Create AppDisks - like a boss! - With PVS

9:41 PM
Create AppDisks - like a boss! - With PVS -

Meanwhile, hopefully you have heard of or even used -Citrix AppDisks !. Published as part of XenDesktop 7.8, a number has already been written about them, including this excellent guide by George Kuruvilla:

Citrix AppDisks How-To Guide: Basic Administration and Gotchas

From my own experience test AppDisks, creation with MCS was a breeze, but with PVS, there are some challenges, if you know what they are, you will AppDisks and PVS like a boss!

Disable prompt for maintenance mode using

It may be super-annoying when your AppDisk creation times out. When I used to create PVS AppDisks, I often miss the prompt to "Press 1 and Enter" at the console of the machine used to perform maintenance AppDisk. I've found, it's my life a bunch facilitates prompt completely disable

To do this, follow this article:
setting vDisk Boot Menu as the default option

A vDisk per in -progress AppDisk creation

so you want to make a bunch of AppDisks? using PVS, you can only a creation in progress per vDisk. This is because you need in maintenance mode creation to enable a new version and a VM. What are options?

  • Be patient, your a AppDisk created, then follow the instructions below to delete before the vDisk for the next creation again with
  • Who has time for that? Use multiple copies of your vDisk and create for each one catalog, now you can make at once more!

degrade your vDisk and use it again

After you used to create your vDisk or edit a AppDisk and your AppDisk is in the "ready" in the studio, remember me the new version of the vDisk, and take the reserved VM from maintenance mode to remove back to production.

If all else fails, cheat!

If all else fails, cheat! Making an MCS catalog using the same hosting resources as for PVS used and you can use the MCS Catalog of AppDisk creation, and use the resulting AppDisks on the PVS catalog to deliver workloads on the user!

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