costume just weeks after the Netherlands officially rejected backdoors in encrypted communications, France followed. France rejected a draft amendment to their numerical Bill Republic which required "mandatory hardware backdoors" be designed into devices and technological products. The proposed change was partly a response to the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, which further fueled the debate on the backdoor encryption that has been going on in the world.
as reported in ZDNet, Vice Minister of France for digital business, Axelle Lemaire, against the proposal and called "vulnerability by design." This goes against the objective of the Republic the draft digital law, which Lemaire continued to speak out against the backdoor encryption, saying "allow privacy by design." "With a backdoor, personal data are not protected at all. Although the intent is laudable, it also opens the door to players who have less laudable intentions, not to mention the risk of economic damage to the credibility of companies that provide these defects. "
We are delighted to hear that another country protected by strong encryption backdoors rejection and dangers. We hope this precedent will continue to spread in the EU and worldwide whole.
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