For innovation that is important to hear customer

2:58 PM
For innovation that is important to hear customer -

This is the first entry in a new blog series titled "Real Talk with Bill Burley"

innovation. We are bombarded with this word, in the advertising, marketing materials and even in books. In fact, the word is used so much that it is difficult to distinguish what is real from overstated claims.

So how do you know if someone "Innovation" really count?

The Citrix formula is simple. We listen to our customers. We try to go a mile in their shoes. We watch as they work their people. We ask questions. What problems are they? What do they wish they could do that they now can not do?

It's easy to use common sense. And it is why #EveryoneUsesCitrix.

Maybe you feel like this approach limits us to incremental improvements that make little difference, no major breakthrough.

you would be wrong.

get The proximity to our customers, we were able to identify solutions to problems that they may not even realize that and expand in all industries.

problems as the proliferation of browser-based applications, particularly software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications, the overwhelming IT organizations with the following types of problems:

  • the custom-made applications that only with certain versions of work Internet Explorer, because they depend on Flash, Silverlight, or other plug-ins that are no longer supported in modern browsers
  • enterprise applications that are optimized for Internet Explorer or Firefox [1945012[
  • line-of-business managers, who are buying cutting SaaS applications outside of IT, the staff then their personal browser access to store the user names and passwords, user settings and personal data, and provide cyber criminals to break through the iT security defense

browser-based applications have been around years. And Citrix XenApp customers have to solve using the above-mentioned problems. In fact, telemetry of more than 100,000 Citrix customers, shows that browsers are released and delivered by XenApp number one app.

But we could also see great demand for a service or software that XenApp security and management benefits would bring without anyone with Citrix expertise. What if we could offer customers a way to secure browser-based access to business applications in minutes, without asking the people who use them to do something more complicated than clicking on a link?

The answer? We can it.

And that innovation is Citrix Secure called browser, , which we launched as a fully hosted cloud-based service recently when entry-level XenApp software product or as an SDK available free of charge for customers. In minutes, someone who has never been touched up a Citrix product and sure to deliver any web-based or SaaS app to any modern browser.

And we have only just begun. You can expect to start Citrix more groundbreaking features, products and services at a pace faster than we have ever achieved.

that innovation is what counts.

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