I recently had the honor of being the architect of our new XenServer training participate (CXS-300: XenServer 6.5 SP1 Administration). Rather than simply updating the existing course of the latest features, we have decided to completely make it new, to better reflect the feedback we have received over the years.
The updated course now be explained with the hood details, but there is also a strong focus on the field experience.
I like the final result and hope you will too! But while on the new XenServer course work, I realized that there is a skeleton in my closet -. My XenServer plugins have not been updated in a while, and I decided to start working on it
As I described back in my first version of XenCenter plugins in 2012, I am one of the "lazy" consultants. It is a special kind of "lazy" IT professionals to automate the hours and hours no potentially easy task and simplify the other hand, that can be achieved in seconds. I XenCenter plugins written to make it easier in VMs RDP (I was too lazy to type the name of the VM) and added more and more functionality later. It turns out that plugins were very popular; there are still being actively used nearly 4 years after the latest version and I e-mails every day about getting
For this reason I have decided for the community and add to hear two most frequently requested features -. Ability to connect using IP addresses instead of VM names and simplified installation.
While it sounds like small changes, if you have a look at the code, this is actually a lot more complicated than it sounds, because of the range of IP addresses before the right has to be analyzed can be selected ,
Why plugins?
There are different groups of people using XenServer. Some people use it exclusively with Windows workloads (usually our XenApp XenDesktop customers), others have mostly Linux workloads. Several people like to use PowerShell for automation, while others are more * nix oriented automation tools prefer.
This variety is amazing and definitely proves that XenServer is a very flexible platform, but it also makes it much more difficult to build a user interface that offer all options for these different groups and keep it clear and easy to handle. Fortunately, XenCenter implements a plug-in architecture, which is actually very easy to use.
If you want to customize the user interface to suit your needs, plugins are the way to go. Or if you offer a product that integrates with XenServer (monitoring, backup or storage integration), it would also be sensible UI expansion.
What is available?
Plugins simply add new menu items to the user XenCenter - and we encourage you to add your own and integrate XenCenter with your existing IT tools. can be added in the following is an example of the context menu with additional options see:
Some of these options are only relevant to Windows machines, while the others are more universal
[only Windows extensions
- Ask an RDP connection to VM
- Open remote services of VM
- Open remote event log VM
- Open remote drives (C, D and e) of VM
Universal extensions
- connect to VM Putty with (very useful for Linux VMs)
- connect to VM with WinSCP
- connect to VM via HTTP
- The ability Ping VM
XenServer host
- to XS host connect Putty with
- to XS host connect WinSCP
- copy XS host Connect with PowerShell [1945013[
- you can send a UUID of various objects -. XS-host, VM, the pool or the local and remote storage repositories
Available for multiple objects
If you are familiar with the previous versions, have you noticed, perhaps, that no new context menu options were added. The biggest changes in this version are on the IP Handling (major change), related addition of installer and cleanup of all the scripts.
How to install?
installation is very simple - just unpack the archive and run Install.cmd. This script must be run increases - and you can use it to update an existing installation of plugins, just make sure that XenCenter is not running
There are only a configuration option, you must select during installation - , You must choose how you the details on VM (or host) to scripts
want passed
There are two ways to do :.
1) By. handed over a list of all IP addresses to the script and the first IP in IPv4 format is passed to the script - IP. For example, " Ping.cmd"
2) By Name -. Name of the VM is passed with a script as an argument. For example, "Ping.cmd XDC-001"
If your VM name is the same as an actual host name (eg VM name is XDC-001 and OS name is XDC-001), it is recommended to use the name in order to solution. IP Resolution is limited - are reported as IP addresses of XenTools, this works only installed for running VMs with XenTools. In addition, only the first IP is used.
That being said, if you want to change the script responsible for the IP parsing, you can find it under Shared Resolve.cmd. You can download the RegEx definition change right after FindStr to search only for specific IP ranges.
For WinSCP and Putty, you also need to download these programs install , as they are not included in the installation.
After installing plugins should be loaded automatically available and be. If you want to disable it (or viewing available plugins), you can view details in XenCenter under Tools Options plugins can be found at:
What's next [?
Perhaps here there are some options missing - or your own solution, you want to integrate with XenCenter. XenCenter supports two different types of plug-ins - the first type, you can add new menu items (that's what I use here), but you can also add new tab pages to the interface (for example, the NetScaler interface in a for display tab).
so why not start your own plugins? The process is well documented, and you can find some examples of the implementation can be found here. Or you can use your new script in the Plugins Citrix just copy Extra Tools Scripts folder and file ExtraTools.xcplugin.xml amended accordingly (just be aware that the changes will be overwritten when you update the plugin), if you plan to keep it for himself
you can also Compile.cmd script and resource file, see source folder -. this can the required binary automatically generate for you (this is not very important), and you can concentrate on the scripting part and XML. File
as usual standard disclaimer applies here (download link follows):
"This software application is provided to you "as is" without representations, warranties or conditions of any kind. you can use it at your own risk and distribute. CITRIX dISCLAIMS aLL wARRANTIES oF aNY kIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, WRITTEN, ORAL oR STATUTORY, INCLUDING wARRANTIES oF FITNESS fOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . aND NONINFRINGEMENT Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that (a) the software application may occur errors, design flaws or other problems that may cause data loss or damage to property; (B), it may not be possible be to make the software application fully functional; and (c) Citrix may, without notice or liability to you, no longer available to make the current version and / or future versions of the software application. In no event should the code to support ultra-hazardous activities, including but not limited to use life support or blasting activities. NEITHER CITRIX NOR ITS AFFILIATES OR AGENTS IN BREACH OF CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE APPLICATION, INCLUDING DIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. You agree to indemnify and defend Citrix against any claims arising from the use, modification or distribution of the code occur "
UPDATE :. Version 5.2 has a few corrections for the release setup script. Special thanks going to help for troubleshooting Tobias Kreidl.
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