UAE Snapchat blocks VOIP services

11:19 AM
UAE Snapchat blocks VOIP services -

Last week it was reported that Snapchat calling and video calls have been blocked in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). the leading telecommunications providers in the UAE, Etisalat and du, blocked the features that allow users to make calls or video calls from the Snapchat app.

Snapchat is not the only application or VOIP services blocked in the country. Other services such as Facetime, WhatsApp and WeChat also be blocked. VOIP is regulated in the United Arab Emirates, which means these services should be "carried out in coordination with licensed companies" (2 telecoms) so that only telecommunications providers offer them: "Companies that want to provide [VOIP] services should coordinate with authorized service providers in the UAE in this regard. "


  • learn more about the censorship in the Middle East.
  • more. on countries blocking VOIP services

Sources: what is on the national and

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1 comment

  1. Being one of the most amazing country, Dubai has something innovative to offer you. The same follows in the sector of telecommunication. It might be a little bit shocking for you but the pretty popular Whatsapp, Skype, Facebook Messenger, which video call works in uae do not work in Emirates.
