XenApp & XenDesktop に, 待 望 の 長期 安定 運用 オ プ シ ョ ン

3:34 PM Add Comment
XenApp & XenDesktop に, 待 望 の 長期 安定 運用 オ プ シ ョ ン -

これまで多くのお客様からご愛顧をいただく一方、長期に渡るライフサイクルという要望をいただいてきました。この度、XenApp & XenDesktopを最長10年間安定した運用を行い、コスト低減と余裕を持ったシステムメンテナンスが可能となりました。この運用オプションはLong Time Service Release (LTSR) と 呼 び ま す

対 象. XenApp & XenDesktop 7.6
条件: Software Maintenance/SAが有効であること(SAと何らかのサポート契約でも同等)
ライ フ サ イ ク ル: 5 年 間 の メ イ ン ス ト リ ー ム サ ポ ー ト + 5 年 間 の 延長 サ ポ ー ト (別 契約, 有償)

これまで行ってきたように、頻繁なリリースにより革新的な機能を順次取り入れ、自社の成長を加速させる運用オプションも継続して提供します。このオプションは現行リリース(Current Release: CU) と 呼 び, Software Maintenance/SAのベネフィットとして常に最新の機能セットを最適利用できます。多様なユーザーニーズに応える、特定のイニシアティブを遂行するなど、お客様の戦略を実現するために必要なアプローチです。

LTSR と CR, 両 者 を 対 比 し て 見 る と わ か り や す い で し ょ う.

Long Term Service Release


Current version


software Maintenance 必須 か? 必須 オ プ シ ョ ン
製品 ラ イ フ サ イ ク ル の タ イ ム ラ イン 5 年 間 の メ イ ン ス ト リ ー ム サ ポ ー ト +

5 年 間 の 延長 サ ポ ー ト

標準 の製品 ラ イ フ サ イ ク ル ポ リ シ ー と 日程
リ リ ー ス へ の ア ク セ ス Citrix. com / downloads Citrix.com/Downloads
Cumulative update (CU: 累積 ア ッ プ デ ー ト ) 提供 す る 提供 し な い
バ グ 修正 を 含 む か? 含 む (CU に よ る) 含 む
リ リ ー ス ス ケ ジ ュ ー ル 24.12 ヶ 月 09:03 ヶ 月
CU の リ リ ー ス ス ケジ ュ ー ル 06:04 ヶ 月 N / A
機能 エ ン ハ ン ス の リ ク エス ト 次 期 LTSR ま で エ ン ハ ン ス は し な い 短 い リ リ ー ス サ イ ク ル に よ り, エ ン ハ ン スを 反映 し や す い

そし て Windows 10も今後の頻繁なアップデートが予想されることから、LTSR適合のコンポーネントではありません。適合しないコンポーネントが必要なシステムについては、当面CRオプションを採用することをお薦めします。LTSR/CRのオプションは、任意の時点で切り替えることができます。

LTSR の 詳細 は こ ち ら で 確認 く だ さ い.

* Receiver for Windows の LTSR 特別 プ ロ グ ラ ム は こ ち ら で 確認 く だ さ い.

A hybrid Skype for Business Deployment

2:33 PM Add Comment
A hybrid Skype for Business Deployment -

I recently published a blog post and video on the new Citrix RealTime Optimization Pack for Skype for Business.

As you can see from the video is Citrix can deliver with XenApp and XenDesktop Skype for Business to RDS / VDI users. By optimizing Pack, the CPU load on the processor is negligible, while the overall user experience to that of a conventional PC is identical.

Recently, when I spoke about this feature, I was asked the following question:

show the optimization between two users occur which both use VDI. What happens if a user VDI is used, and the other is on a conventional PC?

I find that a few pictures to make the total solution more easily understood. First, let us look at Native VDI:

Native Skype

As you can see, the audio and video occurs between the two virtual desktops as Skype for Business client is on the virtual desktops installed.

Second, we have to look the architecture if we Citrix RealTime Optimization Pack for Skype for Business

XA Skype

This time, using voice and video, occurs between the two end points. Although the Skype for Business client is still on the virtual desktops, we have the media engine to the local endpoints for processing moved while making still appear that the video is running on the virtual desktop.

Finally, we look at the architecture, as we have a user with Citrix XenApp / XenDesktop with the RealTime Optimization Pack for Skype for business and another user is a conventional PC with the native Skype for Business client.

XA and traditional Skype

Also look at the voice and video path, it still comes between the two endpoints. This is because the user who still uses a virtual desktop has on their local endpoint of the media engine, while the traditional PC user has the standard Skype for Business client.

Regardless of whether the user all running XenApp / XenDesktop or only a subset used XenApp / XenDesktop-the Citrix RealTime Optimization Pack is still an improvement over the standard in the RDS / VDI world be installed.

Daniel (Follow on Twitter @djfeller)
XenApp Best Practices
XenApp Videos

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Say YES to Digital Business Transformation

1:32 PM Add Comment
Say YES to Digital Business Transformation -

By 2020 there will be over 50 billion smart connected devices in the world. The volume of business data will double next year. And every day, your average worker engaged with 5.53 apps on 3 (or more) devices.

We live in an increasingly digital world. The convergence of cloud, mobile and big data is new breakthrough business models and power conversion, as we live and work. From healthcare to financial services government business more and more digital. It has the power to people to connect organizations, and devices to engage in a new way, energy intelligent processes and rethink how business is done.

Until the end of 2017 two thirds of the CEOs of Global 00 companies will have digital transformation in the heart of its corporate strategy. At least half of IT spending will be cloud-based, to achieve 60 percent of all IT infrastructure, and 60 to 70 percent of all software, services and technology spending by 2020 (Source: IDC Future Cape Worldwide IT industry forecasts, in November 2015).

As an IT leader, you must lead your company digital efforts by providing a secure and reliable infrastructure and protect that new opportunities can scale to meet, rapidly enable new innovations and your employees can access the data and applications they need from any device to be productive anywhere.

Citrix is ​​the leading provider for secure delivery of applications and data is uniquely positioned to be your partner for the digital transformation.

Citrix Synergy 2016 is designed to do just that. help you digital business say YES From inspirational customer led keynotes to hands-on innovation presented in-depth training and outbreaks, Citrix Synergy is the must-attend event for IT executives to secure their businesses, optimize their network, mobilize their workforce, or to digitize their business.

I invite me at Citrix Synergy join 2016- -the leading conference for digital business transformation in Las Vegas, from 24 May to 26

We bring together industry experts in Application Delivery, user experience, security, network management, virtualization, file sync and cloud services. In short, our goal is to arm yourself with the tools and confidence you inspire to say YES to workforce mobility, security and compliance, BYOD, workplace redesign, hybrid cloud infrastructure - and what's next

Businesses Trust Citrix

I am proud to be our customers at this crucial time at Citrix. A time when our company is disruptive change in a benefit turn, based on a proven, 25-year track record of safe of the most important applications deliver.

To learn more and now, visiting Citrix Synergy register Say YES Digital Business Transformation 2016. In the coming weeks I will share more about Synergy and the business of JA on these pages and on Twitter, too.

. Learn how at Citrix Synergy 2016.

Follow @tminahan

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RSA & Beyond. Fundamental security challenges and threats

12:31 PM Add Comment
RSA & Beyond. Fundamental security challenges and threats - Addressing

A threat landscape is rapidly developing a strong need for partnerships innovation, transparency and investment in security

to go is the message of Admiral Michael S. Rogers and RSA President Amit Yoran at the 25th RSA® Conference in San Francisco last week and we could not agree more traditional.

It is not only bad actors representing new security challenges for today's organizations. Disruptive technologies like mobility, cloud and Internet of things make it difficult to defend legacy applications and systems over time. Our security zones are becoming more porous or disappear completely-thanks to a more efficient mobile workforce, with data at rest, in motion and in use in a complex matrix of endpoints, networks, applications and storage.

Not that mobility is undesirable, of course. Our customers tell us, it is important for the competitiveness, which make it possible for them to:

  • Enable remote workers and support flexwork and Tele
  • expand a global workforce for lower costs and greater access to talent
  • Empower consultants, contractors, partners and other third parties with their applications and data to work

But mobility has to be completely safe. Organizations must be able:

  • to protect the confidentiality and integrity of their intellectual property
  • Ensure Business continuity in the face of environmental disaster or social unrest
  • Maintaining compliance with regulations and standards

Citrix provides these needs as central to our mission as a technology provider. called in the spirit of partnership for at RSA, Citrix is ​​working with other industry leaders fundamental challenges to meet. Our solutions integrate skills essential best practices for the following five central pillars of security to support

identity and access - As Mr Yoran noted in his opening address .:

the misuse of identity is an important component to almost be any discerning attack, malware attacks as the attack vector far surpassed.

Citrix solutions support two-factor authentication as fast security victory mitigate against access by Credential harvesting attacks easier

network security -. Our technologies for secure remote access incorporate encryption and contextual access control, segmentation of the blast radius of violations and attacks to contain, and monitoring to facilitate more timely detection. Citrix architecture is designed with the flexibility to ensure the availability and business continuity in case of mechanical breakdown, weather events, epidemics, disasters and other disturbances

application security -. Apps all of types window, mobile or web must be protected and controlled. By using Citrix products applications and desktops in the data center virtualize and centralize businesses can best use existing security investments while facilitating the management. Mobile application that can live on devices natively be containerized individually along with their encrypted data. Web applications are protected against logic attacks with an application-layer firewall

data security - from. We provide a comprehensive data protection regardless device uses. The data access, sharing and storage will be checked and tested. It has to choose the flexibility where data is stored-on is on site, in the cloud or in a combination -after data security and compliance demands of the business to

Mr. Yoran quote again :.

We need an insight into the full packet capture analysis to see what happens in our networks ... protocols are simply not enough. full transparency is to obtain the basic building block for a really interesting analysis and correct incidents scoping.

Our announced Citrix Security Insight provides a better way to do a threat analysis.

Building permit on the basis of confidentiality, integrity and availability, Citrix best practices for comprehensive security organizations to keep data safe, no matter how people work-any place, any device, access method to the modern enterprise workforce support. In this way we help our customers at least one step ahead remain challenging to the increasing security.

To learn more, you can explore these challenges and best practices in greater depth in our Citrix Security Best Practices Whitepaper. It is a risky world out there, but together we can keep it safe.

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Citrix Unleashes Industry-First Integrated Platform for SD WAN

10:29 PM Add Comment
Citrix Unleashes Industry-First Integrated Platform for SD WAN -

Software Defined WAN (SD WAN) provides the reliability, transparency, control and flexibility businesses need today to address the by new bandwidth-intensive applications demands on their WANs and in 2016 there is a strong momentum towards mainstream acceptance.

One of the challenges is to mainstream assumption that the company needs to remain diverse and solution offerings on the market, are inadequate to meet these needs, either because they are incomplete or bundle of complex, silos housed components.

Today we are a complete solution for companies in this way revelation: Cloud Bridge Enterprise Edition, a single platform with fully integrated WAN virtualization, WAN optimization, enterprise-class security and end-to-end transparency. The Cloud Bridge Enterprise Edition makes it an industry-leading optimization for Citrix applications, and other enterprise application protocols no-brainer forward with a scalable enterprise grade SD WAN implementation to move.

with the Cloudbridge WAN Optimization technology is proven in the market. Today we have many customers who recognize the results, with our WAN optimization solution around the globe in their networks.

The Cloudbridge WAN virtualization technology is distinguished in the market, the fastest failover response provides unique path load balancing capabilities, intelligent extensions for lossless delivery of real-time media and end-to-end enterprise grade Safety.

The Cloud Bridge Enterprise Edition as a fully integrated SD WAN platform uniquely provides a single pane -from-glass management. companies no longer have to struggle with how to manage multiple devices or components in branches for WAN virtualization, optimization, performance management or security.

Now not only can companies enjoy lower CAPEX related to a single branch unit provide, but they can also reduce the operational complexity of dealing with separate management systems. Relieved of this burden, companies can focus their IT infrastructure on developing the potential of SD WAN to unlock and to avoid the interruption of the delivery of business-critical applications and data.

Since the introduction of our SD-WAN solution last April it has gained significant momentum in the market. Gartner recognized Citrix as a representative for our provider Cloudbridge SD WAN deal in December 2015 market leader for Software Defined WAN. * to learn more about this guide in this recent post.

Software Defined WAN (SD WAN) provides the reliability, transparency, control and flexibility businesses need today to place the needs of new bandwidth-intensive applications on their Wide Area Networks and in 2016 address there is a strong momentum towards mainstream acceptance.

One of the challenges is to mainstream assumption that the company needs to remain diverse and solution offerings on the market, are inadequate to meet these needs, either because they are incomplete or bundle of complex, silos housed components , Today we are a complete solution for companies in this way revelation - Cloud Bridge Enterprise Edition, a single platform with fully integrated WAN virtualization, WAN optimization, enterprise-class security and end-to-end visibility. The Cloud Bridge Enterprise Edition makes it a breeze to move forward with a scalable enterprise grade SD WAN implementation.

The industry for Citrix applications and other enterprise application protocols leading optimize Cloudbridge WAN Optimization technology is proven in the market. We have many customers, real results achieved by our WAN optimization solution around the globe today in their networks. The Cloudbridge WAN virtualization technology is to be distinguished on the market, the fastest failover response provides unique path load balancing functions, intelligent extensions for lossless delivery of real-time media and end-to-end enterprise-grade security.

The Cloud Bridge Enterprise Edition as a fully integrated SD WAN platform offers uniquely a single pane-of-glass management. Companies no longer need to fight, how to manage multiple devices or components in branches for WAN virtualization, optimization, performance management, security. Now not only can companies enjoy lower CAPEX deploy in connection with a single branch unit, but they can also reduce the operational complexity of dealing with separate management systems. Relieved of this burden, companies can focus their IT infrastructure on developing the potential of SD WAN to unlock and to avoid the interruption of the delivery of business-critical applications and data.

Last year, the Watershed, an organization that provides drug and rehabilitation services and treatment centers alcohol, the first customer in North America virtual Cloudbridge WAN was fully unfold. After continued success with Citrix solutions, including NetScaler, Share File and XenApp / XenDesktop, the customer was interested to maintain in a progressive manner for the employees at the branch facilities in times of network interruptions always-on connection, they on their patient focus.

Their biggest challenge high availability and reliability of connections to more than 0 employees in facilities in Florida and Texas was maintained. During the Watershed already been MPLS and broadband services leasing, operating in an active / backup way, there were delays in the failover, the application sessions interrupted. With Cloud Bridge, The Watershed now WAN links running in active / active mode, a multifold increase in the bandwidth offers, while Link blackouts / undervoltage go unnoticed. The Watershed can focus on its mission of saving lives to stay after serving more than 35,000 patients to date, and high-quality inpatient and outpatient drug and alcohol addiction treatment and counseling services.

to access the Tech Preview of Cloud Bridge Enterprise Edition, please visit here or contact your Citrix sales representative or reseller partners.

* Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors. With the highest ratings or other name Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose .

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How to Configure Secure forms with XenMobile

11:30 AM Add Comment
How to Configure Secure forms with XenMobile -

Secure forms with XenMobile

In our day to day routine, we get into different situations where organizations must capture information from their employees or end users of paper-based forms, where this information is used / re-visited at a later date.

When this collection of information papers will be regularly carried out with large numbers of users, it can be a real a dispute, process and collect store.

Secure Forms help alleviate this annoyance. With Secure Forms, administrators IT can select the desired template form publish users to quit, and they in turn provide structured information, which is then stored in Share File and can be accessed at any time without any problems. To illustrate

A simple example of the use of secure forms is a contract employee has to fill his time sheets on a daily basis. Administrators can automate this process by publishing a Secure Forms template for time sheets and the same for the contract employees. Contractor, the time sheet template Secure and forms and to fill in their hours.

The following steps illustrate a simple end-user and the steps required to extract the data for later use, as well as the steps. for the configuration

End User Experience:

In this case, we will consider a simple use case in which published an administrator for the contract employees with Secure Forms a time sheet and the contract employee (Consumer) will take time to fill sheets on a daily basis. All information that is entered by the employee are collected in the Share File repository.

  1. The end user will download and install the Secure Forms application from the Worx Store, Once the download is complete end-user Secure Start Forms application and log in with Share File access.


2. Post Login secure Forms application, the end user, the list of published templates see.

WFE2 3. The end user will fill out and send in the secure form with its data / information.


4. When the user taps on requests submitted, Secure Forms Request for confirmation. After filing all data will be stored


in the Share File repository. Note: If the administrator enables the location to collect service information from your device while you submit the form, then secure forms you might be asked to share the location details

to extract the data .:

Any information that is submitted by the employees in now in the Share File repository. An administrator can this data to a Web service post where you use your HR team or claims team for the contract employee time sheet data for their own purposes.

  1. The configuration that you sheet in template settings, time data as csv, json, xml have done are saved in File Share.


2. The same information can be posted to the Web service template settings.


3. The submitted XML can be seen in the Web Service Repository


steps Secure to configure forms .:


  1. you need to have a working environment XenMobile.
  2. you need an account Share File user with root-level to create folders, create users and distribution groups.
  3. you need to access the latest version of Secure forms to have.
  4. You must have the latest MDX Toolkit to develop safe form application.
  5. you are with PowerShell 4.0 (to create folders structure of Secure Forms app required) access to a Windows-based computer must have create and access to chrome browser on form templates.

Step 1 :. Setup Share File create folder structure

to the steps, see the folder structure @ http://docs.citrix.com/en-us/worx-mobile-apps/10/secure-forms/integrating-secure-forms-with-sharefile.html

Step 2 :. Admin Created and published a form template

  1. a secure form template Create and publish, you will need to have an admin account. Once you sign the admin login information in order https://secureforms.xs.citrix.com portal with admin credentials

. Note: This is only supported in chrome browser.


  1. Post Click posting on New a form template. (Here is a template for the employee time sheet illustrate)


3. You can Browse a logo for the template, and enter the title and Description the template, and click Next .

WorxForms_xs_citrix_3.3_final 4. Create the template with the required Content with the predefined elements on the left sidebar and click Next .


5. Under Settings , set the process data submitted under collection collecting methods, although the submitted data is sent, by A send the e-mail, select e-mail. Also administrator can collect car to the user location, email address and deadline. Click publishing to publish the form template.


6. You can view the list of published forms under Published see tab

Step 3 :. . Wrap and publish Secure Forms application in XenMobile Server

  1. now the Secure Forms ipa file wrap (you downloaded from Citrix downloads) to use the latest MDX Toolkit and the same publish in XenMobile Server.
  2. recommendation on Set Camera : For, set Photolibrary : For, mic record block : For, Block location services : from
  3. If you want the email forms as e-mail with WorxMail then make sure that you use the same team ID to the WorxMail and secure forms

[1945005towrap] Note .:

1. you can follow the steps in http://docs.citrix.com/en-us/mdx toolkit / 10 / xmob-mdx kit app-wrap ios.html

2 found. For other applications, you can refer https://www.citrix.com/blogs/2016/04/06/transform-law-enforcement-workflows-with-worxforms/

La (in) Seguridad móvil en Brazil, Mexico y Colombia

9:28 PM Add Comment
La (in) Seguridad móvil en Brazil, Mexico y Colombia -

Al analizar los datos Relacionados a Seguridad móvil de nuestro Estudio de Movilidad realizado en Brazil, Mexico y Colombia, Quede aterrado. Me parecio increíble que identificar aproximadamente el 70% de las empresas no cuentan con una Política de Seguridad (BR 62%, 77% MX, COL 68%).

claramente, los encargados de TI entrevistados consideran a la Seguridad como una de sus principales Preocupaciones. Pero por alguna razón esa preocupación no LOGRA traducirse en iniciativas concretas para resguardar uno de los más bienes Preciados de toda empresa :. Su información confidencial

Para un poco más sobre su indagar percepción de la Seguridad les consultamos a qué amenazas a la Seguridad móvil creen que están las empresas expuestas; y corroboramos que Siguen vigentes los temores tradicionales a Ataques externos y riesgos internos de exponer los datos clave:

  1. Usuarios externos que acceden al sistema para robar propiedad intelectual, que buscan acceso no autorizado a datos privados o quieren cometer fraude
  2. Descuido de usuarios internos que dan acceso a datos privados
  3. software DANINO

Pero también les consultamos qué aspectos les preocupan más cuando piensan en acceso remoto a los datos Corporativos. Las respuestas en los países se 3 centraron en la descarga y uso de aplicaciones.

  1. Controlar el acceso a las aplicaciones
  2. Que el Departamento de TI pierda el control sobre la Adquisición de aplicaciones
  3. Que la Plataforma de compra o Adquisición de apps no sea ​​segura
  4. Que las aplicaciones nos sean Seguras

There lógico, el mundo de las aplicaciones Continua Creciendo y hoy los usuarios encuentran una aplicación simple y rápida para solucionar procesos de su vida cotidiana , Incluso, tareas de su rutina laboral si la Compañía de no se Encarga proveerles aplicaciones corporativas eficientes y Segura.

Inevitablemente, todos estos datos sobre la diferencia me hicieron reflexionar entre preocuparse y porque creo que ocuparse eso es lo que está fallando al implementar la movilidad. Hay empresas que no logran transformar la preocupación en una acción que los concreta ayude a brindar movilidad ya la vez garantizar la Seguridad de la información corporativa. Pero como en el dijimos post anterior, la movilidad ya está sucediendo y ante esto solo veo dos caminos posibles a seguir. El Primero it resistirnos al cambio e ignorar lo que sucede exponiéndonos a un contexto Totalmente inseguro. La otra alternativa it abrazar el cambio y tomar las Decisiones necesarias para transformarlo en una Ventaja Competitiva. Yo me Inclino siempre mucho más por el Segundo.

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XenServer Plugins Collection v5

8:27 PM Add Comment
XenServer Plugins Collection v5 -

I recently had the honor of being the architect of our new XenServer training participate (CXS-300: XenServer 6.5 SP1 Administration). Rather than simply updating the existing course of the latest features, we have decided to completely make it new, to better reflect the feedback we have received over the years.

The updated course now be explained with the hood details, but there is also a strong focus on the field experience.

I like the final result and hope you will too! But while on the new XenServer course work, I realized that there is a skeleton in my closet -. My XenServer plugins have not been updated in a while, and I decided to start working on it

As I described back in my first version of XenCenter plugins in 2012, I am one of the "lazy" consultants. It is a special kind of "lazy" IT professionals to automate the hours and hours no potentially easy task and simplify the other hand, that can be achieved in seconds. I XenCenter plugins written to make it easier in VMs RDP (I was too lazy to type the name of the VM) and added more and more functionality later. It turns out that plugins were very popular; there are still being actively used nearly 4 years after the latest version and I e-mails every day about getting

For this reason I have decided for the community and add to hear two most frequently requested features -. Ability to connect using IP addresses instead of VM names and simplified installation.

While it sounds like small changes, if you have a look at the code, this is actually a lot more complicated than it sounds, because of the range of IP addresses before the right has to be analyzed can be selected ,

Why plugins?

There are different groups of people using XenServer. Some people use it exclusively with Windows workloads (usually our XenApp XenDesktop customers), others have mostly Linux workloads. Several people like to use PowerShell for automation, while others are more * nix oriented automation tools prefer.

This variety is amazing and definitely proves that XenServer is a very flexible platform, but it also makes it much more difficult to build a user interface that offer all options for these different groups and keep it clear and easy to handle. Fortunately, XenCenter implements a plug-in architecture, which is actually very easy to use.

If you want to customize the user interface to suit your needs, plugins are the way to go. Or if you offer a product that integrates with XenServer (monitoring, backup or storage integration), it would also be sensible UI expansion.

What is available?

Plugins simply add new menu items to the user XenCenter - and we encourage you to add your own and integrate XenCenter with your existing IT tools. can be added in the following is an example of the context menu with additional options see:

XS Plugins

Some of these options are only relevant to Windows machines, while the others are more universal


only Windows extensions

  • Ask an RDP connection to VM
  • Open remote services of VM
  • Open remote event log VM
  • Open remote drives (C, D and e) of VM

Universal extensions

  • connect to VM Putty with (very useful for Linux VMs)
  • connect to VM with WinSCP
  • connect to VM via HTTP
  • The ability Ping VM

XenServer host

  • to XS host connect Putty with
  • to XS host connect WinSCP
  • copy XS host Connect with PowerShell
  • [1945013[

    Available for multiple objects

    • you can send a UUID of various objects -. XS-host, VM, the pool or the local and remote storage repositories

    If you are familiar with the previous versions, have you noticed, perhaps, that no new context menu options were added. The biggest changes in this version are on the IP Handling (major change), related addition of installer and cleanup of all the scripts.

    How to install?

    installation is very simple - just unpack the archive and run Install.cmd. This script must be run increases - and you can use it to update an existing installation of plugins, just make sure that XenCenter is not running

    There are only a configuration option, you must select during installation - , You must choose how you the details on VM (or host) to scripts


    XS_Plugins_Installation passed

    There are two ways to do :.

    1) By. handed over a list of all IP addresses to the script and the first IP in IPv4 format is passed to the script - IP. For example, " Ping.cmd"

    2) By Name -. Name of the VM is passed with a script as an argument. For example, "Ping.cmd XDC-001"

    If your VM name is the same as an actual host name (eg VM name is XDC-001 and OS name is XDC-001), it is recommended to use the name in order to solution. IP Resolution is limited - are reported as IP addresses of XenTools, this works only installed for running VMs with XenTools. In addition, only the first IP is used.

    That being said, if you want to change the script responsible for the IP parsing, you can find it under Shared Resolve.cmd. You can download the RegEx definition change right after FindStr to search only for specific IP ranges.

    For WinSCP and Putty, you also need to download these programs install , as they are not included in the installation.

    After installing plugins should be loaded automatically available and be. If you want to disable it (or viewing available plugins), you can view details in XenCenter under Tools Options plugins can be found at:


    What's next [?

    Perhaps here there are some options missing - or your own solution, you want to integrate with XenCenter. XenCenter supports two different types of plug-ins - the first type, you can add new menu items (that's what I use here), but you can also add new tab pages to the interface (for example, the NetScaler interface in a for display tab).

    so why not start your own plugins? The process is well documented, and you can find some examples of the implementation can be found here. Or you can use your new script in the Plugins Citrix just copy Extra Tools Scripts folder and file ExtraTools.xcplugin.xml amended accordingly (just be aware that the changes will be overwritten when you update the plugin), if you plan to keep it for himself

    you can also Compile.cmd script and resource file, see source folder -. this can the required binary automatically generate for you (this is not very important), and you can concentrate on the scripting part and XML. File


    as usual standard disclaimer applies here (download link follows):

    "This software application is provided to you "as is" without representations, warranties or conditions of any kind. you can use it at your own risk and distribute. CITRIX dISCLAIMS aLL wARRANTIES oF aNY kIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, WRITTEN, ORAL oR STATUTORY, INCLUDING wARRANTIES oF FITNESS fOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . aND NONINFRINGEMENT Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that (a) the software application may occur errors, design flaws or other problems that may cause data loss or damage to property; (B), it may not be possible be to make the software application fully functional; and (c) Citrix may, without notice or liability to you, no longer available to make the current version and / or future versions of the software application. In no event should the code to support ultra-hazardous activities, including but not limited to use life support or blasting activities. NEITHER CITRIX NOR ITS AFFILIATES OR AGENTS IN BREACH OF CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE APPLICATION, INCLUDING DIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. You agree to indemnify and defend Citrix against any claims arising from the use, modification or distribution of the code occur "


    UPDATE :. Version 5.2 has a few corrections for the release setup script. Special thanks going to help for troubleshooting Tobias Kreidl.

Use Citrix APIs (and Octoblu) to automate the company

7:26 PM Add Comment
Use Citrix APIs (and Octoblu) to automate the company -

Citrix offers many innovative services that add any great value to the company. What if you as "connect" several services Citrix together were that they could work together?

For example, what if you could add a task in Podio and send a text message when a colleague approved or E-mark a Share File document? What if a XenDesktop session on your office lobby entering the morning spin up? What if you could block an IP address on NetScaler, open a trouble ticket, and send an SMS message when a cyber threat, which is recognized by Splunk (read more)?

Citrix Internet of Things (IoT) platform Octoblu, helps companies user workflows automate, by connecting (and hundreds of other third-party services, beacons, smart phones and portable devices) together Citrix services. Octoblu can simultaneously many automations thousands of messages or orchestrate send based on a single event. Events can Octoblu via On-Demand webhook, real-time data streams, polling intervals, planned inspections or even tweets, texts or email messages. be

Screen Shot 2016-03-29 at 4.14.07 PM

received Citrix (also known as "The Cube") play at Citrix Synergy a supporting role in the HPE Smart Digital Collaboration space. This haunting demo, built by Citrix, HP Technology Services and Aruba will show how our Octoblu IoT workflow engine helps both creativity and productivity in physical and digital spaces to promote. You will not want to miss


Here's what visitors to the Cube experience: when you walk into the glass cube, it greets you with the name as the Phillips Hue LED- lighting changes from green to red. Next, connect the screen on a door-mounted HP Tablet of available turns to busy and takes participants inside the cube name, HP Surface PCs to Skype for Business, Samsung TVs fire and the session goes live. As your meeting comes to an end, Tweets The Cube a selfie and emails. The picture as a souvenir, and will come back for the next group

Calling this a seamless, automated user experience demo does not do it justice imagine, physical and digital spaces that respond to them intelligently to the needs of people to inspire creativity, productivity and commitment.

We hope that you personally at Citrix Synergy can join us May 24 to 26 to experience personally the HPE Smart Digital Collaboration Space Demo in Las Vegas!

in the meantime for other posts stay tuned demonstrates involved as Citrix Octoblu workflows automate are XenApp, XenDesktop, XenMobile, storefront, Share File, Right Signature, director and NetScaler! In the meantime, call for Octoblu services and logs and start your business processes today automate!

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Want to learn about NetScaler load balancing more?

6:25 PM Add Comment
Want to learn about NetScaler load balancing more? -

There is a well known fact that our NetScaler courses are some of our most popular offerings at Citrix Education, and some of the highest satisfaction rates have in our catalog.

But take it not just take our word!

See for yourself on 25 April at 01:00 EST for a webinar free course preview NetScaler architect Howard manner features. We will give you a sneak peak of what you can CNS-220 expect our new Citrix NetScaler Essentials and Traffic Management price by reviewing the highlights of his load lalancing module including the following:

  • Quick overview NetScaler 11.0 crosslinking
  • Quick overview NetScaler 11.0 proxy / reverse proxy behavior
  • basic load balancing concepts with NetScaler 11.0
  • Advanced load balancing concepts with NetScaler 11.0

We will end the webinar with a group discussion so we can answer your questions about load balancing, and what in our new CNS 220 NetScaler course.

do not miss this exciting opportunity to learn more expected over the NetScaler load balancing functions while previewing CNS-220:.! NetScaler Essentials and Traffic Management

Register Today

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Digital transformation experts history at Synergy Tell

5:24 PM Add Comment
Digital transformation experts history at Synergy Tell -

from oral traditions to the written word in digital formats, stories is always a way to share experiences and knowledge.

My favorite memories is growing up in rural Southern Illinois always listen to my grandparents Children tell us about how life "used" and "how to do." to keep us busy both used storytelling sessions, entertained and informed. For my cousins ​​and I, our grandparents were our teachers, our philosophers, our sources of wisdom and information. For us, they were experts.

It's Storytime at Synergy

is why I developed the Meet the Experts program in 2013, our history with Synergy share subscriber the power and versatility of Citrix solutions in real applications. To achieve this, we had to product architects tell you how Citrix IT desktops and applications delivered from a hybrid cloud. Product System programmers were given the stage to show how Citrix is ​​using its latest technologies to enable the mobile operations of the staff at Synergy and around the world. We then went to the microphone Citrix solution architects to give them the opportunity to share results of Citrix and non-Citrix product integration techniques

An evolution and a new headlight. The customer

The small program has become something much bigger. Synergy 2016 is about helping to provide balanced perspectives you a digital business transformation jump-start -Which is why we have our turn Meet the Experts theater stage decided the industry's fearless, disruptive and transformative thought leader , to share Who better game changing approaches, as they are the real world addressing IT challenges with Citrix technology than those who can talk about it. Citrix customers

The meeting experts Theater will feature Citrix customers whose work pushes technological boundaries. their experiences have changed how we with the technology-how we stand, virtualize and also to gain insight into the digital transformation architects interacted. Their highly excited presentations will provide best practices, as well as unfiltered thoughts about desktop virtualization, VDI and industry solutions.

Our content strategy session selection team took months to select from countless submissions, the best customer -deployed architectures to tell you how things "used to be" and "how to do is. " We have scheduled 20 minutes long meetings stories articulate the latest trends with Citrix products and solutions. Anecdotal stories are a powerful way to let our customers tell how they implement changes, and advise you on how to do this. you will hear from innovators and early adopters stories that allows you to explore digital transformation qualitatively.

Be a child

take after their talks, time to meet experts, get to know them, get LinkedIn with them. Synergy is an opportunity to engage with those who have gone the way, taken the risks and fights the battles. Synergy The visit is to link your chance with Citrix experts thought industry leaders, existing customers and technology professionals Citrix. They are the ones that you can indeed help to innovation say.

Make sure to check out their respective terms of the Meet the Experts theater sessions in the Synergy session catalog.

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New toolbar in HTML5 and Chrome Receiver

4:23 PM Add Comment
New toolbar in HTML5 and Chrome Receiver -

Have the floating toolbar in Receiver for HTML5?

The in-session toolbar at the receiver for HTML5 and Chrome 1.9 is a floating toolbar that can be moved anywhere on the screen with a receiver-symbol, it used to expand and contract.


Citrix decided the toolbar redesign to make it better, modern and acceptable to all form factors.

One of the major considerations in the redesign that the Toolbar should not block the view of any application, such as the scroll icons in the apps, as this affects the productivity of the user.


Citrix this toolbar has been redesigned to make similar to other receivers is where we at the top activates the toolbar by default and a crescent moon icon to have to pull it down , if necessary. On a non-touch-enabled devices, the toolbar is in a crescent shape dock at the side of the window; hover the mouse on it is ready to extend full moon.


The receiver icon can be dragged anywhere on the screen. But it docks only at the edges of the screen. The toolbar expands when the new toolbar is on the crescent / Full Moon receiver icon

leftedge rightedge

of two components clicked. The primary menu and secondary menu. The Primary menu consists of five symbols that a "more" icon. Clicking on the 'More' will open the submenu


Let us mark the toolbar to some of the most important symbols .:

USB devices : opens the dialog box USB devices. It contains the list of devices that can be redirected to the session. To redirect USB devices, select the appropriate device and click 'connect'

Full Screen . It makes the session frame. "Restore" icon appears in its place in the frame. To restore to normal mode, click the "Restore" icon

Download . This key file from remote session to transfer to the client. Click on it File Explorer, open the file to

Upload . This key file from the client to the remote session transfer. Click on it File Explorer, open the file to

clipboard :. Opens a dialog which can copy the text from device to session / paste. Clipboard icon is only seen on receiver for HTML5 because it on Receiver for Chrome is not required

settings .: In view of the different form factors of devices on the market, the session that suits all the time especially small screen mobile devices can not be used screen size of the device. An option in toolbar has been provided, the user can change the resolution of the meeting in real time. "Auto Fit Screen" to be the default option and if another option is selected, then it would be recalled and applied starting at the other sessions of the same browser.

Short explanation of the different resolution options provided.

option Description
Auto Fit screen session size with the device screen size would be adjusted.
device pixel ratio Use Session size would device screen size with device pixel ratio size of 1280 * 800 pixels would
1280 * 800 pixels session set
1440 * 00 pixels session size would be set to 1440 * 00 pixels
would be 10 * 10 pixels session size set 10 * 10 pixels

About :. Opens the Third Party Licenses page

Ctrl + Alt + Del : Sends' Ctrl + Alt + Del "to the meeting

Disconnect : .. Separates the session

Log out : Prints the session

switch apps . Displays the applications in the session started, which can be used to switch between applications. highlighted an app in focus.

toolbar on touch devices

the following keys are shown on the toolbar only touch devices:

gesture guide Help on the gestures supported by the receiver for HTML5


Multi-touch: multi-touch remote controls all the gestures to the virtual meeting and app will proceed to the gesture is ever supported. For example, if you have to zoom in a photo on the server, with multi-touch only the picture can not be increased, as the entire session. This results in a better experience. Another example could be MS Paint can be used in the multiple fingers to draw the image.

default would Session in panning mode, where all gestures are applied to the session. To enable multi-touch mode, use the button in the toolbar. You can return to the panning mode by clicking on the same button

Note :. Multi-touch function is supported by Win 8.1 / Win 2K12R2 on. When the function in the app does not support / desktop toolbar button access between multi-touch on / off panning mode will not be displayed

keyboard .: Displays / hides the soft keyboard of the device. Once the keyboard is displayed, you can move the session and click to send in a drawing area keys. Same button is clicked again, the keyboard is hidden. This button appears only for touch devices.

The toolbar is cool, but my usecase as ISV app is not display any toolbar. Well, it is a way to hide the toolbar. Here are the steps:

Locate configuration.js packed with HTML5Client, usually is. "C: Program Files Citrix receiver storefront HTML5Client configuration.js"

search for key 'menubar' and set the value to false.

I can the individual elements of the toolbar?

To disable single item hide You can set, set the appropriate key to false. For example, to hide "Ctrl + Alt + Del" Set 'lock' is set to false.

Citrix has extensive user research and usability studies conducted several prototypes before to get this style.

Hope you like the new toolbar! Please let us know your feedback so that we can with receiver to enhance the experience further!

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Familiarize yourself with the recertification paths for the CCE - V and CCP - V certificates

3:22 PM Add Comment
Familiarize yourself with the recertification paths for the CCE - V and CCP - V certificates -

If you reached a Citrix Certified Expert - Virtualization (CCE - V) and / or Citrix Certified Professional -. Virtualization (CCP - V) certification in 2013 or 2014, you are probably thinking about the recertification your certification status to obtain If you do not have the recertification nor thought, here's why you should:

All following Citrix certifications are three-year term based. What this means is that these certifications are considered achieved to date and valid for a period of three years from the date:

  • solution based certifications :
    • virtualization:
      • Citrix Certified Expert - virtualization (CCE - V)
      • Citrix Certified Professional - virtualization (CCP - V)
      • Citrix Certified Associate - virtualization (CCA - V)
    • Networking:
      • Citrix Certified Professional - Networking (CCP - N)
      • Citrix Certified Associate - Networking (CCA - N)
    • mobility:
      • Citrix Certified Professional - mobility (CCP - M)
    • legacy Certificates (Retired certifications)
      • Citrix Certified integration Architect for Virtualization (CCIA for Virtualization)
      • Citrix Certified Enterprise Engineer for Virtualization (CCEE for Virtualization

Now that the recertification on your mind is, we have to share good news with you ...

If you CCE hold - V or CCP - V certification , the only two active certifications that more tests to , first to achieve required , we have made it easy for you to recertify by receiving and passing on an examination - a check only

here's how it works .:

  • During the certification, you want to keep, is still valid (that is, before the termination date for the certification ) , take and pass most up-to-date examination related to this certification. For example:
    • CCE - V -> take and the planning 1Y0-401 Citrix XenDesktop to pass 7.6 solutions testing
    • CCP - V -> take the 1Y0-301 and Deploying Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 solutions pass testing

This also applies to all other concept-based certifications are listed above.

  • Make sure that you 0 to 60 days to recertify try before the end of your certification to ensure you have enough time to test again, you should not on your first attempt.
  • Before testing, make sure that the preparation of guides for the associated exam download and thoroughly read.
  • If you determine from the prep guide that you need to brush up some, get the appropriate training to participate

Please note :. Each certification is valid until the date independently based achieved; Therefore, you need any certification renew you want to keep before the expiry of individual certification.

Good luck, and do not wait until it's too late recertify. I would not want to put more tests if I do not have to. I hope that you are not there.

For the most up-to-date information about Citrix certification requirements can be found here.

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Enterprise Application Delivery AWS virtual with Cloudbridge WAN

2:21 PM Add Comment
Enterprise Application Delivery AWS virtual with Cloudbridge WAN -

The Citrix Cloud Bridge virtual WAN solution solves these challenges Delivery enables secure, reliable and efficient delivery over Internet services.

The Cloudbridge virtual WAN solution, you can:

  • Bond more compounds WAN to increase total available bandwidth and reliability of your applications
  • [
  • to monitor your network connections in real time, the best way for optimal delivery
  • seamlessly route traffic to alternative compounds if one of your links fail or degrade choice
  • reserve the bandwidth required at both ends of traffic in an uninterrupted manner
  • ensure QoS for critical application traffic
  • [1945012umsicherzustellen[

    the highlighted functions can access all your industry / data center locations will be expanded and can be managed in a centralized manner. The central control of the network to standardize and perform real-time adjustment, it is very reduced administrative costs and complexity of the WAN connectivity and provides to manage the performance and security for your applications.

    Centralized reporting and monitoring standards are also used as part of your virtual WAN solution, and they are virtual by using the Cloudbridge delivered WAN Center. The Cloudbridge virtual WAN Center can help is hosted detect, diagnose and resolve performance issues in real time for your entire network, regardless of where your application. hosted Whether your applications purely in the cloud or in a hybrid model for use between On-Prem and the cloud, with these two options, you can count on virtual WAN Center with the visibility and performance to help you, need you to avoid painful application of voltage drops and downtime.

    The Citrix Cloud Bridge Virutal WAN solution now is to AWS Marketplace and can with a license from Citrix sources are activated.

    Deployment topology for Citrix Virtual WAN on AWS
    deployment topology for Citrix Cloud Bridge virtual WAN on AWS

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Uplevel your monitoring strategy at Synergy 2016

1:20 PM Add Comment
Uplevel your monitoring strategy at Synergy 2016 -

Monitoring is an important aspect of an app and desktop delivery infrastructure - but it is something that overlooked many companies. The day-to-day tasks are performed in the area to ensure user productivity and business objectives remain to be achieved in direct connection. Citrix management and monitoring solutions can help.

Citrix Director is the web-based daily management and monitoring console for XenApp and XenDesktop.

It is key for administrators and help desk staff to assess and shadow user sessions start to visualize machines and environmental trends, among other things. The latest versions include proactive notification and alerts with SCOM integration. You can also run custom reports to collect the metrics that are most appropriate for your organization. Do you use Director to the fullest in your area?

For customer (or thinking to use) Microsoft System Center Operations Manager, several weeks in March, we published the first version of the Citrix SCOM Management bundle for a comprehensive monitoring of a delivery infrastructure Citrix (the release see -Ankündigung blog). This offer, exclusively for active XenApp and XenDesktop Platinum Customers based on the proven, award-winning technology acquired Comtrade management products. The interest we have seen in these packages was enormous. I personally at numerous customer calls and e-mail threads, in which customers and partners were excited to try them out. , For those who want to get the most out of these packets, we can help

Join me and product managers Mudit Mehrotra for the outbreak Synergy sessions under Citrix Director and the new SCOM management pack:

SYN216: with the latest Director surveillance maximize

SYN215: best practices for Citrix infrastructure with new SCOM management packs monitor

For Director, we are use cases, discuss the latest features and ultimately ensure that you get to share the best possible results with the console. On the SCOM pack, we will help you better understand, implement, and use them. You will also learn how they complement each other to improve the existing monitoring functions of the Director of the overall monitoring supply and integrate.

Please bring your questions at these meetings, as we would love to hear your applications and talk and business objectives about how we can address them help. Specifically, if anything, there you would like us to cover in each session, leave us know in the comments please.

For those of you who also want to get hands-on experience with the SCOM Management Pack and Director, I recommend taking the Learning Lab session, both Instructor-Led available (subject to availability ) and for self-study (open for use on your own).

SYN624: monitoring and XenApp and XenDesktop environment Troubleshooting the SCOM Management Pack and director with

[1945001Schließlich], if you have not already registered for Synergy 2016 now is the time! The event will be packed with learning sessions, networking opportunities and of course some fun times as well.

I hope to see you all in Las Vegas!

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The call Citrix Ready partner at Synergy 2016!

12:19 PM Add Comment
The call Citrix Ready partner at Synergy 2016! -

It's time once again for Citrix Synergy! And we can no longer be excited our Citrix Ready partner community personally. Personally, I love the platform that provides interact this event with customers, partners and industry influencers and share strategic insights.

Citrix Ready has planned some exciting activities that get the most of your trip to Synergy. Read on to get a quick glimpse of the event and what's in store for you as a Citrix Ready partner!

Register for Citrix Ready Summit, May 23, 2016


Citrix Ready Summit will be held at Synergy in Las Vegas. We will start the event with the most important program updates and enhancements. You get to learn directly from the Citrix Product Manager Citrix product updates and roadmaps. We will also discuss the various options with you collaborate and work together, our partnership even more successful.

to make

specifying the detailed agenda here. date and time : May 23, 2016 | 12 from AM; Location : Room 301-302, Level 1, Sands Expo, The Venetian | The Palazzo, Las Vegas, NV

Would you like to hear about a particular topic? Please let me in an email and we will try our best to put that in our agenda.

Meet us at the Citrix Ready booth (# 102)

Do not forget to take our team in person at Synergy! We will be at booth number 102 in the Solutions Expo Hall. Visit to learn more about the state of the program announcements on the Citrix Ready Summit or to discuss in detail about the possibilities of working together. Or you can simply want to catch up with us! And who knows, you can get some goodies at the booth. :)


Grab the limelight with Citrix Ready Partner Speak Videos

This year at Synergy, we will show how your products and solutions help Citrix customers sail through several industry-wide IT challenges. Participate in. To the partner Speak videos and highlight your product or customer references in Synergy

With these videos you can present your product integration with Citrix technologies and how our joint offerings will help clients solve their business challenges to speak. The videos will be short - only 2 to 3 minutes - and the shooting occur at Citrix Synergy venue. an executive interview, joint customer showcase or a product / solution demo: You can choose from three options. We will promote the video co-brand and share a copy with you for the time after syndication. Limited video slots are available! So quickly; Write Register me today.

Do not let the event missed! Let me know if you have any questions; I look forward to seeing you at Synergy.

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2016 Citrix Innovation Award: Vote NOW

10:17 PM Add Comment
2016 Citrix Innovation Award: Vote NOW -


Immediately anyone, anywhere can throw a vote for this year !. Citrix Innovation Award winner.

Our exceptional finalists were selected from dozens of nominations of visionary organizations around the world. Each of the finalists will advance with virtualization, networking and file-sharing technology innovations that simplify IT and solve real problems by saying YES to Digital Business.

Take a look at any real story digital business transformation of our three finalists and vote for the organization you deem most deserving of this prestigious award.

Action for Children (London, England) was almost 150 years ago founded a real and lasting difference in the lives of the most vulnerable children in the UK. Today, the 6,000-strong staff working in 400 locations with 180 local authorities are working to deliver vital services. mobilized through the use has a flexible, efficient IT environment with 3,000 thin clients and 1,500 tablets, Action for children not only reduce staff, but dramatically simplifies day-to-day processes (paperwork, data acquisition) and operating costs.

Arca Continental (Monterrey, Mexico) is a global manufacturer and distributor, the company on Citrix sets applications to more than 22,000 users a to provide diverse service area, including Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina and the United States through the use of acquired companies a flexible digital business platform Arca Continental operational efficiency has increased dramatically and scaled successfully its IT systems business growth and to meet the rapid integration of IT systems.

Baloise (Basel, Switzerland) is one of the largest providers of insurance for individuals and businesses. The Swiss insurance holding company has its 7500-person staff everywhere where freedom, applications and data to secure access to any device of its European operations. With Citrix, Baloise has to allow their work reimagined, easier to promote more flexible working environments, comprehensive functionality, increased productivity and improved employee satisfaction.

Voting is open until Tuesday, May 24 at 9 pm EDT. All award finalists on Wednesday 25 May at Synergy 2016 be recognized during the General Assembly, where we announce this year's winners.


I look forward to see you ever next week in Las Vegas most customer-centric Citrix Synergy. If you have not already, it is not too late to register! Can not be there in person? Catch the highlights of the event at SynergyTV Watch Live.

See you there. Follow @tminahan

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Citrix innovation-driven alliance with Cisco

11:18 AM Add Comment
Citrix innovation-driven alliance with Cisco -

Growing next to the hi-tech industry in Silicon Valley and have been since 07 with Citrix, I got valuable experience that has helped me as a marketer in the B2B sector.

During my early years at Citrix, I saw a shift in marketing, such as social media grew and became an integral part of the way was done business. The integration of old ways of using this technology marketing was an essential part of the marketing mix, providing customers with their travel nursing. Much of what I experienced, I may refer to Citrix, and our purpose, to provide on the road to digital business transformation allows.

With Synergy fast approaching, I want to focus on innovation-driven Citrix Alliance to shine with Cisco Digital Business to enable transformation.

Cisco guide people, processes, data and things to connect, combined with Citrix leadership in secure delivery of applications and data provides a better together, technology-driven value for customers in the digital travel their business and empower the modern to transform labor. Together, we offer comprehensive solutions based on validated designs tailored to the specific customer delivery models and applications such as the Business Agility through Data Center Automation, application and desktop virtualization with DaaS Cloud Services and Mobility.

Citrix and Cisco momentum in partnership and technology-driven innovation will be a solid presence at Synergy. Cisco is a gold sponsor and they have many compelling speaking sessions up their sleeves, including:

  • SYN130 Networking supersession Citrix NetScaler + Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) with Soni Jiandani, senior vice president to discuss Cisco, on Tuesday, May 24 at 01:30 (Titian Room 2301A and 2201b)
  • SYN0 C isco breakout session , accelerating your way to the digital workplace transformation with Cisco and Citrix Hyperflex common customers, MeanderMC Healthcare application on Wednesday 25 May at 15.30 (Murano Room 3301A)
  • SYN233 integrating Citrix NetScaler in Cisco ACI environments on Thursday 26th may at 10:30 (Bellini Room 2101a)

You might even get a Roku streaming stick just for participating!

Demos on the Cisco booth # 505-G is the following joint technology showcase innovation, be validated and tested solutions for each vertical or company on the road to digital business transformation:

  • application and desktop virtualization with Citrix XenApp / XenDesktop on Cisco UCS, M-Series, Flexpod together with the new Cisco HyperFlex HCl solution
  • The Business Agility through Data Center Automation with Citrix NetScaler and Cisco ACI
  • [providedbyCitrixCiscoNVIDIA


  • graphics acceleration raffled hats and Apple iWatches for those giving away the 505-G Cisco booth # visit.

    When we get closer to the conference, you will be more of Cisco knowledge experts on digitization your business listening to your staff with the following authorize Blogs:

    • Accelerate your way to digital workplace transformation with desktop and App virtualization
    • What in memory at Citrix Synergy 2016 - a quick tour de force
    • announcement, a new CVD: FlexPod Data Center with Citrix XenApp / XenDesktop 7.7 and VMware vSphere 6.0 for 5000 seats
    • Cisco Hyperflex with Citrix XenDesktop Next generation Hyperconvergence for VDI

    to another #CitrixSynergy We look forward!

    Synergy Banner

  • Update Apple Push Service Certificate for WorxMail

    9:16 PM Add Comment
    Update Apple Push Service Certificate for WorxMail -

    Updating Apple Push Certificate Service for WorxMail

    Last year at this time, Citrix announced support for Apple push notification support for WorxMail, so users do not delay in e-mail / calendar notifications. You can find more details on the here.

    The Apple Push Services certificate that you use expires each year, the sure end users there is no inconsistency with push notifications is only to make face. is short expired before your old certificate, you must create a new certificate " Apple Push Notification Service SSL Certificates " and update it in Citrix portal

    . NOTES:

    1. Apple does not support to renew the certificate if the certificate / about to expire you run out to create a new certificate.
    2. You do not need the WorxMail application to redevelop if the Apple Push Services certificate / terminate if you add a new certificate in the same App ID.
    3. You do not have to change any MDX policy settings for application in WorxMail XenMobile Server.
    4. Make sure that you upgrade in Citrix portal the existing Customer ID (do not add new certificate).

    The following steps you through the process

    to create a new Apple Push Notification service SSL certificate .:

    1. Login Apple's developer portal the Safari browser.


    2 used. Enter login, navigate to " Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles " section of certificates -> All check sections the expiration date of the Apple Push service certificate you with WorxMail use to allow apple push notifications.


    3. When the certificate expires, click Identifiers, then click App IDs and select the application ID that you use for WorxMail push notifications to activate.


    4. Click to Edit Edit the app ID.


    5. Scroll to push notifications of production SSL certificate section, click Create Certificate key.


    6. You will be asked to generate a CSR


    to create steps to a CSR:

    7. From the MAC device, open KeyChain Access. Navigate access to keychains -> Certificate Assistant -.> Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority


    8. Under the Certificate Wizard page, provide the user email address Common name for the certificate (using something that is so convenient and easy to use that you can recognize it easily into the key ring) and enter the CA e-mail address . Select the request as "S Aved on the hard disk " and click Next .


    9. Save the CSR to the MAC device.


    10. Now change to the Safari browser and click Continue (as in step 6), click Select file , select the CSR who created you, in step 9 and Click Next .


    11. Once your certificate is ready, upload it on your MAC device. .


    12> All


    NOTE - You can create the new Apple push service certificate creation under certificate confirm .:

    1. they are two certificates with the same name, because they are attached to the same App ID

    installing the certificate:

    13. install the downloaded certificate on the MAC device. , After installation, you can do the same in Keychain Access


    export certificate (P12) confirm by Keychain:

    14. From the Keychain Access , e xport the certificate that you installed in the previous step.


    15. Save the certificate (P12) on your Mac.

    12 13 14

    16. Once you have the P12 certificate, log on to the Citrix XenMobile Tools Portal. Login, then click on Upload WorxMail APNs certificates .


    17. Once the Upload WorxMail APNs certificates , you are the , see region under Customer ID , which is bound to the WorxMail App-ID , that you already use. Now click on Update key

    . NOTE:

    1. If you see several entries here, make sure you Update the correct entry. Select offer


    18 you the APNs certificate , you exported in step 14 and 15 and the password certificate and click Download .


    19. Once the newly created certificate attached, you can use the new Expiration see date reflected on the screen.


    . NOTE:

    1. Once these steps are taken to check Apple notifications with WorxMail press
    2. confirming the work of Apple prior push notifications as you can go ahead and revoked the old Apple push services certificate bound App ID.

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