Citrix Lifecycle Management, XenApp and XenDesktop: Better Together

4:36 PM
Citrix Lifecycle Management, XenApp and XenDesktop: Better Together -

Today we announce two new Citrix Lifecycle Management Services existing XenApp and XenDesktop environments improve. Update and Smart Scale

last fall, Citrix Lifecycle Management the concept of Citrix Certified introduce plans that customers in any cloud environment new deployments of its Citrix software to enable fast and efficient work - public or private. We will now enhance the functionality of XenApp or XenDesktop environment, extends independent of Citrix lifecycle management, whether it was created with an Lifecycle Management Blueprint or not.

The first service, called simply the update service allows customers to maintain, easier to secure and highly XenApp environments. Customers can keep the process greatly simplify their XenApp environment up-to-date by their environments to register with the update service and recommended it, and apply using suitable software updates.

The second service, Smart Scale-called, reduces infrastructure costs for customers XenApp environments operate on public clouds, as it automatically infrastructure up and down based real-time usage statistics.

CLM Synergy

Update Service enhances security and increases availability of XenApp scaled

Update easily discover service forward business to driving customer and apply to the latest software updates, or upgrade to new versions of software helps effortlessly and concentrate.

Update Service helps Citrix customers save significantly on operating costs, as it presents easily specific recommendations for updates environments. The service takes into account environmental aspects including deployment architectures and current versions of the components. Customers can also check compliance with environmental XenApp Long Term Service Release (LTSR) and quickly remediate any identified discrepancies.

Easy onboarding, Flexible Control & end-to-end automation

XenApp environments, existing or new, provided on the premises on a hypervisor or in a public cloud, may in a few easy steps within minutes be on boarded.

the update service provides end-to-end automation of the update and upgrade XenApp environments, while a flexible configuration for the admin has to manage the process. The service also offers a safety net by the environment snapshot before an update to perform. This feature allows XenApp administrators can make quickly and easily reversed to a work environment in the event of a failed update. In addition to these new features is the previously available Migration Service to simplify the upgrade to new versions of XenApp (eg XenApp 6.x to XenApp Migration 7.8). The Migration Service now supports migration of Citrix VDI-in-a-Box (VIAB) on a full XenDesktop environment. This additional functionality provides a way for customers of VIAB solution for a fully functioning XenDesktop deployment to move.

CLM Synergy

Smart Scale delivers predictable cost control for XenApp environments to public clouds

deploy While the benefits of public clouds are well articulated, can its infrastructure costs involved, if not properly managed. The new SmartScale service optimizes XenApp costs by scaling up and deboost resources of the infrastructure on the actual use map. For example, the Smart Scale Service automatically scale the infrastructure at 9am high usage during peak hours and reduced infrastructure at 6am support to meet the low use.

Depending on the XenApp user types, a $ 100K / year estimated. can for 1000 users.

specifically for XenApp

Today, public cloud providers provide general monitoring and automatic scaling tools stored infrastructure to optimize consumption. To use these tools, customers have to cobble them together. The benefit of this ad hoc tools is severely limited by the lack of sophistication needed to manage XenApp.

Smart Scale service is specifically for XenApp with real-time monitoring of key performance indicators such as capacity utilization, the active sessions, the session login, runtimes and much more. A simple configuration tool allows Citrix administrators to easily optimize cost between usability and infrastructure.



"Citrix Lifecycle Management is an important part of the Citrix" Better Together "value proposition. Citrix Certified are plans already hundreds of customers have been used to accelerate their implementations of XenApp, NetScaler and XenMobile. Now, we extend Citrix Lifecycle management to improve the many thousands of XenApp and XenDesktop environments, which are run by customers today. the new update and Smart Scale services for XenApp represent only the first of many exciting services that are built on our unique and powerful lifecycle management platform " -. Steve Wilson - VP, Core Infrastructure - Citrix


in these new capabilities today try

AWS Accelerator Program

Amazon Web services with Citrix partnership has an AWS assembled -Accelerator program customers plan to help and run a successful test migration, while existing licenses with

blog :. AWS Accelerator for Citrix

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