Poland promulgates new law

3:23 PM
Poland promulgates new law - monitoring

Last week, Poland has signed new anti-terror rules in the law, in an effort to increase security in the country. As with many similar laws, Poland cited terrorism as a result of legislation - but it poses major risks to privacy and civil liberties. The law allows the government to monitor foreign citizens for up to three months without court approval - opening the door to increased surveillance of its citizens. The police can collect metadata without a court order (which includes information about the Web sites visited online, the location of cell phones). The law includes provisions for blocking Internet content, as well.

Additional provisions of the bill are threats beyond online monitoring and include threats to civil liberties such as relaxed regulations on foreigners for deportation, detention of suspects and the regulation of sale of SIM cards for pay-as-you-go.

Amnesty International said the new rules give "apparently unlimited powers" Polish intelligence services. A European group Human Rights also criticized the law surveillance. A Golden Frog we believe that everyone has the right to privacy, and are opposed to government surveillance and intrusive legislation

Source :. Reuters, RT, Panoptykon

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