United Online Privacy names Nations as a universal human right

5:00 PM
United Online Privacy names Nations as a universal human right -

in online privacy, the development of a hotly debated and controversial battle between governments, businesses and citizens around the world, is now a universal human right. The United Nations today voted unanimously to adopt a resolution calling for "Privacy Online" to be recognized as a human right, the extension of the general human right to privacy in the online world.

Although a bit late in the game, this is certainly a step in the right direction with respect to online privacy and the mass surveillance debate. and while this UN resolution will not necessarily change the world, it is clear that world leaders understand the need to protect their citizens who spend more time and share more data online than ever before.

the resolution calls on countries "to establish or maintain independent existing mechanisms, effective national monitoring able to ensure transparency, if any, and the responsibility of monitoring the state of communications." UN resolutions and conclusions are not binding on Member States.

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