Turkish censorship - former Miss Turkey faces jail to share a poem

11:05 AM
Turkish censorship - former Miss Turkey faces jail to share a poem -

Turkish censorship strikes titles once again that the former Miss Turkey Merve Buyuksarac waits whether an Istanbul court will start proceedings against her. And this terrible crime is the former Miss Turkey suspected of committing? Well, Merve Buyuksarac, a model who was crowned Miss Turkey in 06, was arrested last month for ... I'm fighting for - Type - what - what - it is - simply - too - horrible. Deep breathing. She shared a poem! On Instagram. Uykusuz of a satirical magazine that allegedly insulted the President Erdogan. There, I said! Turkish censorship is definitely hit a new low

The former Miss Turkey faces two years in prison for the heinous crime.

Merve Buyuksarac posted the passage because she found it amusing, but a friend showed him quickly he insulted Erdogan (which is a crime), so that the former Miss Turkey quickly removed it.

Bloomberg reported the former Miss Turkey, saying: "I did not personally fit the title of the poem" the head of the poem. I share because it was funny to me. I did not insult Erdogan. "She added:" I shared the poem, which was shared by 960,000 people in Turkey, which is not an insult. "

1 down 959,000 to go!

Istanbul courts will be very busy bees if President Erdogan and his friends decide to chase the other 959.000 people who also shared the poem!

Chairman Erdogan has a Twitter account and nearly 6 million followers. Rather strange for a man who does not like Twitter, calling it "Twitter, Schmitter" and also referred to it as a "threat" and said that "the best examples of lies can be found there." With the Turkish elections coming in June, Erdogan is fully aware of the power of social media and can spread its manifest shit is more people, more quickly. well, he tells lies are on Twitter .

in March last year, Turkey has banned Twitter for disobeying an order from a Turkish court to remove certain links on their web site and blocked YouTube, which was used to accusations of air government corruption.

in the period preceding the elections this year in June, the BBC reported that a bill was recently passed which means the Turkeys telecommunications Directorate (TIB ) will be able to block any website that causes public disorder, is a threat to national security or public health, without a court order. Those who ignore this or fail to comply will face a heavy fine or imprisonment.

Since Erdogan was elected president in August 2014, 67 people were accused of insulting the poor man. Yes, sticks and stones may break their bones but words can never hurt him. Well, apparently the words do hurt President Erdogan. I suspect he is crying in his pillow every night, and experience difficulty sleeping, poor! (Far intentional sarcasm)

I leave you with this peach of a point. The BBC recently reported that Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc for Turkey during a recent debate with the opposition MP Hasan Oren, said there is "no such thing as Internet censorship " in Turkey. He added: "We are freer compared to many other countries and have the freedom of the press" Are you currently living in Turkey, Arinc

Do you have to.? agreement with the Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc that Turkish censorship does not exist?

and do you think the former Miss Turkey should be punished for insulting President Erdogan?

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