AppDNA Express: They replied, we heard

5:12 PM
AppDNA Express: They replied, we heard -

A few weeks ago we announced AppDNA Express: to use a simple and easy cloud service that is running Windows 10. [IhreAnwendungenfürdieKompatibilitätanalysiert

Since then, we have received a lot of feedback. In this blog post, I will share some details about the feedback and how we react to it.

The largest and most frequently reported problem is the lack of detail in the app-compatibility reports. This totally makes sense; if your doctor told you that your health "need some tweaking," you would probably want to know what improvements they meant and why. It is not different here.

As a result of reports today produced further, we are accustomed to with additional information about the red / yellow / green overall. Let's take a brief look at what this entails.

AppDNA-of Citrix technology that powers AppDNA heuristic Express uses to measure compatibility. This heuristic in the form of what we call "algorithms". an algorithm could look for signs in your MSI, the application uses a Windows API, which is deprecated in a future release. Another algorithm could search for hard-coded file paths, the problems would have from 32-bit to 64-bit Windows. Depending on the impact of an algorithm triggering a severity are allotted, which is red, yellow or green.

The first version of AppDNA Express, we only showed the worst severity (with respect to the red / yellow / green) among the algorithms that triggered your application.

While it is good information to have, it's a little frustrating, no idea who why Your application is concerned. Therefore, we have a list of "algorithm groups" to ensure compatibility reports add. Now if you see that your application is yellow or red rated, are a few reasons why getting. This list, the algorithm groups will not call with special problems (you are for the full version of AppDNA must), but it will point you in the right direction.


that our reports are wrong Another piece of feedback we often heard easily. One user wrote to us, that their application was used, in fact, on 10 windows, but AppDNA Express said it had some tweaking required. Obviously, this is something that we want to resolve.

The most important factor in assessing whether your applications are compatible with Windows 10 is to know which version of Windows app now successfully running on is. [1945005SoeinUpdateaufdenUploadprocess] we've done that you can specify which version of Windows, the application comes from. We have observed a large increase in reporting loyalty with this update.


As you can see, we are actively listening to your concerns, so please keep the feedback coming. We will continue to provide regular updates as they are available, as we go forward.

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