People Analytics: Ways Big Data is changing human resource practices

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People Analytics: Ways Big Data is changing human resource practices -

is your new boss a computer? On the surface, this question may seem absurd. Although we live in an era of ubiquitous computing, electronic box has yet to supplant humans in the ability of decision making.

or is it? Modern businesses are turning to deep data measurements, often known by the colloquial term "Big Data" to supply decisions on hiring and firing. These days, the information bit that you did not know they knew perhaps your greatest vulnerability.

The end of the interviews?

In the old movies, hiring is the result of lengthy interview process and often returns to the assessment of the hiring manager of ephemeral qualities like "moxie." This reflects an old way of doing things, in which the personal interview was king.

instincts of a good hiring manager were once thought to trump all other measures to find the most qualified candidates. Today, the "instincts" of a hiring manager may come from data collected from computers.

The computers were not true instincts. Computers do generate ideas based on "gut feelings." A computer receives a set of data and processes, predict likely outcomes based on statistical models. These statistical models are only as good as the amount of data entered in them. That was the problem with the first attempts to automate the evaluation process :. Old data collection methods lacked depth

the very model of a modern Major Job candidate

the new science of metrics used people called analysis and is surprisingly effective. with access to these sources of rich data that the batteries of psychological tests and the info-trail online, companies are . able to make sophisticated predictions about your suitability for a job of course, employers have sought to use the data about the past of their candidates to inform the process; after all, that's what resumes are for. However, the massive amount of data now available, and the ability to reasonably digest information through computing systems, is new.

Gaming (for) the


A specific and very strange example of this trend is starting Knack Silicon Valley. At first glance, Knack seems a hundred other small businesses, a boutique firm to create games based app for Apple i-deck. There is a twist, though - Knack says its games hide careful consideration of the player's skills. By running dungeons in Dungeon Scrawl or throw hot sauce in Wasabi Waiter, the job candidate told the company the essential facts about what they can (and can not) do in a modern working environment.

Does the sound pie -in-the-sky for you? It does not sound that way of Shell Oil, which began using the company to inform their process.

Retaining Walls

On the positive side, people analytics promises to help find the best place for the best worker, and could lead to your employer to find you the chance to a life. Google, which is well known for operating data of its users, found that HR processes greatly increases the strength of its promotion decisions.

It's hard to argue with the results that Google saw. According to an article on, "[the company’s data-driven HR function] resulted in Google produce results in productivity of labor amazing that few can match (on average, each employee generates nearly $ 1 million in revenue and $ 0,000 in profit each year. "

Having the perfect job drop in your lap is certainly a dream of many modern workers, and with the analysis of your hand, the potential to be found between in the equation. sure, hard work and the skill set to the right is the actual calls that may cause such offers to flood in

Fired by the machine

Next there is the ultimate disadvantage - metric termination of data that can predict where you stand in the company could decide an adjustment doesn 't exist is where automated HR becomes dystopian. .. human shooting computer fiat Good. sure, the next step on the slippery slope is a series of systems that decide your fate even before you were hired

It is easy to imagine a dystopian scenario in which an algorithm has already calculated a whole future for you, not unlike the movie "Minority Report", before you punch your first time clock, or you assign to your "best fit" without bothering to get your input.

Batting Cleanup

Sci-fi side of visions, the fact is that people of analysis is here to stay, or at least until the trend wears. So what's the unfortunate citizen to do? A good start is to engage in a cleaning history by baseline. Check your privacy settings social media account and purge all harmful pictures

Google you. if unflattering information appears convince the source to cut down the item. Regarding the work environment goes, watch where you point your computer; remember, your employer has the right to sort your use of their network

The analytical temptations HR approaches based on the machine are obvious -. they ostensibly eliminate human error and prejudice. This is a misconception, however; computers, as designed systems always reflect the intellectual vanities and prejudices of their encoders and manufacturers. However, the trend of Big Data HR shows no signs of slowing. Therefore, the knowledgeable staff will take the time to learn how it works and stay at least one step ahead of the firing line.

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