Citrix director CPU, memory usage and process information

3:09 PM
Citrix director CPU, memory usage and process information -

How often do you find a user who has a session Freeze, because a process too much CPU power is required, and there is no way, the problem easy to solve? If only you check the CPU usage trends of the last few days, you could plan better for the new delivery group that you provide the.

The latest version of Citrix Director as part of Citrix XenApp Cloud and XenDesktop Service, you can have a glimpse of the CPU and memory usage on your applications and desktops you get allows for CPU and memory usage to better prepare.

-based machine CPU and memory usage

We have added a historical Utilization button on the machine utilization panel.

Machine details Page

This will open a new page, Historic machine utilization for the machine. Find the historical usage of CPU, memory, and number of sessions on the specific machine to find.

time ranges can be selected to display the historical resource utilization. We support 2 hours 24 hours, 7 days, 1 month and 1 year periods

Time Period Drop down

Three graphs showing the historical development of individual parameters - , CPU Count, Memory and Session

  1. CPU graph: .. CPU graph shows the average CPU trend over the selected time and the baseline
  2. memory graph: Memory graph shows the average storage trend selected time and the baseline
  3. session graph: shows .. session graph total number of sessions trend over the selected time and the baseline

in the following screen capture "load 2 hours of" was selected. Therefore, the base period will be the chosen 2 hours prior to the time domain. The CPU, memory and session trend in the last 2 hours, and the base time can be seen in three graphs. On hover, the tooltip provides additional information.

Historical Machine Utilization Page

process information

in the historic resource utilization page, process information added In addition to the resource data. In the table top 10 processes on the basis of CPU or memory. It also provides information about the process, such as application name, user name, session ID, CPU average and peak memory and average and peak over the selected time range

. Note: Session ID is the 0000 is for the system processes shown.

The table below shows the top 10 processes based on memory tip. And clicking on a process are the historical trend in the consumption of resources of the process. The table below shows the development of resource use for BrokerAgent.exe

Process Details

Past CPU and memory usage trend

There is a new tab called resource utilization imported trends page. Here you can see the trends obtained on the basis of the usage of CPU, memory and overall meetings for a selected period.

Similar to other tabs trends, filters are supported. You can set a filter for the delivery group and time period

delivery group filter: .. You can either a specific delivery group or all delivery groups

time period filter: We have 2 hour support, 24 hours, 7 days , 1 month and 1 year ranges.

Trends dropdown The resource utilization trend chart included 3 graphs. All three graphs offer a baseline analysis

  1. CPU graph. CPU graph shows the average CPU usage on a regular basis on selected time and baseline for all delivery groups or specific delivery group. Trends CPU chart
  2. memory diagram :. Storage chart shows the average storage for regular intervals over selected time and the basis for all delivery groups or specific delivery group
  3. Session Graph: Session graph shows the total session count for regular intervals over selected time and the basis for all delivery groups or certain delivery group.

Trends Charts

tooltip provides the summary of all the above graph for a certain time.

The table below the graph shows the resource usage details per machine. The table contains the information, such as total number of sessions, CPU average CPU peak memory Average, Memory Peak. The table can be sorted by any of these parameters.

In addition to the above parameters, you can see the number per machine, even the existing message. Note that this is only for RDS machines.

Trenda Table

As per other trends is the zoom feature provided for all charts available and the reports can also be exported.

So, now you know how this feature works. Next, let's find out how this function in your Citrix Cloud XenApp and XenDesktop Service to activate setting.

Enable this feature on your VDAS

This feature is available only on the 7.9 Virtual Desktop Agent. And this feature is off by default. 00000001 [1945002:UmdieseFunktionzuaktivierenSiebittedenfolgendenRegistrierungsschlüsselaufalleVDAS

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent FeatureToggle]

"resourceutilization" = dword comment]


group Policy is a collection of settings that determine how sessions, bandwidth and security for a group of users, devices, or connection types are managed. Group Policy can be easily configured in Citrix Studio

introduced a new section of the monitoring, which has two directives .:

  1. process monitoring (default = disabled): The data processing is disabled by default. Please enable policies to get the process information in the past machine details page
  1. Enable resource monitoring (default = enabled): .. The CPU and memory usage data is enabled by default

Studio Policy

Both the policy can be changed on the basis of the request.

Studio Policy Editing

, the scope of these policies can be defined based on the website, delivery group, delivery group, organizational unit, tags, etc.

Each data point in respect on the CPU, memory and processes are stored and the VDA collected on the monitoring database. Sending the data points from the VDA to the monitoring database is network bandwidth. If you monitor either resource data or process data, or both, for a specific area (specific delivery group, OU, etc.) are not interested, it is recommended to disable the appropriate policy.

When resource monitoring policy is disabled on the delivery group, the resource data points will not be collected from any of VDAs in the delivery group. With this you can save the network bandwidth consumed to send the data and storing it on the monitoring database.


is now to look at the size of the data we have are dealing with.

The CPU and memory data will be pushed by each VDA every minute. And process data in the 5-minute intervals. At bet 40,000 VDA, 3 MB resource information added to the database per minute and 270 MB of process data for every 5 minutes.

As long as there is data in the monitoring DB?

The following table shows the default configuration for data storage.

CPU and memory data

data granularity Number of days
1 minute data one day
10-minute data 7 days
Hourly 30 days
Daily data is 0 days

Therefore, the total number the points resource data is

[1 day *1440] + [7 day *144] + [30 day *24] + [0 day * 1] = 3258

every resource datum is about 80 bytes in size. Total size required to store resource data per machine = 80 * 3258 ~ 255 KB

process data

data granularity Number the days
five minutes data one day
20-minute data 3 days
Hourly 30 days
Daily data 30 days

Therefore, the total number of process data points are

[1 day *288] + [3 day *72] + [30 day *24] + [30 day * 1] = 1254

Top 100 processes details are pro device are stored. And each process data point is about 70 bytes in size. save total size per machine process data required = 70 * 100 * 1254 ~ 8.5 MB

is to be stored for 40,000 VDAS, the maximum size of the resource data with standard retention settings require about 10 GB. Since the process data is very large, the data is growing at a much higher rate. For 40,000 VDA use, the total size of the process data required to store approximately 330 GB.

* Please note, do not include the above figures the index space. And all the calculations above are approximations, and may depend according to the application.

This is a lot of data if not properly configured to handle. , With appropriate configurations Group Policy and data you care to reduce the data that is stored on the monitoring database

The following instructions may help you determine the storage better planning:

  1. group policy: If you are not interested in the resource data monitoring or process data, either one or both can use group policy to be turned off. Refer to the Group Policy section of this document for further information
  2. data maintenance :. The data default retention settings are changed, the data can early to care for and free the storage. Find out more about the care settings.


With Citrix Cloud XenApp and XenDesktop service, you can now configure and notifies warnings if the CPU or memory values ​​obtained of expected threshold. For more details, see the next blog post on the proactive notifications and alerts improvements.

This function allows you to get a glimpse of the CPU, memory usage and processes on your Citrix Cloud XenApp and XenDesktop running service delivery. You can also get an overview of the historical resource consumption, which helps in planning future deployments.

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