Why the Charter of the Snoopers is bad news for online privacy!

8:51 PM
Why the Charter of the Snoopers is bad news for online privacy! -

If you have not heard of Investigatory Powers Bill (Bill IP), more commonly known as the "Snoopers Charter" does not worry - you are not alone! According to recent survey conducted by the firm market research ComRes for the campaign group Privacy Freedom , 72 per cent of Britons have even never heard of Investigatory powers Bill or do not know anything about it, and only 2 per cent of UK adults say they have heard of IP bill and know many things on her.

These results align themselves with the research done by Hide My Ass! which found that two thirds (62%) of people ill attributed quotes from Bill investigative powers to popular dystopian fiction as Nineteen Eighty -four Brave New World The Hunger Games and The Matrix . !

Danvers Baillieu, COO Hide My Ass, said "the Charter of the Snoopers is staggering in its current form and allow the government to search in our lives through technology that has the capacity to serious losses. " Baillieu added: "We strongly believe that everyone is entitled to a private life digital unnecessary intrusions. Consequently, we see a growing number of Web users every day using VPNs to protect their data from prying eyes. "

The lack of understanding and / or awareness of Snoopers' Charter gives great cause for concern, because if passed into law, the IP bill would be a serious blow for British citizens right to privacy and civil liberties - today and for future generations.

the project law Charter of Snoopers was adopted by the House of Commons and recently the second reading of IP bill took place in the House of Lords with some members expressing concerns about the privacy of the general public, the need to the protection of journalists and their sources .

Lord Strasburger said: "Strong encryption, such as the Government recognized in this House, is essential to our personal safety and the integrity of our areas of finance and commerce If [[the bill] were enacted unchanged, the British innocent citizens would not be far behind their north Korean and Chinese counterparts in a competition for the most spied population in the world. the powers of the bill is very broad and intrusive more than in any of our democratic allies. "

the Charter of the Snoopers still has some way to go before being enacted into law. the IP bill must go through committee stage, report stage and third reading - and with some members of the House of Lords raising concerns about the privacy of personal information of Internet users and of wording Bill , changes in air very likely

legislation currently in place (parts of DRIPA -. the Investigative Powers Act, which expires data retention and December 31, 2016 and that Snoopers Charter will replace in part), means that some type of oversight power must be implemented immediately.

What the Snoopers Charter?

Charter of Snoopers give wide powers of supervision blind to the law enforcement and security agencies. Under the Charter of Snoopers, ISPs and telecommunications companies will keep for a year, each person communication data in Colombia, including their texts, the sites they visited, e-mails social media accounts they own the applications they use - all analyzed without the need for a mandate, as campaign Open Rights Group " the Snoopers Charter ".

Bella Sankey Policy Director for Freedom, said: "This bill would create a detailed profile of each of us who could be made available to hundreds of organizations speculatively trawl and analyze. It will all but end in online privacy, putting personal safety at risk and law enforcement marshes with swathes of unnecessary information. "

The Open Group Rights said that if the Snoopers Charter happened," the police only need to get the internal sign off watching these data. Departments such as the Department of Work and Pensions can look at this data too, "but HMRC, GCHQ, the NHS (National Health Service) and the Food Standards Agency!

"Surveillance should be used against those suspected of a crime not to the general population UK "~ Open Rights Group

the great most of us, of course, have committed no crime, but under the Charter of Snoopers it will not affect the law enforcement and security agencies will be able to hack your computer or tap into your phone - even if you are not suspected of a crime. While it is important to keep our children safe on the Internet and the nation of terrorism, many advocacy groups and advocates of privacy, including the Open Rights Group, said that the Charter of the Snoopers went too far.

What is the Charter of Snoopers means for British citizens if passed into law?

Currently, under parts of the law on surveillance of existing communications, the law on the conservation powers of investigation data and communications (DRIPA), Internet service providers may be required to provide a certain amount of customer call data (including Internet activity or telephone records) for a minimum of one year. However, the Charter of Snoopers, if passed, will go a step further to " strengthen the powers in a field -. That of the retention of communication data "

This essentially means the bulk collection of those data, including Internet connection records (RFE). - logs of websites visited, but prying into people's lives online the British government says RFE are the same that a detailed phone bill, but it has rightfully ruffled some feathers, including a number of MPs who say the bulk collection of data should be targeted rather than blind.

"We also believe that, in order to protect civil liberties, surveillance should be targeted, with the mandates of the courts that ensure they are focused, specific and based on reasonable suspicion," said SNP MP Joanna cherry, talking to the Telegraph

If the Charter of Snoopers is passed into law, we will see an increased number of VPN users?

broadband comparison. Independent UK website Broadband Genie , recently conducted a survey which revealed that 40 percent of respondents who are not currently using a VPN would consider whether the Charter of Snoopers is enacted. That is quite a number of people!

The survey of Broadband Genie also discovered that Google search terms VPN increased 51 percent during the first quarter 2016 .

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Do you think that the Charter of the Snoopers pave the way for other democratic societies to follow suit? Do you think we need these vast intrusive surveillance powers that be? Let us know your thoughts on the Charter of the Snoopers by leaving a comment on our blog!

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