In a previous blog post "Multipotentialites, meaningful use and MACRA" (Part I of this two-piece series), we talked with Ben Wilson, Citrix Director, Healthcare strategy and Healthcare Evangelist. He weighed placed on the new rules are available in the Medicare access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) and context and its view. As our conversation continued MACRA considerable press Garner - both positive and negative - in the court of public opinion
on in "MACRA pros and cons of Medicare reform law. Medicare access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 " Jerry Shaw offers a view on both sides, noting that an expected positive result of MACRA is that it depends incorrect Medicare payments, provides a way to retrieve these funds should help future and decrease misappropriated payments. He cites National Law Review to support its assessment.
Blogged arteries , a website advertises news from the Texas Medical Association, has a strong opposing view. He published several scathing reviews of two prominent doctors North Texas, who believe that MACRA be at their respective practices harmful and small hospitals in general. They called the new rules "Mayan hieroglyphics" and called MACRA a game "you can not win."
In contrast, on another blog on MACRA, the North Carolina Medical Society finds four pluses. They range from stabilized Medicare payments and rewards for alternative payment models physician liability protections and consolidated reporting.
And so it seems that the jury in the court of public opinion is still pending. In this sense, we will return to Ben Wilson and the rest of his interviews on MACRA. Below is the second part of our discussion:
Kathy: Ben, you think that doctors might be more profitable if MACRA comes into play
Ben I did not really see the exact figures on how much clinicians can make more than the current level reimbursement. However MACRA is a kind of bonus program at today's reimbursement. But we know that it is bonuses -. And which are based on how physicians meet certain criteria
doctors are to get 100% of the possible bonus if they do about all the different activities a high score on which they have chosen to be evaluated. (Remember that in Part I of this blog interview, it was found that doctors who measures that can choose the best feel for them in force.) The doctors will get a lower percentage of the potential bonus payment if their grades mediocre are or lower.
Some of the profit equation also depends on patient volume that these doctors have today and on the income of the customer base networks they are currently. Then they can the information against the bonus structure factor and how much more that structure allows them to earn across all categories in the case of high scores
Kathy .: Have They think MACRA take better care is
Ben: Yes. MACRA is so much more provider and described patient-centered. MACRA Rules pressure not offered to fit into a one-size-fits-all program. Providers should be able to embrace this new mandate and adapt the way that they in a way you deliver it that makes the most sense for them in their particular specialty. I think that at the end, which will be much better for the patient.
In addition, there are a variety of incentives to encourage providers, in terms of innovation, as they provide care. This is also a positive factor for patients to be
Kathy .: MACRA begin payments in 2017, right? Do you think that the ramp-up will be much faster than it was for wise use
Ben: Yes, although I'm reading now say a product that the administration to delay studied the beginning of MACRA. However, when it is actually implemented, it will be introduced gradually. Two years before doctors actually paid to the measurements. You will submit the measurements that they have chosen, and they will, that get the time on board with the new approach.
Because it is simple, it is much more customizable. MACRA should be much easier for doctors to accept as meaningful use. With about two years to get on board, my guess is that this should be a smooth process
Kathy .: You mentioned an article that provides more details about MACRA
[1945001?] Ben: Yes. "MACRA Proposed Rule Published by HHS, streamlining federal programs with meaningful use", was published in Healthcare IT News . In the article there is a link to a blog that was written by Dr. Andy Slavit, the interim director of the Department of Health and Human Services. Both the article and the blog provide detailed information on the subjectKathy:.? How would you portray Citrix technology to the doctors who MACRA rules will soon Adjustment
Ben: I want to make sure that they know that Citrix is a strong health brand who rationalize their laps, a mobile work style to ensure a safe delivery of data and applications allow. If doctors think about healthcare and IT, Citrix is one of the companies that comes to mind should.
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