A more mobile workforce with Share File and window 10

11:30 AM
A more mobile workforce with Share File and window 10 -

The only constant in life is change. Nowhere is this more true than in the world of information technology. Microsoft announced in July 2015 10 availability of Windows and thus there have been reports of the forecasts were that hundreds of millions of devices would run from Windows 10 to mid 2016th

Where you are in the process of adopting Windows 10? At Citrix, we think that you can use the power of the Share File to move 10 to Windows Help and user mobility improve

Traditionally, the discussion about the adoption of new software revolves around two words :. "Why" and "when." "Why" generally surrounding a new function (or set of functions), the new / improved functionality, better performance or offer both. "As a" well ... that's not so easy and will trigger more questions usually:

  • Is my device compatible
  • What about my applications are compatible [1945007?]
  • How long take to upgrade?

Over the years, Citrix has to help a big job Customers maneuver carried out by projects OS migration and all the changes that have resulted. For example, XenDesktop simplifies migrations by separating substantially the physical hardware from the operating system (VDI - Simplify your migration to Windows 10 and beyond). XenApp allows users to connect applications regardless of device and operating system. This can help the introduction to the rationalization and new software upgrade from above many compatibility issues addressing

But what about the data -. Both business and private - who lives on the devices involved in the upgrade?

data drives decisions and if you have questions to think about, it is the availability of data is handled by the hardware, which keeps it at night step. This is where Citrix Share File can help! Share File is Citrix industry leading hybrid cloud file sharing solution. It has been positioned by Gartner as a leader in Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) market.

recognized with Share File, you can set the data free of the hardware and remove the dependency on a single device to achieve your daily tasks. If you want to see how Citrix Share File can support your motion on Windows 10, please check Citrix Share File facilitates IT migration to Windows 10. Find a better understanding of how de-coupling data gain from your devices can help , the movement to new operating systems ... today and in the future.

, you can not change to stop happening to speed, but you can work with providers that help can help you future-proof your workplace and for a mobile, collaborative and flexible environment looking for a flexible solution for workers offer, which she works on every device use.

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