The envelope, please? Citrix Innovation Award finalists

6:49 PM
The envelope, please? Citrix Innovation Award finalists -

At Citrix, we believe that nothing the value of our solutions better confirmed than our customers. Therefore, customers in the Life of the Citrix Synergy be 2016.

Of the general session keynotes at more than 100 training and breakout sessions, over 80 IT and executives will share their personal strategies, tactics and experience for the using Citrix under:

  • secure data and applications; optimize
  • network performance;
  • mobilize the workforce; and
  • deliver competitive advantage for their organizations.

We are proud that among this impressive customers include Citrix Innovation Award finalists line-up. response to our call for the award entries this year was enormous, with dozens of entries from commercial, non-profit and state-owned enterprises in various end markets, education, financial services and government healthcare and retail as well.

included nominees extraordinary tales of visionary organizations innovation around the world virtualization, networking and file-sharing technology to drive simplification of IT and digital business by saying YES to solve real problems. [1945004[

the envelope, please

Ultimately three outstanding candidates were selected as finalists for this award:

  • Arca Continental, the third largest Coca-Cola bottler in the world;
  • serve Action for Children, a nonprofit organization, children and communities across the UK; and
  • Baloise Group, the largest Swiss All-Industry Insurance Service

price-finalists will be on Wednesday, 25 May acknowledged during the general assembly at Synergy 2016 where this year's winners will be announced

here is a sneak preview of their stories .:

Arca Continental (Monterrey, Mexico) is a global manufacturer and sales company, the company to Citrix sets applications to more than 12,000 users in a wide service area, including Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina and the US Ninety percent of the data traffic running on Citrix through its distribution centers and warehouses to deliver on tablets - and allow workers to safely and reliably monitor the entire supply chain - in the field on older devices. By using scaled to a flexible digital business platform Arca Continental has dramatically increased operational efficiency and successfully its IT systems business growth and the rapid integration of IT systems of acquired companies.

Action for Children (London match, England) was established almost 150 years ago, to make a real and lasting difference in the lives of the most vulnerable children in the UK. Today, the 6,000-strong staff working in 400 locations with 180 local authorities are working to deliver vital services.

Untethered from their desks, social workers, nurses, field and office staff can ensure application and data access -Demand from wherever they are located. mobilized through the use has a flexible, efficient IT environment with 3,000 thin clients and 1,500 tablets, Action for children not only reduce staff, but dramatically simplifies day-to-day processes (paperwork, data acquisition) and operating costs.

Baloise (Basel, Switzerland) is one of the largest providers of insurance for individuals and businesses. The Swiss insurance holding company has its 7500-person staff everywhere where freedom, applications and data to secure access to any device of its European operations. With Citrix, Baloise has its work reimagined easier to enable flexible working methods to promote a comprehensive functionality, increased productivity and improved employee satisfaction. Moreover, mobility has a digital IT platform led to a greater flexibility of the company, so that the company in real time to growth, expansion and changing market dynamics.

Get Ready cast your vote!

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What happens, is next to you. Beginning on May 16, 2016, you can take a look behind the scenes at each story on video here holding and vote for the company earns most of the 2016 Citrix Innovation Award.

Please visit me next month most customer-centric Citrix Synergy ever. We want to inspire you with the tools and the confidence to say YES to workforce mobility, security and compliance, BYOD, workplace redesign, hybrid cloud infrastructure - and what's next

To to learn more, stay tuned. on these pages and Twitter. We are, so be sure on the way to record attendance, register now.

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