Mobility experts - Troubleshooting XenMobile Enrollment on Android

12:06 PM
Mobility experts - Troubleshooting XenMobile Enrollment on Android -

On a day to day there are enrolling many users in a XenMobile solution of their company offered. XenMobile offers various access methods, so the administrator to decide which method suits their applications best. To resolve our customers to help all the problems during the registration on XenMobile for Android, we have prepared learned a useful document with our experiences and observations from the experience of both in-house and field

We have this document in three main sub arranged .:

  1. Enrollment error observations for different types of enrollment method.
  2. Possible causes and relative reference protocols.
  3. methods, the administrator can work in-order to fix the problem.

You can download this document below by clicking on the link and leave us a comment with your feedback!

problems registering on Android observed

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