How to implement Citrix Lifecycle Management Apps & Desktops: Resource Location & Service Setup Blueprint a Resource Location Create in your Amazon Web services account for use with Citrix Workspace cloud apps and desktop services.
The following diagram gives an overview of the Resource Location that is created within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in Amazon Web Services.
, the core of the Resource Location is:
- to provide an Active Directory Domain Controller Identity Management available
- Two workspace CloudConnectors high-availability connection between your Resource Location and the apps and desktop services in Citrix workspace cloud
- a NetScaler Gateway secure remote to make access available to provide on the desktops and applications that you will in your Resource Location provisioning.
- A bastion host allows you to use in your Resource Location from the Internet to monitor to perform all necessary administrative functions
Other Resource Location-components that you can use optional want are:
- a storefront server (default is one storefront server provided you are in the Citrix Workspace cloud, but under certain circumstances you may prefer storefront itself)
- to host and manage a Machine Image Amazon (AMI) connected from a Windows Server preinstalled on your Resource Location domain with the XenDesktop VDA and for RDS desktops configured - a perfect starting point for a set of RDS desktops
- an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from a Windows server connected to your Resource Location domain with the XenDesktop VDA are pre-installed and configured for Server VDI desktops
in this section by the process of providing the Apps & desktops: Resource Location & service Setup Blueprint and the post deployment steps that you need to get up and running with apps and desktop
1 run. Subscribe to NetScaler VPX
The Apps & Desktops: is Resource Location & Service Setup Blueprint a NetScaler VPX provide in your AWS account. Before it can do this, you must accept the terms of use of the Amazon Marketplace first. This is a unique operation - you do not need to repeat the process if you want to leave the plan run a second time
to go at Amazon Marketplace and the search for NetScaler VPX Platinum Edition - 10 Mbps. Check the terms and conditions and click Next. On the product introduction in EC2 page click Accept manually starting tab and the click Conditions to the VPX software to subscribe. That's it - you have to do to get more action plan take care of starting and configuring the NetScaler VPX
2. Create a public address for the Bastion
The Bastion server in your Resource Location to a Remote Access service to provide so that you can log on to administrative functions. To do this, it needs to have a public IP address; so the next step is to assign the AWS console (EC2 Dashboard). Select Assign the Elastic IPs view and then click New Address.
Specifies that the new IP address is used in VPC, as shown above, and click Yes, ways
3. Set the Blueprint
providing the blueprint is simple - there to answer very few questions. Only Amazon Web Services supported as a location for this version of the plan, so make sure that you have added an Amazon Web Services resource site in Citrix Lifecycle Management Account.
The architecture phase of the deployment wizard is shown below - simply choose if you need a showcase in your Resource Location (the default is the cloud to use hosted provided showcase the apps and desktop services), and then decide whether you want to create AMIs (templates) for RDS desktops and / or servers VDI desktops. This AMIS are Windows server machines, the catalogs for creating XenDesktop machine.
, are connected to your Resource Location domain and have the XenDesktop 7.7 VDA preinstalled ready to use Make your choice and then press Next to the size step of the Deployment Wizard to obtain and start to configure the domain controller. They should all be on the default values of the position that the Wizard - unless you want to use an existing VPC (the default is to create a new VPC)
If. You decide to set the defaults overridden and an existing VPC, please use the Appendix for guidance about supported VPC subnet configurations consult
Click to configure through the rest of the wizard VM and verify the configuration. sure at this time that the checkbox is Copy this configuration called on other VM levels tested.
This has the effect of your VPC choice to the other VM levels and application of the Blueprint recommendations for subnet providing automatic application you save a lot of clicking
There is only one setting that is required -. Address Elastic IP needs to be associate with the bastion server that is used in the public subnet. Click the Edit button for the Bastion VM:
Wizard Now click through, you accept the defaults until you reach the network step. Click was created on the Elastic IP dropdown and select the Elastic IP address, the second
in step
Check the final configuration of the bastion an elastic IP address has, as shown below.
If you satisfied you press Next, the installation and configuration parameters for the plan are to provide, as shown below:
, the fully qualified name for the new Active Directory domain that you want to create the name of the administrator unchanged, and enter appropriate passwords for the domain and a number of test user accounts, you can be created.
Press "next" and your decisions and parameters as a profile for the case, save the blueprint again must deploy and then press provide, to start to create your Resource Location.
Once the blueprint is completed (it may take several hours), you will receive an e-mail containing the details get the completed order confirmation; Keep this email you will need it later!
4. Verify your new Resource Location
Once the blueprint is completed, you should log in the CWC console to the Resource Check Location if properly registered. For and check that your CloudConnectors have successfully registered. You should see something like this:
Next, take a look at to check if your domain is registered and properly (in Create a host connection to: this example my domain called tenant1.local):
5. apps and desktops. com / and click the Manage tab you access to apps and desktops management console
the first thing you need to do is, as a host connect to your Amazon account, you can create from one of AMIs equipment catalogs created by the plans.
Click on "hosting" in the left column and select the action "Add Connection" and resources. Select connection type Amazon EC2, enter your credentials, enter the connection a name and press "Next".
Note that the account that you use to create a host connection is required to meet the minimum documented permission for XenDesktop set. See for more information.
Select the Region, Virtual Private Cloud and Availability Zone and press Next.
as I have the values for region, Virtual Private Cloud and Availability Zone get? A quick way to find the correct values is to log on to your Amazon Web Services console, where the information is readily available: watch your EC2 instances, and select the virtual machine cwc-dc-1 (which is the domain controller created by the Blueprint called in the private subnet of VPC).
Since we copy the machine MCS provided in the same private subnet, it is just a case of, want to create these values. The value marked on the right side gives the Availability Zone (for me the VM is used in Availability Zone us-east-1e and thus Region us-east-1)
the labeled value of the left side is the VPC ID - if you now switch to the VPC console, you will be able to find the VPC name for this ID:
After entering the region, (supports the Resource Location only the delivery of applications and desktops in the private subnet) Virtual private Cloud name and Availability zone, click Next and select the private subnet; enter a name (I chose private subnet) and click Next and then click Finish to configure your host connection to Amazon to complete the resources. If the instructions for VPC-use in step 3, the private subnet of VPC have the CIDR followed, as shown below:
6. Applications and Desktops : Create catalog
Even in the apps and desktops management console, click machine catalogs in the left column and select the action, select the number of virtual machines that you need and accept create the "Catalogue . " Defaults until you reach the device's original screen select. Choose one of AMIs that created the blueprint (the AMIs are named CWC VDI image and CWC RDS image and the description field contains the fully qualified name of the Resource Location domain).
on the next screen select the standard VPC security group and follow the wizard, enter the domain administrator credentials for your Resource Location when finished press prompted and finally the machine create catalog. This operation is quite long (an hour or more is not uncommon).
7. Apps and Desktops: Set NetScaler Gateway (cloud hosted storefront only)
If you have a cloud-hosted storefront use (the default option), you must configure storefront in your Resource Location the using NetScaler gateway for the start Apps & desktops.
to find the e-mail message that you get when you complete your Blueprint deployment. This contains the fully qualified domain name on the NetScaler Gateway assigned to your Resource Location:
Now for the apps and desktop Managing back tab and click storefront in the left Setting column of Studio NetScaler gateway address, as shown below:
- apps and desktops: Delivery Create Group
Once the machine catalog was created, click delivery groups in the left column and select the action Create delivery group.
select the catalog that you created in step 6, and select the number of virtual machines that you need. When specifying which users can access & desktop applications, click "leave user administration Citrix Workspace cloud."
Accept the defaults for the rest of the options as you progress through the wizard; optionally add some applications, and then enter the delivery group and set the desktop a name and press Done. Creation of the delivery group will cause desktops are started; You should consider whether the desktops to register successfully (this may take several minutes).
9. Add the delivery group to a workspace
to and click the + symbol a new workspace
in the workspace select the subscribers tab members of your CWC Resource Location domain to this workspace and press Subscribe publish (I published to the domain users)
10. Send your subscribers to showcase access to their applications and desktops
If you opted for the cloud to use hosted navigate storefront and scroll down to see the end of the page, the URL, which you can use your subscribers to access the workspace have released you.
If you check your own showcase in the Resource Location to the email you will receive to use, when to use Blueprint completed see the URL of the NetScaler Gateway , This is where your subscribers have access to the workspace released
Appendix 1 -. With your own VPC
Please note that the only supported configuration a VPC with public and private subnets as created to the Amazon Web Services VPC Wizard, as the following two screenshots shown:
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