A postcard from the Bayou: 8 lessons in HIT Mobility

2:22 PM
A postcard from the Bayou: 8 lessons in HIT Mobility -

Baton Rouge makes me think of lobsters, the Bayou and Zydeco Clifton sizes Chernier and Queen Ida

Long , before, cut the Queen and her band Bon Temps a wide swath of the east coast and landed in a basement dive in Chapel Hill, not far from where I was living. Ida and her cubs broke with an indescribably happy rhythm played with Coca-Cola bottle, washboard, violins and accordions. Barefoot supplied with energy, danced the rest of us until we wore the color right out of the concrete floors, all the time fall hopelessly ... completely ... head over heels in love with Zydeco.

My guess is that most of the doctors and nurses in Baton Rouge Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady (FMOL) Hospital System are pretty Zydeco, too fond of. I would bet that they have the gloomy vocals, syncopated rhythms and steel guitar love almost as much as they love to mix a mobile work style with the use of their own equipment.

FMOL the systemwide healthcare IT goal was to provide mobile access to electronic medical records (EMR), clinical tools and business applications as well as a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) strategy for healthcare workers make , To say that it's succeeded, to be sure, is an understatement.

Today, mobile medical and healthcare professionals provide seamless care for patients thanks to the FMOL IT team is hard work. Around 5000 concurrent instances of XenDesktop and XenApp 30 sessions are enabled!

We talked to Johnny Brister, Director of IT Systems, FMOL, about the trip. The teachings and anecdotes he shared brings insight into the just starting, this way down. Profits are music to the ears of those who have been that way

Lesson 1 :. Local color colors providing

"I think you've found that. Louisiana has not got that resembles a metropolis," Johnny deadpanned. "From a technological perspective is that things really interesting" he continued to break into a wide grin.

In fact, Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum statistics Jamie Martin shed light on what he called "interesting" below. Sixty four percent of the population lives in rural areas. 26% of residents work with the lowest literacy rates USA. Women are the primary decision makers in health care. Mobile healthcare applications are extremely important for physicians and patients because many have long distances to obtain treatment. What's more, a 2015 US Census Bureau survey estimates the population of the entire state of 4,670,724, a little more than that of the city of Los Angeles, so that Louisiana only 25 th populous. State

Taking into account the challenge of a large, disparate, rural population, Johnny and his team developed a mobility strategy that could effectively accommodate a wide range of different users with varying degrees of technical skill and infrastructure capacity - from those with DSL or 56K modems up. live not only in the hospital environment in East Baton Rouge Parish, but also many or work in rural areas of Louisiana and beyond is user. Some of the mobile users of the health system also live in other states

The takeaways .: examine the demographics of your user base and take care of it.

Lesson 2 :. "I'm game 'is not a Schedule

" Why not take a step in the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) Arena about four years ago, " Johnny explained. "Citrix technology allows us to do that."

"early develop in the process of organizing BYOD strategy, the team has a great kick out of exposure to the wide range of to have new devices come to market, "he said." We were all then. "devices continue to proliferate rapidly, however, and the team realized that it does not manage the influx of devices without establishing guidelines for BYOD users can

Ultimately, they made a list of rules for the requestor Yes, that could each device are supported;... no, it's would not happen automatically to qualify for device support, users need to present valid credentials in addition access to an Internet connection and support for Citrix receiver to have. , FMOL'd device security using Citrix Receiver as a delivery mechanism, pushed out by the applications and data

The take-away guarantee: to make BYOD work, you must set and communicate clear standards. There must be a clear strategy.

Lesson 3 :. Users who are not readers against it

It is not enough to simply implement a healthcare information technology (HIT) solution for a large group of users. When the team of FMOL found other measures are crucial to ensure a successful implementation.

First Users need to be aware that the new technology infrastructure implemented.

Second they need to know what the new solution means to them in their day to day activities. Will they save time? Are they the new infrastructure easier to navigate, see? If there are fewer steps needed to be a job done?

Third Communication with the masses is important. became aware In FMOL, once mobile clinicians, health care and business users professionals, the extent to which new technology could revolutionize their work life (and give them more time at home or with your family to be), they chatted enthusiastically about their experiences with colleagues. Word-of-mouth coupled with communication of the IT group helped gain acceptance

The takeaways .: deployment awareness step. 1 Building step 2. adoption follows

lesson 4: .. Automation is your friend

Everyone in a hospital has a certain defined role. This role comes with certain technological requirements.

Johnny and the team found that preconfigured sets of design applications that apply to different types of doctors a wise idea was that the time was able to save and increase the satisfaction of users during the onboarding process now , , every doctor enrolls his device. A prescribed set of applications will be from the Citrix infrastructure is based on the specific role pushed down, that the clinician plays. "Through the onboarding process to automate, we save time now and alleviate a lot of pain, which was previously inherent a new physician access to all of the technology needed to give" recognized Johnny.

The take-away: saves time and money and leads to a better service for users repetitive processes automate

lesson 5 :. Put safety at the top of the list - it is that important

in FMOL, Citrix XenMobile technology Geofencing allows .. Thanks to one of two technologies - either a global positioning system (GPS) or Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) - geographical boundaries can be defined for each device that is registered on the network. The geo-fence (virtual barrier) allows the associated IT team to locate the device if it is lost or stolen, and it wipes clean of sensitive information.

"We also have the ability to 'wrap' an application, and in our own FMOL App Store put" Brister explained. "We can, set limits on pre-configure it and manage what it can or can not talk." With Citrix XenMobile, FMOL has to provide the necessary protection in place the IT department to implement all devices on the network to monitor and act quickly in the event of a security breach.

Citrix Share File also plays a major role sensitive patient information and data on FMOL secure. doctors can certainly something of documents to send large image files via File Share. This is especially helpful given the large number of patients who travel long distances to see specialists.

"One patient had to bring records from a doctor's office to another doctor, who worked on her case," Brister recalled. "She had an hour and a half is driven to reach the first doctor's office, and the second was gone away pretty far." The problem was to divide a large image file. It was too large to copy to a disk. After brainstorming, the team determined that the best approach was to copy the file in Citrix Share File and electronically transferred to the other healthcare providers.

Citrix NetScaler another technology is in use FMOL. NetScaler helps the team a better user experience offer by optimizing, securing and delivery of enterprise and cloud services to control

Your takeaway .: technology that you provide helps the compliance and the security of sensitive information, is not, it is a must-have

lesson 6 "nice-to-have." , Champions help win.

"Clinicians are now staying with FMOL using Citrix technology. We have a large number of adopters" explains Johnny. "The most important thing that got FMOL to the point with a high acceptance was the fact that we called a champion in each facility."

Each location within the health system had a different work culture. Different cultures important. Each device offers a variety of different services. This affected the technology required and the provision. The FMOL IT team partnered with Champions in different places, to develop a solution that satisfies the range of user needs.

Essentially users helped design the system. As the new solution initially rolled out, took thirty doctors in a pilot in all facilities.

"By the time it came to the last hospital, 350 people were involved in the pilot," Brister recalls. "Doctors were asking us for the technology. Of course, they needed an education, but they were busy with the concept of change on board"

Your takeaway .: Master work for you. They are impartial third parties who evangelize the masses

Lesson 7 :. Attention! Perception is reality for some users.

Johnny and the IT team discovered a lot about human nature to implement in the course of their mobility infrastructure. " people develop a perception after a task to be repeated several times," he offered. " This was a task that previously requires several steps. The whole process took an elapsed time of about 30 seconds."

was The IT team capable of the task simplify to just one step. They shaved 18 seconds from the time needed to complete the task.

"Surprisingly, we found that continuously clicking or doing something feels faster to users" Johnny commented. "In the end the team actually had to prove that the time required was shorter before some users would believe it!"

The takeaway: arm users with facts. Answer to address their questions and concerns and education provide

Lesson 8: .. If something works well, you should its reach extends

As part of the overall technology development, Franciscan Health developed and wellness services, wellness and care management program based on evidence-based medicine. Healthy Lives ™ is a comprehensive health and wellness program for employees of FMOL holistic care represents. The idea is to make the workforce more healthy and, at the same time, the cost of health insurance reduce healthcare costs

The program consists of four components, some of which are technology-based .:

  • and analysis of comprehensive workplace profile
  • Biometric screening and health risk assessment s of employees
  • Customized wellness services including incentives, training and clinical expertise
  • Gesundheitscoaching of local, nurses and nutritionists
  • participation in the 2011 performance year was 80% below FMOL team members and relatives. The program improves the quality of care and leaned significantly the cost curve of health plan costs of the hospital.

    The success drove ultimately more innovation. FMOL decided to share the program with the companies in the municipalities, the hospital system serves. This technology now provides value to the community and provides a source of income for the hospital

    The takeaway .: with a little creativity, technology implementations can serve several purposes.

    What the in all? the sweet sound of victory bottom line comes from creativity, perseverance and innovation. Keep the goal in mind, to benefit from the dynamism and dance especially!

    * If you are in the healthcare industry, we invite you to start a dialogue with us. You can by clicking here to share your thoughts on the subject in this blog or any other health IT problem with a Citrix researchers.

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