What happens with encryption and Backdoor technology?

11:42 AM
What happens with encryption and Backdoor technology? -

Apple made waves when on 16 February 2016, it issued a letter to its customers that bluntly stated disapproval of a court order, it was given to the company. Although the court order was issued in the interest of gathering evidence for a major case of the FBI, Apple considered out of line and as a threat to the security of iPhone users everywhere. What is the story behind Apple's position, and what are the implications of this ruling for consumers in general?

Apple iOS opposes a Backdoor

Apple is trying to cooperate with the authorities and to assist them in criminal cases, and the company has done everything possible to help the government after the terrorist attack in San Bernardino in December.

However, the FBI finally asked Apple to create a new version of iOS. This new operation would have a backdoor that bypasses some of the security system functions, such as encryption, which iPhones so difficult to break. The FBI wanted to install the new iOS on the phone of one of the suspects in the San Bernardino case to access files on the phone.

In short, this may seem like a good idea. But as Apple explained in his open letter to its customers, "In the wrong hands, this software - which does not exist today - has the potential to unlock any iPhone in physical possession of someone .. . the Government suggests this tool could be used once, on a phone. But this is simply not true. once created, the technique could be used time and again, on a number of devices. in the physical world this would be the equivalent of a master key can open hundreds of millions of locks -.? restaurants and banks to shops and houses "

Does the government have the right

While defenders of privacy finding the court order was issued to Apple to be a flagrant step in the wrong direction of consumer privacy, the question remains: is the government has the right to force companies to deliberately create weaknesses in the security of their characteristic products?

Certainly, there are valid arguments on both sides of the issue, but ultimately it comes down to the fact that the court order asked Apple to create a scary precedent that could have disastrous consequences the road.

the judge who made the order used the Act All writs, which makes it illegal for companies to retain customer data to law enforcement when there is a good reason which the company should return.

CNN summarizes the Apple side of the argument like this: "the code is protected speech, so that the government can not force Apple to write a new version of iOS that no more. it can not compel an author to write a story "

eyes of the entire world of technology and Apple are on trial because the outcome could have significant effects

AnchorFree -. Privacy Advocate has strong

AnchorFree has a strong presence in the VPN industry for over a decade, and since 09, he recorded 16 patents. We strive to do everything in our power to protect sensitive customer data and make the Internet a place where everyone can feel safe.

Encryption is not intended to be a tool for criminals to hide their activities, but he is a shield for consumers who want to avoid becoming victims. Even people who think they have nothing to hide still benefit from encryption and other security features. When private information is easy to access, identity theft becomes easy.

Take measures to protect yourself

The issues involved in the case of Apple's court are a stark reminder of the importance of data privacy is. While we all look forward to seeing how the matter turns out, we can all take steps to protect our data in the meantime. It is important that you:

  • Using a VPN, especially when you're on Wi-Fi Hotspot Shield is a free VPN that hides your IP address and puts a wall between your information and hackers. .
  • Be careful when and where you enter sensitive data in Web sites, such as when you shop.
  • frequently check your privacy settings on your social media accounts, and do not post anything that could make it easy for someone to embarrass you or steal your identity.

Encryption and technological backdoors that slip into encryption, are hot topics in the world focused on technology today. The subject is sure to continue to be a focal point of debate for some time to come.

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