In France the terrorist threats :? The French surveillance bill censorship or protection

10:04 PM
In France the terrorist threats :? The French surveillance bill censorship or protection -

Recently, the French government headed by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has presented a draft law that will give oversight french intelligence services the power to hack into computers or devices. French intelligence services will be able to intercept the metadata of all those they suspect of involvement in terrorist organizations, to protect the country against possible terrorist attacks and also anyone with ties to organized crime and industrial espionage.

"There will be no mass surveillance" ~ Prime Minister Manuel Valls

intelligence services would be able to spy on suspects by planting video cameras and microphones in their homes, as well as placing tracking devices on vehicles. IMSI- sensors would also be used by intelligence services to "listen" on the traffic of mobile telephony and track mobile phone users movements.

under the bill the French surveillance, intelligence services would not need a warrant to carry out these measures.

But the bill on the French supervision over the protection of its citizens or censorship? the France adopts US-style mass surveillance?

in the wake of Charlie Hebdo attacks, the French government sought to reassure its citizens that they will do whatever it takes to protect the country from possible future attacks. And this draft law seems to be monitoring their response. However, not everyone is convinced that this will solve the problem.

Carly Nyst Privacy International said: "The introduction of this law only two months after the Charlie Hebdo tragedy is an attempt to expand the surveillance powers under the guise of preventing terrorism. Strengthening security must not come at the price of reduced privacy. And the threat of terrorism should not be used to justify mass surveillance of the activity of each French Internet user. If all the proposed measures through parliament without strong oversight and review, France will be on track to become a surveillance state, and at the same time, we will not be more secure against terrorist attacks. "

other groups of the campaign were also enraged by the French draft law surveillance. Joshua Franco of Amnesty International said that" France can not let the quest for security to the detriment of respect for the human right to expression and privacy release. "

The French agency for protecting data (CNIL) has also expressed concern journalists, lawyers and other professionals who deal with very personal and confidential information would not be free of surveillance.

The new bill replaces the much obsolete law passed in 1991, when mobile phones and the Internet weren 't so widespread. The bill sets out rules on how the monitoring will be conducted, producing a clear legal framework currently does not exist in France.

Under the draft law on the supervision of ISPs and telephone companies would need to comply with French smart services by handing over customer data to the government. telephone data could be held for a month and metadata could be held for five years.

Privacy advocates have compared the proposed surveillance law for the American-style mass surveillance, but Prime Minister Manuel Valls at a press conference said that the French Monitoring Bill "french is not a Patriot Act". So it's reassuring!

But will the proposed surveillance law actually work to protect the country against terrorist threats and attacks? Or paralyze freedom of expression, suppress civil liberties and open the door to increased surveillance of French citizens?

Of course, the protection of every innocent French citizen is important, but to propose such extreme measures and intrusive interception metadata is surely a step too far?

The bill will be debated in parliament in April and it should be approved in July. Here in Hide My Ass! we'll let you know what the result is.

We would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on the draft law on French surveillance.

do you think the French surveillance bill leans toward censorship or do you think the bill is a necessary means to protect France

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