Well, proactive notifications and alerting function in Citrix Director has 7 more alarming categories and a new policy "User Policy" type equipped to monitor and resolve to user-specific scenarios.
proactive alerts and alarm function introduced in Director with the release of XenDesktop 7.7, administrators can keep an eye on XenDesktop environment. , Then leave Configuring simple notification policies, environmental thresholds indicating the rest Director and Monitoring Service to the administrator when a threshold to report violations. In this way, the administrator can then take action to solve the problem at an early stage.
New alert conditions for site guidelines
Director introduces two new alert conditions site to monitor health. An administrator can now site-level CPU and memory alerts.
percentage CPU and memory usage alert categories
This alert categories enables monitoring average percent CPU or memory usage for the entire XenDesktop site to configure. An administrator can configure warning and critical thresholds for XenDesktop site. Along with thresholds can set an administrator, and the duration for which the condition should persist before an alarm is triggered. This duration is you
For example, in the screenshot above, an administrator configures in "Notify me by 'specified text boxes.
Also, an administrator can configure a memory usage policy.
NOTE: The '60 Minutes' Notify me on length of CPU and memory warnings is set by default, but can be changed by the administrator, it is recommended that this value ≥ 10th adjust minutes environment holds an anomaly to ensure.
The CPU and memory alarm policy at the site level is more of a capacity indicator and an alert triggered from this policy would mean a need, according to capacity planning and allocation of resources . reconsider
new alert conditions for supply of group Policy
Director provides five new alert conditions health in the delivery monitor group level. in addition to the CPU and memory notifications that an admin for a certain delivery can configure groups, an administrator can also monitor ICA round trip time on 3 different alert conditions. ICA round trip time is a metric as one of the proxy used for the perceived user experience to measure. It is the first impression of a virtualized application or desktop launch with Citrix. Proactive alerts can help measure the same thing on a larger scale an admin.
percentage CPU and memory usage alert categories
These are configured in a manner similar to Site Policies. Here, an administrator wants to select specific delivery groups to monitor. Delivery Group Policy are useful in situations where an administrator has created a new delivery group and to monitor it. can
created The CPU and memory alerts from a certain supplier group Admin compare usages over similar for delivery groups and pin-point anomalies. It can also mean a need for more resources or providing some applications to re-provision, so that their introduction does not affect the other applications on the VDA runs.
ICA round trip time alert categories
There ICA round trip time (RTT ICA) to monitor three new alert categories that allow an administrator. These are:
- ICA RTT - Average
This warning category triggers a Warning / Critical alerts averaged ICA RTT over all meetings in delivery group crosses the corresponding threshold.
- ICA RTT - Number of Sessions
This warning category triggers a Warning / Critical alerts when ICA RTT value more than the corresponding threshold value for N or more sessions in a delivery group.
, for example, with this policy can an administrator ICA RTT threshold specified as 80 ms and 0 ms for warnings and critical alerts. In addition, an administrator specifies the number of sessions 50 and 100 for the warning and critical alerts.
Well, if it is performed in a delivery group 60 meetings and of which 50 an ICA RTT value than 80 ms then a warning is triggered.
Later, when it is maintained 70 sessions with an ICA RTT of 140 ms and a warning is not critical alert will be generated is configured as a critical alarm for 100 meetings with ICA RTT over 0 ms. trigger for a warning both thresholds (ICA RTT and number of sessions) should hurt
- ICA RTT -. Percentage of sessions
This warning category triggers a Warning / Critical alerts when ICA RTT value is more than the corresponding threshold for N percent of the meetings in the specific delivery group. This is similar to "ICA RTT - Number of Sessions" category to how it will be assessed, but indicates here instead of the number of sessions, an administrator defines percentage of sessions
new alert conditions for OS Policy Server
Director provides to monitor five new alert conditions on health server OS level. These alert conditions are the same as those with delivery Group Policy introduced.
For a server OS policy, an administrator creates a delivery group to monitor, but the alert conditions are evaluated for each server OS engine in the delivery group. Therefore is would in a message cause each server OS VDA where alarm status exceeding the threshold.
Server OS guidelines are helpful during a specific scenario for troubleshooting. For example, to monitor when sessions of a particular VDA are slow or nervous, an administrator server OS a preventive measure can configure policies to ICA RTT and CPU / memory consumption to determine whether a server operating system VDA is strong and take loading.
User Guidelines
Director provides a new alert policy type, ie user policies. These policies are aimed at monitoring the user experience for specific users. For example, a user calls the help desk for frequent slow connections and longer times before a desktop session or an application is launched. Here, the administrator can create a user policy for these users to monitor the user experience. The administrator can high ICA RTT observe and conclude that there is something wrong with the network or he noticed, check a long duration of the application and whether there is something wrong with the startup scripts, profile size or VDA itself.
There are two alert categories, configure an administrator for a user policy:
can in this category Administrators define threshold values for the ICA RTT values.
- Logon duration
In this category, administrators can set duration thresholds for the application values.
When a user session injuries a threshold, a warning the appropriate urgency for this particular user is generated.
, an administrator can he add users by clicking on the button "Assign" in the "Scope" to monitor the policy intends to seek to open a dialog where an administrator, add or remove users.
Once a user is added, it appears in the Added user list.
Then, the added user "Ready" sets, the user policies frame click.
How to use these new alert conditions?
as part of the Citrix Cloud first strategy, the new alert categories in Proactive notification and alarm function only with the Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop cloud services available. These are items available in XenApp and XenDesktop on premise at a later date. please
When this function is on VDA
In order to see these warnings into action, update the VDA for 7.9-Release and activate the function
These new warnings required by VDA additional data collection, follow these steps to enable the same VDA .:
- Open the Registry Editor on VDA (Run => regedit)
- Navigate to the path. HKLM Software Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent
- to create a new key named: feature toggle
- Add a new DWORD value: ProactiveNotificationsV2 and set it to 1.
- they Close the Registry Editor.
that's it for this edition!
Hope these new policies help environments to improve monitoring XenDesktop.
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