as part of my work, I go to a lot of conferences. I have at events around the world, and thus have more keynotes and breakout sessions seen as dear to me. I often have a hard time discriminating the event I went to where it was that I met, or what was the topic. There is one exception, however.
The only event that is by and is always memorable NVIDIA GTC.
GTC visual event that I go for every year, receive. I clearly remember from water made jump a panoramic 3D Wal, I Elon Musk talking about autonomous cars remember while a car drives itself across the stage.
GTC to the rest of the conferences has an unfair advantage, I have to go, as they have the coolest visuals on the planet. This makes sense if the likes of Pixar and Dreamworks are using NVIDIA technology to make their amazing movies. NVIDIA Demos the bar (which is why I tend to do GPU demos when I showing off Citrix technology) and GTC is where NVIDIA presented by the latest technologies.
I share this because next week is NVIDIA GTC and I'll be there (like many of my colleagues Citrix and more customers from Citrix). In fact, a group of customers has asked me to fly to a panel discussion about their use of vgpu lead XenDesktop and HDX 3D Pro, the expert implementation of Citrix and vgpu from the College of Engineering at Georgia Tech will include the ubiquitous Textron (make them attack helicopters on virtual desktops via a 3G-based WAN ... very cool stuff). I am thrilled to host this plate and expect it to be a lot of great discussion about the GPU space.
If you are in the area or have access to online, please check them out. Here is a list of meetings I highly recommend:
- S6208 - Design Considerations of Real World Deployments of Graphics Accelerated Virtual Environments
- us a glance on two real-world implementations of graphics accelerates virtual desktop infrastructure and design considerations that were respectively recorded. Georgia Tech and Textron Inc. their environment and the life cycle of CAD / CAM in discussing educational learning real world design with virtual desktop infrastructure that change, teach as both educational institutions Engineering, and also how companies the future of design in request embrace its younger workers. Connect the talks as our panelists respond to questions about their environment, their applications, and the life cycle of the educational applied engineering ecosystem
- S6608 -. Virtualize Linux 3D applications with Citrix HDX 3D Pro
- Linux 3D applications? Are you running on physical machines today or solutions that are not business ready? Citrix HDX 3D Pro for Linux allows you to virtualize your Linux 3D applications and industry-leading Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop obtain optimized benefits of technology for NVIDIA GRID GPU acceleration for Linux workloads. You will learn: (1) the current functions and architecture of Citrix Virtual Desktop Linux; (2) how the Linux Virtual Desktop on current applications for knowledge workers to map and power users with HDX 3D Pro for Linux; , And (3) compromising the benefits of virtualization of Linux 3D applications without the experience
- S6427 - monitoring solutions for NVIDIA GRID ™
- monitor
- Learn how GPU, hypervisor, virtual machine, app level, protocol and end users. In this session, CTP and MVP Thomas Poppelgaard excellent show you how monitoring tools like Uber Agent, Goliath to use Performance Monitor and Lakeside SysTrack
- S6622 -. The progress in the remoting protocol technology for 3D graphics
- Learn about people UX Protocol design concepts in the next generation HDX display hear Remote Technology Citrix and XenApp Customers borders with pushing graphics virtualization over high latency connections halfway around the world. User Experience is crucial for a successful implementation and the remote protocol uses the virtualized 3D app or desktop from the data center or in the cloud to transfer to the employee is critical. Delivering 3D graphics for the user via a long-range corporate WAN connection without excessive bandwidth consumption requires innovative solutions demand.
If you had seen and done in the past few years no doubt about the value of GTC and Citrix leadership in this area, check out what we have
- 2015 :. 08 / what-you-missed-at-nvidia-gtc15 /
- 2014:
also w ir excited also our partner Cisco in its bottom exhibition to be there, where Citrix is a series of graphics solutions running on Cisco UCS and NVIDIA GRID present. Be sure to read also on the Cisco NVIDIA GTC blog, on delivering GPU-accelerated virtual workstations.
We hope to see you there!
Gunnar Follow @gunnarwb //
* Featured Image courtesy of Mr. Thomas' t-pop "Poppelgaard!
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