Workspace Control :. If you do not want to Roam

8:52 PM
Workspace Control :. If you do not want to Roam -

on the Citrix platform Workspace Control, session roaming and reconnections key functions are to enable the mobile ways that Citrix pioneered

But what about the scenarios, if you not want to move a XenApp or XenDesktop session?

There are many scenarios where it makes sense to 'and to maintain effective "tie a session to a specific end point there, regardless of what the end-user could do. Common, kiosk type jobs are an example have for it. medical laboratory environment to work in a hospital, across multiple endpoints in multiple sessions open at once multitasking is another.

as Citrix XenApp, receiver and the corresponding infrastructure over time developed, the settings for this are not migrated require roaming scenario and, proliferated to a certain degree.

This article describes the settings that disables the effective workspace control and session roaming fully provides for a XenApp environment or specific application . Otherwise, involves a combination of specific settings at the following levels of XenApp deployment:

  • Microsoft RDS
  • XenApp
  • storefront
  • receiver (optional)

Refer to Citrix Docs for the latest information. And I look forward to your feedback in the comments. I have researched and confirmed this information to the best of its ability, but there is always more to learn from the box!

Here are the version combinations that I will address in this article, together with the expected results of the settings of

  • XA 6.5 + Storefront 2.6 and later :. works as expected
  • XA 7.6 + Storefront 2.6 and later: Experimental, but should work outside the compound leasing scenarios
  • XA 7.7 and up + Storefront 2.6 and later: works as expected
  • receiver for Windows settings: Optional, as server-side settings receiver override page settings

XenApp 6.5 with storefront 2.6 / 3.0.1 / 3.5

Microsoft RDS on R2 Server 08

In MS GPOs or individual RDS server configuration on a Windows 08 R2 XenApp server, remote desktop services> remote desktop session host configuration, the "limit each user to a single session" policy must be disabled or not activated.

XenApp 6.5

The XenApp 6.5 AppCenter console, confirm that the "for each user to allow only one instance of the application" is unchecked for each published resource in question.

for more information, this is an excellent product-screenshots-by Jason Samuel, a Citrix CTPs

Storefront 2.6 or 3.0.1. Storage level

Open web.config under the Store Service (for example, / Citrix / Store) in a text editor. Locate the line similar to:

storeLockedDown = "false"

anonymousStore = "false" allowSessionReconnect = "true" />

change the value of allowSessionReconnect on false workspace control reconnect disable.

For more information, see here and here.

Storefront 2.6 or 3.0.1:

web.config for the Receiver for Web site to open Receiver for Web (browser-based access) in a text editor the file normally in the directory C: inetpub wwwroot Citrix storenameWeb , which store is the name for the memory is specified when it was created.

Need to find the following item in the file.

logoffAction = "disconnect" showReconnectButton = "false"

showDisconnectButton = "false" />

change the value of the "enabled" attribute false Workspace control to disable the site. Set the value of "autoReconnectAtLogon" attribute false allowed automatic reconnection of users all applications to prevent that they are running.

Please get more information here.

Storefront storage level

to the Storefront management console

  1. Click on the Windows Start screen or Apps screen, and the Citrix storefront [1945005:35] tile.
  2. Select the Shops node in the left pane of the Citrix Storefront management console and in the actions area Configure Store Settings .
  3. Select Advanced Settings and disable Allow restore session .

Please more information here.

Storefront 3.5: Receiver for Web (browser-based access)

  1. on the Windows Start screen or Apps screen, and click the Citrix storefront tile.
  2. in the left pane, select Shops and the action pane, select manage Receiver for Web sites, and click Configure.
  3. Select Workspace control .
  4. Disable "Enable Workspace Control"

option Please see. more info here

Storefront and XenApp Services (PNAgent) URLs

For Storefront 2.6, 3.0.1 and 3.5, the next ball will be listed under the User Access Options section of Citrix Docs -

  • Workspace control is for services URLs XenApp enabled by default and can not be configured or disabled.

However, some enterprising people have noticed that it seems Workspace Control related settings in the Config.aspx file, usually located at

C to be : inetpub wwwroot Citrix Store Views PnaConfig

changing these values ​​is not supported on your own risk and carried out.

XenApp 7.6 FP3 with Storefront 2.6 / 3.0.1 / 3.5

with the transition to the XenApp 7.x platform and the FMA architecture, many things have changed, including the control of session behavior.

Microsoft RDS on Server 2012 R2

the same Microsoft RDS setting is required on Windows Server 2012 R2, although the recommended configuration option is via GPO on this platform

to to enable users to multiple sessions, you can use the configuration settings below .:

computer configuration Administrative templates Windows components remote desktop services remote desktop session host Connections

restrict remote desktop services users on a single remote desktop Services session >> Disabled

See this TechNet article for details and screenshots.

XenApp 7.6

In XenApp 7.6, there is to put available an experimental SessionReconnection via PowerShell. For published app sessions to use :.

Set-BrokerAppEntitlementPolicyRule -SessionReconnection

Where should "SameEndpointOnly" disable its session roaming

are the other possible values ​​for this command discussed here

Unfortunately, this feature has not been fully tested in time for the 7.6 release and therefore remains experimental (read: not supported) .. I have internally confirmed that the only known problem is that it does not correctly works with terminal leasing and during a database failure will returns the roaming behavior to the default of always. Note that Connection Leasing is enabled by default in XenApp 7.6.

Also note that the "only one instance ..." application limit policy should very likely off for all scenarios where disabled roaming.

Storefront 2.6 / 3.0.1 / 3.5

, the required configuration for storefront with XenApp 7.6 remains the same, so please call to see the section above.

XenApp 7.7 and about StoreFront 2.6 / 3.0.1 / 3.5

For Microsoft RDS settings on Server 2012 R2 XenApp VDAS, see above.

XenApp 7.7 and up

with XenApp 7.7 and higher, the previously experimentally delivery group value is now fully implemented and supported. This includes the optional configuration for the lease connection behavior. configure

session roaming, use the following authorization policy rule cmdlets with the "SessionReconnection" property. You can optionally specify property the "LeasingBehavior"; see connection Leasing and session roaming under

For application sessions .:

Set-BrokerAppEntitlementPolicyRule < Delivery Group Name > -SessionReconnection < value > - LeasingBehavior allowed | Prohibited

Where should be the following session disable roaming:

  • SameEndpointOnly . A user has a unique session for each client device they use. This disables full roaming. Users can only connect to the same device that was previously used in the session.

, see this Citrix Docs for more information, including details about the connection Leasing behavior.

Also note that the "only one instance ..." application limit policy should very likely off for all scenarios where roaming is disabled

Storefront 2.6 / 3.0 .1 / 3.5 .:

, the required configuration for storefront with XenApp 7.6 remains the same, so please call section above to see.

Receiver for Windows 4.1, and (optional) to

Workspace control settings can also be applied to Windows endpoints with receiver 4.1+ via the registry:

  • REG_SZ WSCReconnectMode checks upon reconnection attempts are
  • Other registry values ​​are :. WSCSupported, WSCReconnectAll, WSCReconnectModeUser

The Workspace Control disabling for an endpoint, WSCReconnectMode should be set to "0".

Please see CTX136339 and this Citrix Docs section.

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