A college Intern's View of Security in Education - Part II

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A college Intern's View of Security in Education - Part II -
In a recent blog post, Citrix Intern Jiun Hong us an insight into security concerns in the education sector was , They mixed personal anecdotes with education industry statistics show us the kind of risks students, parents and teachers face - often without realizing it. have we left off personal information spoken (PII), intellectual property, Institution reputation and finances. Today's rate ranges from medical records monitoring; we think that you will learn a lot from this bright, young stars.

Although to institutions collect a wealth of sensitive information, for good reasons, universities on the receiving end must not be capricious about the dangers of security breaches. There are a wide range of on evidence of the specific information of our information in educational institutions, which deserves our attention.

Medical records

The only sector is prone to hacks as healthcare education. On the black market the health of patients is sold information for more value as credit card information, because it is not recoverable and is the type of asset, give up too.

But universities are holding well to rish. You keep the same kind of information that makes them so popular in health care with hackers because students are required to submit health information and the use of on-campus clinics students, still save more patient data. There are some schools that keep millions of patient records in their own university medical centers, they are looking to make desirable target for hackers data goldmines

The bad news :. Cyber-attacks are real and occur at an ever increasing rate. The good news: Prevention is possible with 10 steps for cyber security

In a recent blog post about cyber security, Citrix Chief Security Officer, Chris Mayer, explains how Citrix solutions support each of the ten steps and enable safer. Networks, regardless of industry. But how can Citrix products help educational institutions with risks?

Information Risk Management Regime + Incident Management

According to a study (focused mostly on US facilities) performed by the System Administration, Networking and Security Institute (SANS), less than half the educational institutions have a way risk to the privacy of the assessment, with the overwhelming concern for compliance with the family educational rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Payment Card Industry data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

Citrix products primarily support application and workstation virtualization, but are built with different security standards in mind, allowing for automatic compliance with the deployment. This means that the concerns regarding PII and medical records are facilitated. Just knowing when, where and how data breaches in the University may occur ICT system, is crucial for preventive measures and recovery methods for institution building, support the occupied thousands of students. The Session recording function-just one of the many security features in XenApp and XenDesktop built allows for the collection of evidence of a solid incident management base. This step function and can alleviate the monetary and legal recovery pain in a cyberattack.

Secure Configuration + Monitoring

Some attack vectors that universities were concerned with, come from exploits against internal database systems malware to staff endpoints could be prevented by applying patches. But discussing the topics in the SANS study there is no mention of secure configuration, an important step to secure a system. Secure configuration can be controlled with XenMobile, for mobile devices and applications and XenApp / XenDesktop for desktop devices. This step reduces susceptibility to systems integrity and confidentiality, the concern about loss of student data and intellectual property to worry about. NetScaler Security Insight, configuration pattern, dangerous inconsistencies monitor locally and reports issues based on NetScaler protocols, all of which comply with during the PCI standards.

Network Security + Home & Mobile Working

Due to today's BYOD culture, students and faculty various personal devices to the campus network to connect while working with confidential data. As the number of devices corresponding to the number of possible violation points, there is a need to regulate the power with layers that can be used with XenApp and XenDesktop. This protects everything from health information to research data. With more personal devices on secure networks outside the university walls there is sensitive data are unnecessarily stored on thousands of devices that keep track impossible. Work on personal devices can be made safe with Share File, in which all data, no matter encrypted where it pulled up.

manage user privileges + User Education & awareness

manage Most universities the risk of data breaches by non-PII storage or access limitation. the best method of prevention, in terms of the powers of control is, however, allows only certain types of access to those who need it necessarily. The Citrix Ready Security Partners Program can introduce without integrated functions rights management applications. This is a step that limit the number of devices to fill the sensitive data, which limits the chances of financial and medical information exposed by always. Another non-technical, human intelligence-based method of prevention is the role-based training on specific ICT systems policies that raise awareness and reduce vulnerability. Citrix can help by collaborating with various partners in these efforts, the need to support the system-specific implementation of a university.

Malware Prevention + removable media controls

malware can sneak through a variety of ways, from emails to send somebody Phishing, the access to school listserv for viruses by students has endpoints. The Citrix Ready Security Partners Program enables universities with malware protection to operate, identify and eliminate routes for malware. On their ICT systems Removable media controls are not as popular, but they are still avenues for malware and data theft. Share File is a Citrix product that the need for removable media drives with its anytime, anywhere data access with data encryption features.

The personal statements that I, when first so painstakingly crafted eradicates application are probably in the same data center as my sensitive information in the school store. Although I would not care if we all have a laugh reading that I thought I was 17 years old, I would be devastated if the information could allow my identity and finances stolen was exposed.

This internship with Citrix has been a great learning experience: they taught me that cyber terrorism is an alarming reality and I should be vigilant to protect my personal information more. Nevertheless, I have no time wasted in the fear of cyber attacks, because I know that Citrix is ​​armed with essential safety skills. As a student, I hope that all educational institutions to equip themselves with the safety and student mobility skills Citrix offers.

Please refer to the Citrix presence in the education sector at @CitrixEducation.

Follow Jiun at @ jiunhong4.

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