Tech Companies Urge Legislation, CISA Gains Momentum

8:40 PM
Tech Companies Urge Legislation, CISA Gains Momentum

- Stop CISA

Update - October 2015

Many big tech companies are now formally opposed CISA, and voted against the bill in recent weeks. These companies, like many others, are concerned that the bill poses great risks to privacy and security for users of the Internet, and to allow monitoring by the government. Companies of talk recently include Yelp, reddit, Wikipedia and Twitter. CCIA (an industry association that represents many major tech companies such as including Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Amazon) also formally pronounced against the bill in a blog post published on October 15

update - September 2015

September 28, BSA and its member companies tech said the letter they signed and sent to Congress (referenced below) No has not been approved CISA, or any particular bill. As reported by the BSA, "The letter has not approved specific legislation in its current form."

Original Post

As reported this week, several major companies, including many high-tech companies, have signed a letter that takes action on legislation relating data, including similar legislation in CISA (law on information sharing on cyber security). If passed, CISA and would encourage companies to share user data with the government and the other

The support came in the form of a letter from the BSA. The Software Alliance that the companies have signed, which "requested action" on several bills, including Cyber ​​Threat Information Sharing Legislation . Most of the points raised in the letter seem to reflect the objectives of the CISA, although the letter does not specifically approved CISA. As stated in the letter, a data-sharing law "will promote cybersecurity and protect sensitive information by allowing private players in possession of information on vulnerability and intrusion to more easily share this information willingly with others under threat . "

This is a rather surprising turn of events, considering many of these companies steps to protect user data and fight against the backdoor encryption for purposes of application of the law previously backed . CISA is a dangerous piece of legislation, and in substance a draft monitoring law. If passed, it would greatly expand the power of governments and companies to spy on people by accessing their user data and communications. We are strongly opposed to CISA, and any law that has similar goals.

What can you do?

Fight For Sign the petition against the future CISA

Read our post "We must stop CISA"

See Letter BSA

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