Balancing UPS load in XenApp and XenDesktop 7.9

9:52 PM
Balancing UPS load in XenApp and XenDesktop 7.9 -

A few decades ago, the idea of ​​the paperless office of the business world was introduced. Since then, we have made great progress towards digitization of documents, forms and other necessary papers. We also have the printer lose its place in the business seen, as we have made this transition. Or have we

You probably have at least one - if not more - to manage printers. And chances are you printer in a Citrix XenApp or XenDesktop environment using network-based printers for users of guidelines to assign. You probably also run into scalability problems as more pressure is according to the rules, extensions and other reasons.

Traditionally, Citrix supports single instances of the Citrix Universal Print Server (UPS), so that all HA configurations handled by the Windows clustering or NetScaler for complicated mechanisms. You could have several Universal Print Server in an environment; but could any printer policy assignment only one Universal Print Server included for each printer queue.

UPS Load Balancing

With the recent release of Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop version 7.9 comes a feature brand new to the existing Citrix UPS component: Print Server Load Balancing. In addition to Universal Print Server Load Balancing, improvements for increased scalability print job have been made to better serve large-scale print environments. This new feature together with the extended scalability to support companies with robust and effective printing solution.

To begin, let's talk about UPS load balancing, what it offers and how to implement them. With this new feature you can now have multiple standalone UPS instances manner act in a "High Availability", while a built-in method provides to enable printer port distribution of available UPS instances. In this way several independent UPS instances can continuously provide printability, while the load share, and also cases of single or multiple failures of print servers use. Thus, the single point of failure will be inherent in the previous versions of UPS.


Four new guidelines for load balancing

The reaction of the UPS load balancing function is performed by four new Citrix policies: two standard registry entries and in the new 7.9 version of Citrix Studio contain two. The two new Citrix Studio guidelines are: Universal Print Server for load balancing and Universal Print Server out-of-service threshold, while the registry entries change ping interval behavior. These guidelines changes to the HKLM subtree registration of XenApp and XenDesktop systems and are processed at startup. This will prevent on-the-fly changes to the load-balancing settings are made and all configurations must be defined before the system starts.

UPS load balancing policy

The UPS load balancing policy is used to fill the print server as part of load balancing and review are used. The print server must be consistently identified (either by the host name, FQDN or IP address) related about these and all other printer policies (whether sitting or direct network printer mappings). An additional validation mechanism is in this policy available to ensure that each server is available, and has an identical set of printers available. It should also be noted that all printer mappings must be made with the same identification scheme for load balancing for the user to operate correctly.


UPS out of service threshold policy

are Universal Print Server out-of-service threshold policy the timeout for a blocked actively used UPS to respond before are marked as offline in the load-balancing list. This policy is set by default to 180 seconds and can be higher or lower, adjusted according to your specific configuration and needs. This policy is used when it is active UPS fails to satisfy a print job from the VDA. After this failure, a number of pings to the UPS in question for up to 180 are made before the UPS marked offline.


Two registry keys are pre-assigned default maximum and minimum values ​​for the PING interval within the out-of-service threshold may be used. These registry keys are available more granular control over the time-out behavior to create


value DWORD "UpsMinimumTimeIntervalBetweenPings"

Standard: 30 seconds


value: DWORD "UpsMaximumTimeIntervalBetweenPings"

Standard: 180 seconds

How UPS load balancing works

using the above guidelines and registry keys will each VDA a list of available UPS instances are provided which can be used for user printer connections. This is also what the load distribution allows and "HA" (error detection) mechanisms are used. In a default configuration, the actual time that a UPS Mark as offline in the range of 180s to 360s minimum will be maximal. the load balancing mechanism of two types work depending on the type of VDA implementation whether XenApp or XenDesktop, in:

  • UPS load balancing with server-based VDAS

With Multi- user Server-based VDAS, the first user to create a session on a particular machine will be assigned from the list of available print server to a randomly selected UPS. Subsequent users will be assigned to a UPS from the list of available print servers based on the order in which they are provided in the policy setting, and each load relative server to the other available servers. This is achieved by a current set of counters, the number of printer connections to each UPS tracks (each UPS have a counter for active, created and deleted connections). These help counter, evenly distribute the load printer connection and Windows are in sight through integrated in PerfMon interface. If one UPS fails, so that it is marked as offline, all current connections to the server will be redistributed among the remaining active printers available and new compounds based on made of the relative burden of the remaining active servers.

  • UPS load with desktop-based VDAS Balancing

In a desktop environment (VDI) is, each user session to a randomly selected UPS from the list of available print server be assigned to. Since there is only a single user per desktop VDA, there is only one connection at all times. The printer port counters are also in XenDesktop, but due to the single-user nature they are used for reference only. When a UPS fault occurs, all current connections to a random active servers are distributed.

In both scenarios, a UPS marked offline will no longer be used until it has recovered and respond to ping requests. When the server comes back online and is available, it will automatically be added back to the list of available printers, and would receive preference for new connections. With VDI the newly added server would be selected randomly back into the list.

Double your scalability

Now that we know that we can have more than one UPS instances (we have scaled to 16 UPS internal) and all of them can benefit from for compounds, which improved one else has, and how can we use this new found function? Previously, UPS could handle 50 simultaneous active print jobs per minute. XenApp and XenDesktop 7.9 UPS has improved scalability twice what simultaneous 100 active print jobs per minute.

So let that scale up to 5 UPS instances and you can sustainable simultaneous active print rate of 500 jobs per minute for all 5 servers. Need more? Try 1,000 concurrent active print jobs per minute over 10 UPS instances. Yes, UPS Load Balancing and scaled linearly. This makes the scaling and sizing for your environment a simple matter.

Ready to Upgrade?

we have, you still tempted to improve? Are you ready for this great new feature? If you are still on the fence, for partial stay tuned 2, where we show the results of actual tests with multiple UPS instances and thousands of users. You will see how well balance the burdens and what happens when a server failure occurs.

For more information on all the new features in XenApp and XenDesktop 7.9!

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