にとって当然の義務となっています。インシデント管理に対する規定のアプローチには、技術的な対応と評判に関する対応の両方が含まれています。セキュリティ侵害とその影響を封じ込めることは、政府機関、医療、金融サービスなどの分野における仮想アプリケーションの決定的なユースケースとなっています。これらの組織では、最も一般的な侵入口に対する攻撃を封じ込めるために、すべてのブラウザベースのアクセスを仮想化することが主として実施されています。

5、エンドツーエンドの強固な暗号化を必須とすること:暗号化は、ネットワークやハードドライブに対してのみ行うものではありません。暗号化は、デスクトップからモバイルに至るまで、アプリケーション内にある機密データや、アプリケーション間でやり取りされる機密データを保護する必要があります。犯罪者も暗号の価値を認識しており、ランサムウェア(マルウェアの一種)では暗号化を武器として使用しています。また、SSLの衰退が示したように、時代遅れの暗号化を使用することは、暗号化を行わないのと同じくらい危険です。仮想アプリケーションおよび仮想デスクトップにより、エンドポイント用の暗号化を制御することを推奨します。また、モバイルデバイスに関しては、エンタープライズモビリティ管理を使用し、クラウドアプリケーションやWEBアプリに関してはWEBアプリファイアウォールが組み込まれたアプリケーションデリバリーコントローラーを使用することをお勧めします。さらに、自社の利益を保護し、PCI DSS (ク レ ジ ッ ト 業界 に お け る グ ロ ー バ ル セ キ ュ リ テ ィ 基準) 要件 を 満 た す た め に, 今 す ぐ TLS を 採用 す る こ と を お す す め しま す.






Have a Coke (and a smile!) With Arca Continental

11:30 AM Add Comment
Have a Coke (and a smile!) With Arca Continental -

Awards season at Citrix has started and my team and I are looking forward to share a look behind the scenes, as we the created videos for the 2016 innovation Awards program.

We ended up in Monterrey, Mexico on Saturday, a week video shoot for Finalist Arca Continental (AC) is planning one of the largest Coca-Cola bottlers and distributors in Latin America . That night for dinner we met Eduardo Galvan, the IT team at AC who shared with us that more than 60% of their business from smaller 'Mom' n Pop comes' own stores or tienditas .

during the week we have learned to thrive more about Arca Continental commitment these smaller shops as central to the support of the rural communities in Mexico to hold, in addition to serving to its larger retail customers.

of our first interview with José Güereque, CIO at Arca Continental, we could his passion for the people of AC and the pride they take in their company civilian. [1945005sehen] Whether the Insurgentes bottling tour the distribution center in Guadalupe, or the Bokados snack factory outside of Monterrey, it was fascinating to see how this super-efficient organization of their social responsibility to heart.

We also drove outside the city to visit is a small, family Tiendita and get them to make it into stores and the customers who rely on them for food and local services. The neighborhood After chatting with the shopkeepers about their experiences with Arca Continental, she said:

AC is much more than just a company that brings us Coca-Cola, we are part of their family [ACoptimierenihreOperationenfürWachstumundExpansion

this is really brought the story full circle, helps us to understand how Citrix technology helps, while the main results provide - a positive impact on the communities and individual customers they serve. This is not unlike the difference between drinking soda from the can, as compared to a bottle, compared with plastic, for example.

culture is a big part of AC, and later that day Jose and Raul Morales, head of the IT team, invited us to an authentic 'Monterrey dinner "La Felix Restaurant, the beautiful mountains surrounding the city ​​overlooking. Share A big thanks to Arca Continental for its history with Citrix and its generous spirit of Mexican hospitality. We had great conversation, ate the food is amazing and enjoyed learning what it means to be a part of AC family.

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Which IP-Do You Trust

10:29 PM Add Comment
Which IP-Do You Trust -

There is an old adage that goes something like this?

". All anyone really has, their reputation is" as it relates to security, it can be said the same for a server, or, more specifically, for an IP address. is to communicate what other devices on the Internet use, are cloud local, physical or virtual. Depending on the reputation of this IP address, a system may choose to rely on, block or redirect it to something else (like a honeypot).

If you establish a reputation as a person, you can ask other people what they think, sometimes even the person watching for a while. This model is suitable for a small number of people. If this someone or something to trust, to have to do for a larger group, otherwise.

is blank look in the case of a large company the personnel department. They rely heavily on the background check in order to quickly build a reputation.

In our example, a large company, one could assume, you may need to check at once 10s reputation, sometimes 100s, rare 1000s. But if we change a person to an IP address, then we begin to 1000s and can go to 1,000,000s. NetScaler offers this through its IP reputation service.

The NetScaler IP Reputation Service provides a constantly updated list of malicious IP addresses in near real-time, an additional layer provided protection and helps reduce the burden on the security team. It automatically analyzes and RSS feeds correlates of millions of global sensors in real time and is updated every five minutes. NetScaler IP Reputation Service is the NetScaler Web application firewall solution FREE -. Without service contract and no annual renewal required

In today's rapidly changing cyber landscape, a trusted IP address can be compromised in a matter of seconds. Depending on the security tools in the game, this compromise seconds can be mitigated later. Man can not keep up with this speed, but NetScaler can.

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Citrix Cloud - experimenting with Labs Services

9:28 PM Add Comment
Citrix Cloud - experimenting with Labs Services -

Ever wondered what the next big thing by Citrix Something that you can experiment with? Something that you can try for free and with minimal to no setup costs?

Look no further than the Labs section in Citrix Cloud. It is where you will find exciting new technologies for new or experimental services and functions. It's where Citrix at the speed of SaaS innovation.

Newly renamed, Citrix Cloud is already supplying our easiest, quickest and most flexible way for customers to integrate and manage Citrix technology. And within Labs, you are new services queue-up for a possible future integration and places where you can discuss and give feedback to

Early Success -. And we are looking for your feedback

in the past year we have the Secure Browser service in Labs, and earlier this year completed in one of our most exciting, highest rated new technologies. This new technology allows customers to ensure zero endpoint configuration web and SaaS applications on any modern browser to deliver

Today in our Labs section provides a variety of new services we see piloting -. And looking for feedback on:.

  • Citrix Start Microsoft Access
    turn immediately your Microsoft Access web application secure reports and forms in end user can download it from any modern browser access, so that the cooperation easy. Read more in the Citrix product launch for MS Access Blog
  • AppDNA Express
    An easy-to-use service that accelerates the migration of applications on a Windows 10 environment. Once you make AppDNA Express with your applications available, a report will be presented to help you on your way on Windows 10. Read more AppDNA Express
  • Workspace Automation
    Based on Octoblu IoT technology provides the workspace automation service is a powerful, user-friendly tool for workplace automation. This allows easy integration and automation of a variety of resources - including devices, services and people. Intuitive drag-and-drop interface and prebuilt connections for Citrix and third-party resources make it easy to create automated workflows that use the IoT. More about Octoblu.

What is next ...

In the future, you should expect different versions Labs services integrated into Citrix Cloud to see how we the strongest Range Supply substance expanding in production. And again to keep control - we are experimenting with new Labs services on a regular basis

Remember -. Labs services are not supported, can change over time, and do not necessarily have Citrix cloud services. However We appreciate your input, feedback and talking about our Citrix Cloud -. Labs discussion page

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Join the CUGC Networking Special Interest Group

8:27 PM Add Comment
Join the CUGC Networking Special Interest Group -

We often hear from our customers that they want each other more interaction and so that they learn more with the Citrix team on the production networking work for you. If you have an interest in networking - you should be on the CUGC take a look at the networking SIG

We have to create the SIG a place where the community of users - especially NetScaler can. share with each other, so that you get the most out of networking technology. In the SIG (Special Interest Group), you can ask your questions and issues such as software-defined networking, next-generation security and of course how NetScaler Application Delivery Controller.

With this group to discuss, we can open communication between the IT professionals - who have a special emphasis on networking - and the Citrix Product Team. You can find webinars on current topics such as Citrix product innovations meetings and community-based sessions addressing various applications and present real-world networking scenarios.

We are networking SIG aims to be a place where you go. To the information you need over the network, especially with the Citrix technology to ensure that you, we get the most out of networking SIG a team that runs it is dedicated. You will answer interesting information and his posting your question

members of Networking SIG team are .:

Dave Brett that with an abundance a Technical Architect / Consultant experience with end-user computing, mobile and cloud technical architecture, design and consultancy with a special focus on Citrix technology. He is @dbretty on Twitter and his blog is:

Marius Sandbu , which works at a consulting firm in Norway as a Senior Systems Engineer. He is focused software-defined data center and end-user computing - especially Citrix - and on the public cloud. He is @msandbu on Twitter and his blog is:

Jason Samuel , one of our CTPs (Citrix Technology Professionals) is an IT Infrastructure Architect in Houston with an emphasis on mobility, virtualization and cloud technologies, especially from Citrix. It builds solutions based on application, desktop and server virtualization. He is @_JasonSamuel on Twitter and his blog is:

On the Citrix side we Laure Cetin, who is a community manager, and me - Michael Leonard - a marketing manager for NetScaler.

on behalf of the entire team, you are invited to join and participate in the SIG.

With your help this community awareness will increase for networking and each success by sharing information with each other

Join CUGC here :.

on the Networking SIG on CUGC here: https: //

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And now a word from our sponsor ...

7:26 PM Add Comment
And now a word from our sponsor ... -

As you saw last week, I wrote a blog post about the most exciting competition in an industry conference since last year's raucous " 60 in 60 ". The Synergy showdown

Lemme this showdown break you down. It's where four teams, led by Citrix technology professionals, square off, which can setup an entire XenApp environment on Microsoft Azure to see ... in less than an hour. only one team left the octagon victory trophy held high

Well, I'm super excited (again with the excitement - I have not even no coffee had)., The sponsor of the to give Synergy showdown known that is ... (drum roll please) MICROSOFT!

that's right, Citrix many years and most strategic partner, Microsoft is to sponsor the Showdown. As a result of this partnership, each participant receives a completely new surface point as the endpoint device use. What the hell is the plural of Microsoft Surface at all? Microsoft Surfai? A herd of Surfai? A romp of otters a surfdom of Surfaceseseses? A crowd, a little kiss? I digress.

Each team is one of these areas for each player, and they in turn use it to sign in to the Azure portal and work in parallel with their teammates to crunch VM toward finish line.

But the Microsoft kindness to the showdown stage does not end. Oh no. Because they such a strong partner Citrix it only makes sense that organic, so many of the breakout sessions, which would focus on the joint development will be presented, sales value and support between these two tech rockstars.

Here is a partial list of such meetings:

  • SYN610: accelerate cloud architecture through the use of XenDesktop, XenApp and NetScaler in Microsoft Azure
  • SYN247: NetScaler reliability and ease of use for all your Microsoft applications
  • SYN226: Make the most of your Microsoft Office 365 subscription with Share File
  • SYN205: Best practices for the use of Microsoft Azure and Hyper-V as locations hybrid resource in Workspace cloud
  • SYN305: architect Citrix on Microsoft Azure
  • SYN609: Delivery of Skype for businesses of XenApp and XenDesktop
  • SYN211: Windows 10 as a virtual desktop
  • SYN215: monitoring best method for the Citrix infrastructure with new SCOM management pack

for the full list can be found on the Citrix Synergy registration site visit.

And of course plan on the Synergy showdown participate! You will not get surfaces book, but you will find some great technical advice, free food and free entertainment.

But wait get! There is more! That verify Synergy website because more surprise speakers are added all the time. (Shhhhhhh, it could be from Microsoft. Just Sayin ').

Thanks to all our sponsors Synergy without they could us such amazing events hosted.

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What, AEOS Up with Citrix Ready at Synergy 2016!

6:25 PM Add Comment
What, AEOS Up with Citrix Ready at Synergy 2016! -

Citrix Synergy is away only a week and the stage is to welcome preparing for our first event.

With a renewed focus on our core products and to our customers, is to have an impact on your business Citrix Synergy bound double. Here, AEOS has planned a list of activities of the Citrix Ready partner program to make more asset to this event.

Visit us at booth # 102 Citrix Ready

way up to our booth and discover the latest and greatest of the Citrix-compatible technology partner products. Discover the Citrix Ready marketplace and see how our partners Products value to businesses across various industry verticals addition. There are planned various activities to ensure that you use your valuable time well. And don forget Äôt: there are prizes to be won

product demos and interviews

At the booth of our selected partners will present their products and telling how They, managed Äôve to turn around the IT infrastructure challenges with its Citrix Ready solutions. Join us on these stories and more.

Games and Goodies

to hear while serious talks are necessary, let, not shy AEOS, to have some fun of! participate in interactive games at our booth and win great prizes. These interactive activities will help you to explore the ecosystem of Citrix-compatible products and provide you with some of our key partners and their breakthrough technologies.

Behind the Scenes

And finally, you come and the team that drives meet the Citrix-compatible ecosystem of products. Whether you are looking to virtualization, networking, cloud and mobility, is in Citrix, AEOS perspective about partner technologies that help to improve and optimize the IT infrastructure for you.

you reach out to me if you, AOD as the establishment of a session at the event!

See you at Synergy!

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Phoenix Rising: The Emergence of hyperconverged infrastructure

5:24 PM Add Comment
Phoenix Rising: The Emergence of hyperconverged infrastructure -

Desktop and App Virtualization is at the forefront of a new evolution - the emergence of hyperconverged systems and Citrix XenDesktop is in the center as primary workload for adoption.

for many of us in the industry, it is no surprise, this development in the areas of infrastructure, to see from the traditional stand-alone systems to converged infrastructure and now hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI ). Recently, HCI systems were to gain popularity both in the enterprise segment and in medium-sized companies. InfoStor reported that HCI systems are expected to grow this year by 70% and a TAM of $ 2B by 2016.

Per achieve definition, HCI systems are integrated systems that compute, storage share, with software-defined storage combined networking skills deployment and management to simplify, for IT administrators. And that's where the benefits are realized for our customers. The HCI automation tools allow IT administrators quickly deploy, manage and scale XenDesktop while also infrastructure with low acquisition and administration costs assume

At Citrix, we continue to innovate and cooperation with our partners the best experience to provide for the provision of desktop and app virtualization on the best infrastructure, while lowering the barriers to the adoption of . Citrix is ​​leading the way by associating it with the most prominent HCI and SDS leader partnership, including Nutanix, Cisco Hyperflex, HPE hyperconverged, Atlantis Computing, Fujitsu and other flexibility, choice and the lowest cost of accepting.

HCI Graphic

offer these same features simplified deployment, management, and lower costs, a simplified procedure customers adopting, where the lack of IT resources and costs of adoption for adoption before barriers were. Citrix XenDesktop is a natural enterprise application very suitable for HCI installations. Gartner and InfoStor reported that HCI not only best driven enterprise software architecture, but the VDI is the "primary and most significant workload growth."
HCI Quote Graphic order in large companies, HCI provides an incremental solution either accept or further scale existing VDI deployments, while medium-sized companies have now easily implement an immediate solution to manage and adopt to lower overall costs VDI. For remote access, customers can also use Citrix NetScaler in hyperconverged infrastructure as it integrates seamlessly with Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp and provides integrated functionality not available in other solutions.

at Citrix Synergy 2016, you will find a wide range of HCI solutions on Citrix and a variety of demonstrations, meetings and resources some highlights optimized .:

  • SYN0 May 25 at 3:30 pm Speed ​​up your path to digital workplace transformation with Cisco and Citrix Hyperflex
  • SYN126: 25. May 13:30 a positive user experience for Deliver engineers with new solutions of HPE and Citrix
  • SYN123: 26. May 08:30 success stories : Citrix VDI and application virtualization on Nutanix company Cloud
  • SYN306: 25 01.30 May preventing possible PVS performance pain points
  • SYN104: May 25 11:15 Citrix and Nutanix: the inside scoop

and be sure to go to the expo floor, where other solutions Nimble, pure storage and Tintri find. Join us to learn more about how HCI systems allow the pace of adoption for small and large businesses. to expand with the market 5B $ expected by 2019, Citrix Synergy is the venue of this rapidly developing infrastructure to learn -. A phoenix from the ashes

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XenMobile innovations Fuel Digital Business Transformation

4:23 PM Add Comment
XenMobile innovations Fuel Digital Business Transformation -

Citrix Synergy 2016 is in full swing in Las Vegas, and if you're lucky to be here, you can see firsthand the latest innovations XenMobile that help customers transform their businesses digitally

Secure mobility for the best BYO Experience

MAM first

Be honest :. may enroll your personal device with the IT department of your company? It's fine if you said, "No" - most users are not keen on handing over control of their phone - or other device -. IT

This is because the perception is that IT and the business (and seeing can eventually her boss), what they do, they speak and just about everything else, and feel that it itself is an invasion of their privacy. This is a topic for another discussion.

But since there is so much concern about the control of personal devices over the control of your company's intellectual property, you can instead talk about 10.3.5 XenMobile. Released earlier this month, this new version of XenMobile a mobile application management (MAM) provides -First approach, the mobile user compensates for enterprise security and information and IT alike.

With features many strong security and a rich user experience, MAM-First allows app-specific controls, such as Wipe / Lock an App, single sign-on for all applications in the container, the encrypted data in hibernation / in-use / in-motion and seamless provision of productivity efficiency with inter-app workflows all of the box.

MAM-First is a clear advantage for employees who are reluctant to register their personal device and install an MDM client on the device. But it's great for IT, too! It is a great advantage for companies that are not allowed an MDM client on the user's machine to install due to privacy requirements.

Password-Free Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)

How many passwords you can remember at any given time? Some say that the average number of passwords, people may need to remember 7-15 rich It is no wonder that people forget or mix them. Trying to remember all that is just a hassle. It's especially hard if your business requires you to create a complex password (must be at least 8 characters three special characters, be a prime number and a hieroglyph!) To access data and applications only on the pain and confusion of more passwords added .

With XenMobile 10.3.5, you no longer have to worry about it. Once you have completed the application, you can use certificate-based authentication or TouchID, which eliminates the need for passwords

Note :. Your business, you can enroll in your company mobility management program, driven by XenMobile 10.3. 5. Once you sign in, you will no longer need your mobile username and password for your first loginbnor for each login after enrollment to remember.

One might ask: "How does it work?" at Synergy 2016 Citrix demonstrated with XenMobile 10.3.5, the concept of derived credentials for mobile users, the need eliminated for users of mobile user name and password or Active Directory remember a username and password. Citrix is ​​partnering with Entrust (Synergy Booth # 728E) and Intercede for the provision of derived credentials for mobile users who will come soon.

mobile threat detection

As an increasingly mobile workforce, we spend a lot of time on the Internet during the day. This increases the risk of valuable proprietary and confidential company information to lose on personal devices, including the data in the application and in motion. Mobile malware threats, malicious Wi-Fi networks and unpatched known vulnerabilities are all too common these days. Skycure (Synergy Booth # 726E) and Citrix have together to deliver a comprehensive mobile security solution with the combination of Skycure Mobile Threat Detection and Enterprise Mobility Management XenMobile security features.

Secure Android

Citrix and Samsung to continue to provide to protect information about the company on Android devices strong security controls. XenMobile customers the Citrix MDX container with a KNOX-enabled device will benefit between the two solutions from closer integration. For example, with XenMobile customers can enroll Bulk KNOX-enabled devices, the Samsung KNOX API

Secure productivity

Rethink Apps -. Creating Mini Apps without writing a single line of code

More and more companies realize the productivity benefits of mobile applications. And yet these same companies have limited application development resources to digitize common paper-based processes. Citrix will show the Secure Forms preview and customers share stories, to highlight the success of its use. With Secure Forms customers can digitize processes, including those that require access to legacy, backend systems -. And they get it all without writing a single line of code

Sure chat and collaborate with confidence

is the next killer application for email chat? People are more likely than email and the same behavior lead to chat when they are at work. Chat is fast, it is easy, it is mobile ... but is it safe? When we asked whether native or general chat application to share the right place company, the answer is obvious. If security is built into the instant messaging service, it would serve a much larger audience in different industries and companies.

companies who chat to be strong use made transactions, are pleased to see a demonstration of WorxChat preview that provides enterprise-class secure messaging and collaboration. WorxChat supports notifications indicate presence, typing, etc., and it is a Citrix MDX-enabled mobile app that uses the Microsoft Lync backend infrastructure. In this way, IT can roll WorxChat without existing investments in their Lync backend to change, while the advantages of providing a safe solution to win.

Cloud-First Innovation

XenMobile cloud adoption is growing rapidly as more companies prefer the day to day mobility management of devices, data and applications outsourcing. Citrix supports its customers with XenMobile cloud-based fulfillment a very secure and rich experience based provide mobility service, which devices include the management of user data and applications.

Better Together


Customers will recognize the value of a complete mobile workplace soon benefit from Smart Access. With SmartAccess when XenMobile non-compliance with notes such as a jailbroken or rooted device SmartAccess will prevent the start with a HDX app (delivered by XenDesktop and XenApp) from Worx Home and to connect to the corporate network. SmartAccess relieves pain with a better management of secure access.

Windows 10 and Office 365

Do you want to make the most of your Windows investment? XenMobile it can also help. Be sure to catch the XenMobile demo, where we show how it can manage all Windows-10 device, including desktops, laptops and Windows Phones. And you see how you Worx Apps work with Office 365.

The XenMobile team with our customers and partners, to continue to deliver innovative tools that lead to the conversion of the digital business.

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Two CTOs and a director of IoT Go on a stage - and blow My Mind

3:22 PM Add Comment
Two CTOs and a director of IoT Go on a stage - and blow My Mind -

When Chief Technology Officer Two (CTO) give a presentation, I expect a technical discussion, the questions examines how: What we certainly do the applications of the future supply? How can we simplify the application delivery process? And how we will integrate the emerging Internet of Things in this future word?

And while they often look to the future, I expect them to be impressive, but I do not expect anything mind blowing will happen.

So if two Citrix CTOs - Abhishek Chauhan and Christian Reilly - the questions examined in the listed above "The Application Delivery Continuum", I expected a Citrix Synergy session on the future of application delivery, security and to explore the development of the Internet of things.

And let me be clear, Christian can be personally quite entertaining, but it's not something I plan to see in one of his technical presentations.

So it was no surprise when they discuss key issues affecting businesses around the world on issues such as looking at how to overcome lost Internet connections, which can improve companies to protect their safety and valuable intellectual property , Abhishek focuses on how networking is better delivered as software and exploring new ways to lock the company and to protect against data loss. And then Christian researching the same questions from a secure application delivery perspective.

And then came the surprise.

When he appeared his technical look into the future to develop Christian, invited Chris Matthieu, Citrix Director, IoT Engineering, onto the stage. And I must say that Chris one of the most impressive mustaches sports that I have ever seen.


But I digress.

Before we had time, the 'stache, Chris to show all the non-programmers in the audience fully went admire - people like this PR pro -. how to create new workflow applications XenMobile Secure Forms

Then he showed us how Citrix Octoblu and its ability to use, almost to connect everything to strengthen the power of the sample Hospital app, and the information with an audience member iPhone sports a Singapore international number. Share Within minutes, Chris walked us through the process, as all set up in fashion, using workflow app, a PR man could understand.

all this provides a good summary of what we see at the end in 2016. #CitrixSynergy the day, the most important advantage of the cool Citrix technologies we see how every day non-technical people to digital type, how we live and work, to be able to transform.

is coercive power, the kind that can blow my mind.

Welcome to the future.

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