They still hope to at the end of the quarter reached target? Have you looked in your calendar? Can you believe already March it?
If you do not, that the distance goal you achieve met set a Citrix certification in Q1, and you begin to like time to feel running out, we have good news for you and are here to help.
Whatever get your reason for wanting Citrix Certified to act, the time is now!
for the first time ever, the Citrix Education Certification and Exam development team is hosting a Twitter chat to answer these open questions that you have, as you prepare for your certification exam.
We would like to give the opportunity to ask us all your certification and testing-related issues. I know what you're thinking, and the answer is NO. We will not share the actual answers to our tests to questions, but we will give pieces of information that you will surely find invaluable, including advice on where and how to find legitimate practice exams as for simulation products in our tests prepare, as the tasks and objectives in our Prep Guides listed to be used for our tests, etc.
Join prepare! Here's how.
- up a reminder for 12:00 EDT Set, Wednesday, March 16 us on Twitter
- Use hashtag #CitrixChat, your Enjoy questions
- to share learning.
- that's it!
you hear from us in real time. You miss not miss this opportunity to engage directly with the people who design, construction and certification programs and exams here at Citrix manage.
Who is your open questions? Look at the list of Citrix Certification and Exam Project Manager:
- Lourdes Soler
- Tawnisha Reynolds
- Premkumar Mekara
- Kpayah Tamba
Register to see on Twitter at noon on March 16!
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