Inge iPP320 has developed a consumer-oriented payment solution for the retail and banking markets. This optimizes the countertop and Retail Banking Checkout quick, secure payment solution. It also allows retailers credit and debit cards to electronic payments, to accept a PIN required.
If iPP320 connected to a Citrix XenDesktop session, is diverted and works by the VDA as well. To make this work, we had the PID and VID values of Inge iPP320 in VDA registry settings and Desktop Studio
Here are the steps to add to add these values:
- desktop Studio> HDX Politics> user policies, configure a client USB device redirection policy
- Select client USB device redirection rules> Edit
- to new places and allow for the preceding hardware IDs: VID = xxxx PID = xxxx (xxxx are device / model-specific values)
- rule apply
- to confirm that the policy has been applied to the VDA machine , look for the following registry value: HKLM software * Policies * Citrix ICA_Client USB allow: VID = PID = #Device
on the endpoint device, check HKLM software allow WOW6432Node Citrix ICA client GenericUSB and device Rules value on ": VID = xxxx PID = xxxx
Once this is set, start the VDA and the device would be visible on the desktop toolbar. We had to check a test tool by Inge shared with the functionality of the device, which we passed on some instructions and got the expected results. One can these Citrix products follow this set.
Inge iPP320 has as Citrix Ready peripheral device on XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6 LTSR. checked For more details, see the Citrix Ready marketplace and Inge iPP320 out today!
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