Cambodia Net censorship is coming!

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Cambodia Net censorship is coming! -

Cambodia net censorship is coming! Net censorship in Cambodia is its ugliness again that the Government of Cambodia revisits a law on cybercrime and telecommunications law that will seriously hamper users "the right to freedom of speech and expression - Cambodia's internet censorship is on its way

When freedom of expression is severely restricted in countries such as China and North Korea, Cambodia currently enjoyed relatively uncensored Internet access through handsets at cheap and affordable monthly fee ISPs, allowing them to freely express their views on the media platforms social such as Facebook (which has 1.76 million Cambodian registered users) and Twitter. But with an increasing number of Cambodians using the Internet, the Cambodian government is preparing its law on cybercrime and the telecommunications Act to restrict freedom of expression, to repress political dissidents, and conduct mass surveillance of Internet users in Cambodia.

Or like a Cambodian spokesman said, the law on cybercrime is to take action against "pirates."

Unfortunately, it does not look like Cambodia Internet censorship is coming!

a new report by the rights group LICADHO details the Cambodia plans to stifle freedom of expression on the net "Going Offline The threat to Internet Newfound Freedom of Cambodia?" -. To match the censorship that exists in the broadcast media and the press in the country

Am Sam Ath, technical coordinator at LICADHO said in a statement " freedom of expression is a right that many Cambodians have never really known. It is therefore not surprising that as soon as Cambodia has found a way to make their voice heard, the government began a comprehensive effort to silence once more. "

Act of Cambodia cybercrime was announced in May 2012, and in 2014 a draft version of the law on cybercrime has been disclosed to the public which revealed that the government was leaning towards the abolition of the freedom of expression in the country by making an offense to publish content that "generates insecurity, instability and political cohesion."

The draft law on cybercrime has been "discarded" in December 2014, LICADHO "an official said it was" not a priority "longer." But now the representatives of the government changed their mind, it is now a priority. the Cambodian government hopes that the draft law on cybercrime, and the draft telecommunications law will thwart online Internet crimes such as hacking. However, this begs the question - how the Cambodian government will move according to the report from LICADHO, the "provision of the law on cybercrime are so broad and vaguely defined that the law could be stretched to almost cover all forms of online content? critical ... that could easily apply to routine news tenders, the Public and comments online journalism. "

the Telecommunications Act brings serious concerns that the Cambodian government could use mass surveillance technology to spy on the online activities of its citizens. These two laws, the law on cybercrime and telecommunications law would stifle free speech, and put a stranglehold on freedom of expression, stripping the Cambodians right to freedom of opinion. Imagine not being able to express your views on Facebook or Twitter for fear that your government will come down on you like a ton of bricks!

Naly Pilorge, director of LICADHO told Voice of America "The bill on Cybercrime and the Law on telecommunications is a clear attempt by the PRC (Party of the Cambodian people) to establish complete control over the Internet of Cambodia. the extreme discretion that the Cambodian government exercise under these laws could and probably will be used to remove virtually all forms of online content critical. "

the law on cybercrime, if it is made law, would seriously hamper law Cambodians to privacy and freedom of expression, imposing censorship on those who have opposing political views - and that is never a good thing! However, it is OK, because the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, spokesman Meas Po said that the draft law on cybercrime will be discussed at the end of the year and said: "We have the law to guide and monitor ... we did not do the law to create problems.! "Pfft

Although the Cambodian net censorship is under threat - many savvy Cambodians use virtual private networks (VPN) to access blocked sites. - Largely political opposition sites browsed for more information on HMA! Pro VPN visit our website.

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