A law that was passed in Russia early August this year, forcing international technology companies to relocate their servers to manage in the Kremlin Russian traffic and prompted Google intends to close its research in the country, employing nearly 50 engineers, according to information.
Google will, however, keep a number of support and marketing staff in the country.
a spokesman for Google said: "We are deeply committed to our Russian users and customers, and we have in Russia dedicated team working for support them. "
hate Putin of the net is not a secret in the past, calling him a CIA project, he fears that Russian companies will suffer in the hands of foreign companies operating in the country. Putin has been on a crusade to eradicate freedom of expression, and increased internet censorship in the country, imposing tighter control on the net to eliminate apparently anti-terrorist groups and websites promote illegal activity. According to the authorities of this measure will enhance data protection of Russian Internet users, but many see the law as a way to enhance respect censorship. Internet expert and blogger Anton Nossik says Moscow Times "the ultimate goal is to close the mouth, enforce censorship in the country and to shape a situation where Internet companies would not be able to exist and function properly."
a other law, known as "bloggers law" was implemented at the same time, when any blogger with over 3,000 page visits, including Twitter users with more than 3,000 followers, will have to register with the authorities. The law also included the power to be able to shut down any website without a court order.
Russia is definitely hot on the heels of China, a country notorious for its censorship of the net. Internet freedom watchdog Freedom House released its report, "Freedom on the Net 2014" find signs that Russia, Ukraine and Turkey have dramatically increased surveillance of the Internet and censorship in their countries .
in September, Adobe Systems, pulled the plug and stopped its operation in Russia. the question is how many other technology companies will follow?
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