The right to be forgotten

7:26 PM
The right to be forgotten -

In May this year, the highest court of the European Union, the European Court of Justice adopted a decision "the right to oblivion "which means if you live in Europe, you have the right to request a search results link to an article be deleted. So if you were featured in an online article that you are not better satisfied, it could be embarrassing or uncomfortable, you can fill out a form which will be reviewed and considered for deletion by Google, Yahoo or Bing lawyers . The links are removed from and other EU search engines, if you search on you still see links.

Google, the largest search engine in the world has received more than 91,000 applications, with more than 328,000 URLs and has already ruffled some feathers altogether, including advocates privacy, and the Sub-Committee on EU Lords business who called the decision "impracticable and unreasonable and wrong in principle"

It is important to note that only search engine links are removed. the content remains online.

"Google lawyers have the arduous task of plowing through thousands of applications and have the task of deciding who will be deleted. This Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales infuriated, who told the BBC "it is a very dangerous road to go down, and certainly if we want to go down a path where we will censor history, it n 'there is no way we should let a private company like Google in charge of making these decisions. "

so, what happens now is the story to be" virtually "scratched of the band, with Google, Yahoo, Bing and other smaller Internet search engines to be obliged to comply with the EU decision. The question must be asked, is this censorship disguised under the cloak of privacy? Opinion between the defenders of privacy is divided, some say the decision amounts to censorship and encroaching on freedom of expression while others welcome the law.

Hidden Google

A person who clearly sees this law as cyber censorship is web developer Araq Tariq, who launched Hidden Google a website where he invites people to add stories that were "forgotten" and is "a way to archive the actions of censorship on the Internet. "There are only 17 links on it at present, although Google has approved 50% of the 91,000 requests for removal, but nevertheless, Hidden Google is an outlet where deleted links can be added.

at HMA! we believe that the information on the Web should be free and open to all, freedom of expression must not be deleted or hidden, deleting the history should not be an option, and certainly should not be left to Google and other search engines to decide.

How do you feel about the "right to be forgotten? do you think it is acceptable that the search engines have the power to remove links, effectively censor the net? Let me know your opinion by posting on our blog.

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