Interactive Session Logon time in Citrix Director - Explains

9:29 PM
Interactive Session Logon time in Citrix Director - Explains -

Interactive session is one of the metrics of time Logon monitors Citrix Director. There were questions about what makes this metric and why this is the longest process total login time. This blog is to give insight into how the interactive session is calculated. More details about other Logon duration metrics can be found here.


As mentioned above, interactive session is only one of the Logon duration steps, which contributes to the general notification time. It is the time to handoff keyboard and mouse control to the user after the user's profile taken is loaded for a meeting . Interactive Session time is calculated using the following formula:

Interactive Session Duration = desktop delivery event time stamp (EventId 1000. VDA) - Profile Personal loaded event timestamp (EventId 2 on VDA)

let us in each of the components of this formula seek now.

the logged desktop ready event Citrix Profile Management displays the session is ready to be used by those users. finished


user profile store event of User Profile Service, the user profile on the VDA loaded displays.


desktop ready event, the event is logged when Broker Agent (VDA) Closed Tasks after the load user profile is complete.

  1. ICAService receives WTS_SESSION_LOGON event of Windows on the Windows confirms that the meeting application is ready.
  2. for user policy set evaluate Resulting
  3. Notify USB and printer subsystems
  4. reached Wait until VDA (specifically the Explorer process) to the input hibernation, which means that it is ready to interact with the user.

Once these steps are completed, log Citrix Profile Management desktop ready event. logs

Once this event is by calculating the difference between the time stamps of desktop delivery event (see Figure 1) and the profile store complete event (see Figure 2).

Note calculate Interactive Session : start-up apps after a delay in Windows 8 and later versions and executed because of this interactive session period be longer. This time can be reduced with a registry tweak. For more details about changes in the registry to start delay can be found here .

Please see the Citrix documentation to diagnose for more information on user login problems.

Could we add in seconds for this phase of the registration process in typical areas? Any additional advice worth?

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