The concerns raised by activists on EDS plans facial recognition technology

9:28 PM
The concerns raised by activists on EDS plans facial recognition technology -

US Department of Homeland Security has been warned by rights activists civilians only if it develops a clear ethical framework to cover its facial recognition technology, there will be little to prevent a repeat of widespread violations of the privacy of the national security Agency.

intention is video surveillance technology to be able to capture fugitives and suspected terrorists in a crowd of people, but defenders of privacy warn the government that the technology will need come with a clause of civil rights protection to avoid following in the footsteps of the NSA.

the work of the technology by computers combining, video cameras and facial recognition software to enable it to scan crowds of people and differentiate between individuals, although recent tests have established that the system, known as BOSS name or biometric optical monitoring system is a long way from perfection. A recent test by the Department of Homeland Security found that the system was too slow and unreliable, arguing that years of additional work would be needed before an official release.

For advocates of privacy, which makes this the perfect time to act to ensure that legislation remains current with technology. Their main concern right now is that the technology has so far not a function to keep the public safe and to protect their privacy. We know very little about the technology that would use BOSS, and it is concerned that the database, theoretically there to store images of people on a "watch list" may actually include almost everyone.

Julia Horwitz of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, which received documents informing them of BOSS, said, "we see no reference to the protection of privacy at all, and confirmed that there were no details given about which would justify the inclusion of an individual on the database. As another example of the law will not keep up with technology, it is clear that vigilance is needed to ensure that we are not faced with another "scandal Prism 'style.

At least in your own home, you can still keep your technology safe by investing in a VPN service to secure your Internet connection. A VPN operates as an additional defense layer that forms a barrier between the private data on your computer and any external users trying to access it.

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