Receiver Internals: New Mobile Experience with Receiver for HTML5 2.0

7:14 PM
Receiver Internals: New Mobile Experience with Receiver for HTML5 2.0 -

The new receiver for HTML5 2.0 improves support for browser on touch-enabled devices. This makes receiver for HTML5 as a viable option for mobile and tablet.

You can now access the remote desktop app with full touch support that includes gestures, multi-touch access and soft keyboard. It can support on the iPad / iPhone or MS-Edge Windows 10 mobile Chrome browser on Android, Safari be

Here is a quick summary of the various single and multi-finger gestures .:

Gesture Description
Single touch Corresponds left mouse button
touch Match right
Pinch and Zoom a finger Zoom in and out of the session
scroll - to scroll when the session in a normal state

Two fingers is - scroll when the session or normal state in zooming is

Drag Drag any application in the session
Two finger Tap Activate / deactivate the mouse
Three finger Tap to activate / hide the soft keyboard

here you can 'tap two fingers' more about the gesture speak what is used for the mouse pointer on / off.

When the mouse pointer on you seen a mouse cursor. This will help you perform operations such as left click, right click or drag using the aforementioned gestures. This is very convenient, where the gestures with your fingers can not be comfortable. You can refer to the example below in the screenshot.

Example for Mouse pointer

Now talk about multi-touch mode can.

multi-touch mode remote controls all the gestures on the virtual desktop and application will proceed to the gesture is ever supported.

, the image is in multi-touch mode v / s pan mode

[1945003gezoomt] multitouch_panning_example

switch to multi-touch mode : By default, would the meeting in panning mode, where all gestures are created on the desktop. You can choose between multi-touch mode switch and swivel mode button in the toolbar.

to switch multi-touch mode


to switch to the panning mode


Multi-touch of Win 8.1 / Win 2K12R2 is further supported on the Windows operating system. If the function on the host is not available, then the button on the toolbar to switch between multi-touch / mode swing is not displayed.

So far we have seen the various gestures and multi-touch functionality. The next thing that might be on your mind, to give as keyboard input to the virtual app and desktop session.

Here are the options that you bring up soft keyboard, can use at the meeting.

1) Keyboard button in the toolbar: to select a button in toolbar with keyboard icon locate / Hide the soft keyboard. Once the keyboard is displayed, you can move the session and click to send in a drawing area keys. The same button can be used to hide the keyboard


2) Three finger tap .: Three finger tap is similar to the keyboard button in the toolbar, as mentioned above, which shows / hides the soft keyboard


3) auto-keyboard: popup. A floating keyboard icon appears on knocking at the meeting any box. Clicking on the floating icon shows the soft keyboard.


admins must enable the policy with Citrix studio on DDC to get the auto-keyboard popup functionality with the following steps.

1) Open Citrix studio on DDC.

2) Click on Policies.

3) Click on Create directive.

4) for the automatic keyboard display search and select the allowed radio option.


Once the Directive on the DDC is activated, the user can select / show car keyboard floating button hide real time the settings option in the toolbar. The selected option is remembered and started at the other sessions of the same browser.


Now that all mobility functions are covered, let us see how we can work on better equipment of small form factors

display Resolution :. on the market, the different form factors of devices Considering the session. The screen size of the device, the time may not fit all used mainly in equipment of small form factors An option is provided in the toolbar, which can change users, the resolution of the meeting in real time. "Auto Fit Screen" to be the default option and if another option is selected, then it would be remembered and on the other sessions (app / desktop) from the same browser starts.

[1945003HieristeinekurzeErklärungderverschiedenenAuflösungsoptionenzurVerfügunggestellt] .

would be adjusted multiplied [wouldbeset [1945013willbe]
option Description
auto Fit screen session size with the device screen size.
device pixels Use ratio Session size would device screen size with device pixel ratio
1280 * 800 pixels session size to 1280 * 800 pixels
1440 * 00 pixels session size would to 1440 * 00 pixels
10 * 10 adjusted pixels session size would be set to 10 * 10 pixels

so far it looks like a fine experience on mobile / tablet platforms. But what if you hybrid devices such as laptops with touch screen? You can still use the touch features, but use with some restrictions. For example, explains the soft keyboard options previously only work if the device is in tablet mode. Otherwise input given via the keyboard of the device

For more details on other limitations per browser in such a hybrid device .:

Google Chrome

  • in tablet mode, can soft keyboard, accessed from the keyboard button in the toolbar, and the floating car keyboard button.

Mozilla Firefox

  • the touch capability is not supported in Firefox browser of hybrid devices.

MS border

  • Before any application or desktop session on the Edge Browse start, the touch events should be activated. By opening " about: flags' in new tab and change the touch event flag


  • In tablet mode, the soft keyboard. at the hearing on Edge browser popup. the remedy is to any other web page, and call to navigate the soft keyboard. Then go to the meeting and use the button in the toolbar / floating car keyboard button call soft keyboard.
  • When the soft keyboard is on closed " X " follow button and then the previous step display the soft keyboard.

Windows 10 Continuum support

receiver for HTML5 sessions with some recommendations launched with MS Edge Continuum are set. The Continuum device here is a Windows 10-phone and a Dock. When you start the receiver of the mobile, and dock it then you can use connected to extended monitor with keyboard / mouse there. In case the session from extended monitor and you want to change mobile, is proposed to restart the session from the mobile phone.


move to the new receiver for HTML5 from your touch devices. Please tell us your opinion.

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