Receiver for HTML5 and Chrome File Transfer explains

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Receiver for HTML5 and Chrome File Transfer explains -

This post is the continuation of our series: Recipient Internals: How Receiver for HTML5 & Chrome connections work. Today's post focuses on more about the file transfer capability in Citrix Receiver for HTML5 / Chrome learning

File Transfer .:

file transfer virtual channel has been included on the XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6 FP3 VDA and activated with receiver for HTML5 and Chrome. use file transfer, we can safely transfer files between the user device and virtual XenApp and XenDesktop sessions

file transfer upload or download can for HTML5 / Chrome in the following two ways to be triggered with the receiver.

  1. The session toolbar.


Figure 1 File download with Toolbar


Figure 2 File Upload with Toolbar

  1. with "drag and drop" file upload, store VDA in 'Save My device' download to start by saving a file and "Send to My device" on the right side on the file for the automatic download browser download folder on the client computer.
  2. Upload


Figure 3 file with Drag and Drop


Figure 4 file download with Send To My Device


Figure 5 file download with Save to My Device

file transfer Policy Control

file upload and download can be enabled or disabled to give the administrator the required control with Citrix studio policy. Admin has the Group Policy Management hotfix to install 7.6.300 to set these policies. The Studio guidelines for file transfer are required as follows:

[allow To enable
file transfer between desktop and client file transfer function
to enable or disable upload a file on your desktop to enable or disable file upload in the meeting. It requires the policy "allow file transfer between Desktop and Client" is set to true.
file from desktop download or disable file downloads from the session. It requires the policy "allow file transfer between Desktop and Client" is set to true

Note .:

By default, file transfer is enabled; to disable it, we need to use Group Policy, as mentioned above.

When one of the "file on desktop Upload" directives or "by download Desktop file" is disabled, the toolbar still show that would both upload and download icon in the toolbar, but the functionality on based on the policy set to be activated. However, if both "file on desktop Upload" Directive are disabled or "Download file Desktop", then the upload and download icons are not visible in the toolbar.

XenDesktop 7.6 Feature Pack 3 VDA enables administrators to have control of the following file transfer registry settings on the site HKLM Software Citrix File Transfer:

can choose
cache Folder Location to set the location of the files to be downloaded, in case of "Save My device" in the cache or option "Send My device". By default, it is empty in the registry with the default directory as "% temp% / CitrixClient" at the meeting. Admin can choose to set the place on the cached files to be downloaded.
CreateMyDeviceLink To enable or disable file download by clicking Save to My Device. It is enabled by default. can choose Admin, allowing users to download files on saving a file, the. Of this registry setting
CreateSendToLink Enable for or file download disable To My Device Link with Send. It is enabled by default. Admin download files SendTo by registry setting these.
MaxFileSizeDownload to the maximum size of the file that can be downloaded in bytes. By default, it is set to 262144000 bytes (250MB) Admin can to the maximum size of a file restrict a user from a session download.

To set the maximum size of the file set that can be uploaded in bytes. It defaults to bytes 2147483647 (2GB) set

Admin can to the maximum file size limit, a user can upload to the meeting.

Upload Folder Location the standard position on the get uploaded to VDA for all user files. By default, it asks the user to choose a location. If you upload as on the user's desktop or a network drive files, so it can be adjusted. Users can be formed where the files are stored. This reduces a step for the user when a file is uploaded
MaxFilesInQueue This is the maximum number of files that can be uploaded or downloaded at a time. The default is 10 and any change does not currently affect. Users can upload at a time to 10 files or download.

with Receiver for HTML5 and Chrome version 1.8 are the following client-side settings in the configuration.js file:

file transfer client settings DESCRIPTION
AllowUpload or disable upload of client Page. By default this is set to true (enabled).
allowdownload To enable or disable downloading on the client side. By default this is set to true (enabled).
MaxUploadSize To set the maximum size of the file set that can be uploaded in bytes. By default, it is set to 2147483648 bytes (2 GB)
MaxDownloadSize to set the maximum size of file that can be downloaded in bytes. By default, it is set to 2147483648 bytes (2 GB)

Note .:

  1. For receiver for HTML5, Client program Files Citrix receiver storefront HTML5Client configuration.js

for receiver for Chrome download receiver for Chrome citrix download page, edit configuration.js. Page settings can be under C file and the app package and install at chrome :. // Extensions on Chrome device

  1. There follows the behavior in the case, if the policy for the upload or download policies in Citrix Studio and the client side to enable settings, upload or download:
Citrix Studio policy

upload / download

client-side setting

upload / download

resulting behavior
disabled RELEASED disabled
disabled disabled disabled
RELEASED disabled disabled
  1. in conflicts with the registry settings and client side settings for the maximum file size upload or download, then the minimum size of the two settings is chosen.

User Experience Recommendation

File Upload:

User can use the toolbar to a file in a Post Citrix session. In addition, for a seamless experience of the file upload, the administrator can default location for uploading to the Upload File Location Registry set to the VDA. This allows for easy drag and drop a file into the meeting, which will load the file directly to the specified location. The users can now easily find the file in the session in the specified location.

When a user then attach a file in some web portal, to append opens on the server side Explorer, and if the file is on the client side, the user will have only one file in the Explorer window to pull. This will make the file in a standard set location for the end user to choose.

file Download

users to download files from the session to its end point devices either by clicking the Download button or the implementation of a "right click and Send-to" or Save-as execute functions, as already mentioned.

file transfer protocols

We can the logs on file transfer function obtained in a manner, the following:

  1. on client browser start in the following Web site registration:


  1. to VDA CDFControl use the CDF traces for Ica_FT modules capture.

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