Wear your Citrix Studio skills XenApp & XenDesktop

11:05 AM
Wear your Citrix Studio skills XenApp & XenDesktop -

While an important goal for Citrix cloud services to remove complexity out of application and data delivery to our customers that their workloads on migration Cloud want the same management options that they have with their local implementations. To manage the XenApp and XenDesktop service within the Citrix Cloud, we wanted cloud administrators the exact same options for managing their website to offer, as they have the studio in a local instance of Citrix. When you move the Citrix Cloud, won all experience and certifications, while managing a local websites can be applied directly into the Citrix cloud services that simplifies the cloud transition.

When a XenApp or XenDesktop site generates on- premises, managed the administrator it via one of two methods:

  1. PowerShell SDK
  2. Citrix Studio

Daniel Seltzer has already talked about how we delivered the remote PowerShell SDK, a means to manage the cloud-hosted Web site with the same cmdlets as a local instance. Today I want to talk about how we deliver Citrix Studio administrators cloud with the same interface they know and love.

run a Windows application in a web browser

as a cloud service, our interface for administrators is the Citrix Cloud website. Therefore, the easiest way to deliver studio by a website would be. Administrators can use their Citrix.com account login credentials to Citrix cloud and select the XenApp and XenDesktop service. Once diverted, is Studio Single Sign-On initiate the same account credentials and must have access to administer the website

In order to make the club for the browser, we turned to an existing Citrix solution. Citrix Receiver for HTML5. Studio is a Windows application that is running in the Microsoft Management Console. By installing the VDA on the same machine as the studio, we can start Studio XenApp was used and connecting it to an integrated receiver.

In this way, we are using a user to connect the XenApp VDA with their application, exactly what it is designed to do! To handle the Single Sign-On (SSO), we have a separate service to validate the Citrix cloud credentials in Windows credentials and translate that runs the user to the cloud-hosted machine Studio authenticate the. In this way, multiple administrators can manage the site at the same time because they gave separate user accounts and meetings. We can also restore an administrator to an existing session when they close or refresh the page, down cut the time to join.

How does it work?

Citrix Studio

  1. to the ICA file Get HTML5

The first step for recipients an ICA file is to get, would be just like you when starting any other XenApp App. to do this, the Citrix Cloud website first discussions with our SSO service to the Citrix Cloud verify credentials and they exchanged for Windows credentials. Then XenApp SSO service contacts a session start for Studio on Windows credentials and XenApp answers with the corresponding ICA File Request.

  1. to the session starting on the ICA file with

At this point, the receiver for HTML5 and begins a typical session start takes. Studio runs under the Windows account determined by the SSO service; This account has full administrative access to the website

result -. Full Windows Studio in a Web browser

Once this process is complete, you will get the full Windows Studio upwards application runs in any modern web browser:


Because Studio is running as a hosted application, the Citrix cloud team has the ability at any time to update it with the latest features and improvements. In future work, we will enhance the Citrix Studio experience in both on-premise and Citrix cloud solutions. Stay tuned!

Test drive Citrix cloud today and experience the simplicity and value of Citrix Studio in any modern browser, from any location.

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