Widen your XenApp deployment to Microsoft Azure: Learn how @Summit

8:02 PM
Widen your XenApp deployment to Microsoft Azure: Learn how @Summit -

quickly deploy as Citrix Service Provider, you are always looking for ways to desktop and application services , reliable, and inexpensive.

The use of Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop solutions on Microsoft Azure, you can add resources in your local data center with Azure Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) resources to make your IT organization more agile and may be able to respond more quickly to customer requests.

When administrators best practices for deploying Citrix software on the Azure platform proven to follow, it is faster and easier to be hosted application and desktops.

[1945003Dies] speeds up the process by up to on-boarding new subscribers or satisfactory sudden shifts in customer demand. In addition, a deployment Azure provide a simple and effective means for addressing disaster recovery.

So what are the best methods for deploying XenApp and XenDesktop on Azure?

at Citrix Summit 2016 in Las Vegas, I will be joined by Prasanna Padmanabhan, the head of our Microsoft Solutions Engineering team, to explain how hosted XenApp and XenDesktop solutions on the Microsoft Azure Platform.

to design and build Based on our experience we use basic concepts sharing need to know to implement XenApp on Azure, including a review of Azure IaaS resources, design restrictions and architectural considerations. We will describe a sample XenApp deployment architecture-one that complements infrastructure onsite and extends them to support additional XenApp users when more capacity is needed.

We are results of XenApp share scalability tests on various Azure Compute Instances and discuss how XenApp components to meet Azure scale density requirements. And we will explore the economic considerations in the provision on Azure, including a table that estimates based on expected network, storage and computing requirements per user potential costs.

In addition to best practices and architectural advice we present 'll talk about what is new and what is on the horizon with respect to implement on the Azure platform. Remarkably NetScaler VPX in Azure marketplace available, which helps to simplify the installation of NetScaler load balancing and traffic management for XenApp workloads. We will also find the latest improvements in the next version of XenDesktop demonstrates Microsoft Azure as a first-class support to hosting platform for MCS VDAS provided.

The Azure platform now provides a new deployment model of Azure Resource Manager called (ARM), which differs in many respects from the classic Azure Service Manager (ASM) model, which has traditionally been available. For complex application deployments ARM provides the simplicity and consistency of a simple JSON-based template to deploy and manage, calculate memory and resources Azure network. In this session, we will discuss deployment considerations for both ASM and ARM models, provide a simple one-click solution for complete XenAppsolution on Azure Marketplace including.

By creating an infrastructure with Microsoft Azure extends the strategic advantage of greater flexibility in the XenApp installations can win

Register for session SUM227. Architecting a multi-tenant Citrix XenApp solution on Microsoft Azure and you will learn how to deploy XenApp started to get on the Azure platform.

in store for you as much in the Summit-if you do not already, register now !

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