iOS vulnerability and Siri has not a bad result have

9:16 PM
iOS vulnerability and Siri has not a bad result have -

While Siri can be an extremely useful tool, discovered a recent vulnerability in iOS 9.3.1, which can be used by Siri has for users and IT security concerns.

Enter particular by Siri voice commands, an unauthorized user contacts and photos on your iOS 9.3.1 device without a password, access to unlock the phone.

Siri iOS9 XenMobile Security

data loss is reduced and the user's privacy is maintained with XenMobile.

to protect user satisfaction and productivity at balancing corporate data with popular applications such as Siri, is the essence of what XenMobile supplies. XenMobile provides important safety features to corporate data with both MDM and MAM protect policy.

For MDM environments XenMobile supports a policy that there is an opportunity to turn from Siri, which would prevent the vulnerability to be exploited.

For MAM environments XenMobile supports a policy that blocks access to any application-level dictation service. These include Siri and other applications, can use the functions of the speech recognition.

If an exploit occurred, company contacts, photos and all data encrypted with XenMobile MAM and Citrix MDX, would not be affected by an additional layer of application security. It is analogous to the two castles many of us have on our own doorstep.

XenMobile MAM other significant advantages as well. For example, unlike most other Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solutions, XenMobile MAM only approach does not require the device in MDM enrollment or a device code use. This is incredibly useful for managing devices BYO.

XenMobile industry leading MAM technology supports over 50 different security policies such as the ability to prevent cutting and by inserting data, including photos and contacts in XenMobile secure container between applications. While other EMM vendors claim they can do the same, many require the use of a device code.

In order to prevent more learn about XenMobile safety and to protect your business against security threats, such as Siri vulnerability, you should read our XenMobile Security Whitepaper.

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