One of the most common questions we hear is: What is the return on investment that can be expected when XenApp purchase help to answer this question objectively, Citrix recently commissioned Forrester Research a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study carried out in order to learn more about the ROI that customers experience when using XenApp.
Forrester stated, the benefits are connected to understand the costs and risks. With a single XenApp deployment They interviewed IT managers of large industrial enterprises [1], which are several years with XenApp and to determine application of Forrester framework and methodology of the total economic impact. They learned that their business primarily has been to capitalize on three types of XenApp:
- Reduced costs for access to enterprise applications
- Consolidate licenses legacy applications
- providing secure access for applications to third parties
Let look at the results in more detail us.
cost of access to enterprise applications reduce
Before XenApp customer support 10,000 users of SAP applications. These users increasingly need access to SAP from mobile devices and varied operating systems. Keeping up with the various devices and operating systems was very expensive. Enter XenApp. Now they can provide SAP as a virtual application to any device without ever the app will be updated for each device.
XenApp enables us to support applications for users on all types of devices, the central IT manufacturing organization more device-independent.
Consolidate licenses legacy applications
Before XenApp, each user must have a unique license to use the app on their individual device to have. Since not every user needs to access applications at the same time, customers can virtualize applications in XenApp and use a concurrent license model for legacy applications. Now a large pool of employees can share a limited number of App licenses, the need resulting only a fraction of the legacy application licenses purchase compared to their previous deployment model.
Ensure interviewed third party access to company systems
The manufacturing customer Forrester works closely with third-party contractors and partners. This part of their workforce needs access to the same business applications that would use a full-time employee. Before XenApp implementation, the customer had to provide more than 800 simultaneous VPN connections available and the security policy management that goes with them. With XenApp these VPN connections are no longer necessary, so that they can save a bundle.
What is the ROI was? How quickly they achieve it?
To learn how these customers saved and their exact ROI, download the Forrester study "Total Economic Impact of Citrix XenApp." The paper into more detail about the number of licenses is purchased, accurate ROI, cost of their implementation and their savings.
now pick up the paper.
[1], the customer will not prefer to be called because some sensitive financial information were revealed.
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