It's cold and flu season, joy of joy. But still, flu and all, That Guy is, his germs to share about everything and everyone coughing with the whole team in the office, sneezing and all. Ick. Do That Guy not be.
That Guy should work at home, hacking and snorting of other people away. No one wants his flu or live in a full-body cladding of Purell to catch, but due to the restrictive IT policies and a lack of secure remote work options, he can complete his work only from the PC in his cube.
If the type of company Mobile Workspace technology as Citrix Workspace he would Suite-perhaps not used to the whole office to infect and makes everyone in the next week to spend as sick, how he is.
a mobile work are workers, a portable, always available environment from their desktop, all their applications and their data, and all from anywhere and at anytime. This essential part of a mobility strategy lets people work from anywhere - even on their personal devices - and access sensitive data. You can be sure their workplace is safe, even if it is not called a corporate unit within the limits of the office walls.
disease impacts Finance, Mobility Keeps business running
sick employees violate a company's bottom line. A flu or other beautiful season-flagellates, which spread through an office and infects his knowledge workers can have a severe financial impact:
- productivity drops when people call in sick or just aren 't feel like working
- business may be affected, created change fees and cancellation fees if sick employees can not fly
- go insurance costs up when people the doctor and fill prescriptions visit to cure their disease
employees allowed to access to business applications and data from their home device - PC or Mac, tablet, Smartphone - can help keep a business up and running, by influenza season
have technology to work from home, used sick when
-.? Citrix (@citrix) February 1, 2016
The statistics are in: People See "mobility" as a way to work at home
, a recent survey by Forrester, commissioned by Citrix, asked more than 10,000 online adults in the US: "What mobility means to you?"
For knowledge workers of all ages, a top answer was "the ability to work from home, if I want to." 26% of knowledge workers responded that "mobility" was the flexibility to be productive while working from home.
Many times, working parents are the top group, the work of demands at home skills. Working parents can undertake projects at home while for a sick child to look after. Also working parents are the first ones to catch the latest viruses, moves the rounds in kindergarten or primary school generally.
The survey clearly shown to have the age groups most likely, parents defined "mobility" as the ability to work from home work if they wanted to ... but there is a unique twist on the outcome of survey was. Young Millennials and the golden generation-not the usual working parents age sets Let me explain.
Surprisingly, the survey of the two groups shows that the most flexibility are wanting to work from home. Young Millennials may be more aware, rather than stay at home, spreading or catching-germs. The Golden Generation can care for an elderly parent, a particularly difficult situation during the flu season, when every little disease can be a big problem for elderly with weakened immune systems.
Define a mobility strategy ... Before You (or your employees) the flu
Learn how a mobile workplace experience to offer your employees before this year on the bottom line of your business impact strain of flu. start and learn here how to deliver to business applications and data for secure mobile workspaces.
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