peeple, man app notes received, you could say, a lot of media attention recently -. the mostly negative, which seems to have left the creators of the application Julia Cordray and Nicole McCullough completely stunned
the saying "any publicity is good publicity" falls flat on its face of PR that millions of people are up in arms, naturally upset and angry that the man app notes, a "Yelp people" (Julia Cordray CEO and words co-founder, not mine), not only ignores the right of a person's privacy, it will attract and encourage many people to ridicule, troll, models and casts unpleasant aspirations on the character of a no one. It is certainly not a "positivity application for positive people" as its creators hope naively.
when we see people in the street, we unconsciously assess them based on their appearance, what they wear or what they do. But man peeple notes app, allows you to put those thoughts and feelings there publicly, on the Internet, by note of friends, lovers, ex-partners, colleagues from one to five stars and even add comments. Note is certainly nothing new, we can evaluate restaurants, hotels, books, movies the list goes on and on, but human application scoring - Is not just take things a little too far
not we already have enough supervision in the world without peeple ? Think of all the surprise, fear it will cause, how it will affect us all. - Our children, our friends and family who may be bullied and ridiculed by peeple
Apparently one of the founders of peeple, Julia Cordray, recently landed on Earth from Mars and has only now discovered the internet. So yes, of course, the Internet is a platform from which we can learn and explore, communicate with friends and family, just read the comments section on the Daily Mail or Reddit to realize that millions of people take to the net to troll, undermine, scold, ridicule, mockery and well, generally be spiteful. And that is exactly what many people will use to peeple.
While the site official peeple is back online the night inviting people to join the waiting list (one at a time, s' please Peeps!) Their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profiles remain offline. LinkedIn profile Cordray also remains include an article "I became a Trending topic for the wrong reasons. Here's why we need peeple, App Positivity I Building "
Here is an excerpt:
". Peeple is a POSITIVE ONLY APP. We want to bring positivity and goodness in the world.
Therefore peeple focuses on the positive and ONLY POSITIVE as a 100% opt-in system. You will not be on our platform without your explicit permission. There is no 48-hour waiting period to remove negative comments. There is no way to even make negative comments. Simply put, if you do not say explicitly "approve the recommendation," it will not be visible on our platform. "
You may have noticed that Cordray has took a U -Turn in his original drawings for peeple who is now an opt-in system 100%, whereas before the game, any user can rate and comment - without the consent of the ratee, we could not remove any bad review, and once your name was in the system, it would be there forever (unless you have violated the terms of service site.)
peeple, the man app notes, remember the comedy movie 'Mean Girls' during a scene featuring the "burn book" - a book full of rumors, gossip, stories and opinions created by Regina George and plastics all students attending North Shore High School Opinions in the book asks burning that " Dawn Schweitzer . is free of fat, has a huge ass" and although very funny in the movie, how Dawn feel in real life if someone publicly displayed to see everything and evaluated on five? Pretty horrible, right ?!
The reaction against peeple is amazing, millions of people are quite rightly very angry about it, heavily condemn the site and there are even Petitions to stop the release of the application.
peeple is a hoax?
As with any Internet-related and that sounds too absurd to be true, many people believe that peeple is indeed a hoax, however, its creators Julia Cordray and Nicole McCullough said that this is not a hoax and that "what is true, but not in the way it is currently portrayed." understatement of the century!
a Twitter user posted peeple of ' about information. Notice the big old arrow pointing the date of birth.
for one, would like to believe Fools Day April came in early, but unfortunately it seems that this is not the case, as the man notes app is still being forward . and brought his date before launch in the October 12 you can join the waiting list now peeple -.! if you need
Staying positive peeple
Cordray returned fighting (in a positive sense, of course), saying peeple will safeguard the reputation of its users and that "there is no way to even make negative comments."
one of the most fun is taking peeple last week that evening host John Oliver who has perfectly captured the man's ridiculous app note on his show .
Oliver said " the internet is basically a valve that distributes hatred, racism and the occasional sad orgasm ... .And yet the creators of this application remain unaware of its unattractiveness. "
Then there is of course the claims that peeple creators, McCullough and Cordray were removing unwanted comments from their Facebook page, and even asked how to remove them. If they can not manage or approve messages on their social media accounts how the hell are they going to control the masses of trolls on peeple?
human peeple note app wants to promote and stifle the world with good thoughts, positivity , unicorns, sugar and spice and all things beautiful. Let's see how far it gets
peeple man app note - !? A troll or application ideal paradise to encourage positivity
How would you feel about a friend, colleague or even an ex-partner you notes? Let us know your thoughts by commenting on our blog here
I leave you with this from ForThePeeple :.
"An Ode to Courage: Innovators are often low because people are scared and they do not understand we are bold innovators and send big waves in motion and we will not be. apologize for this because we love you enough to give you this gift. We know that you are special and unique and amazing individuals most likely would never shout that from the rooftops. people who know you well ... they choose to be around you and in your life and support you even when you do not you like. We have come so far as a company, but in a digital world, we become so disconnected and lonely. you deserve better and to have more abundance, joy, and real authentic connections. You deserve to make better decisions with more information to protect your children and your greatest assets. You have worked so hard to get that reputation you among the people you know. As innovators, we want to make your life better and to have the opportunity to prove how it feels to be loved by so many people in a public space. We are a positive application launched in November 2015. Whether we or our concept or not love; always we welcome everyone to explore the village online or love and abundance for all. "
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