Does the new spy technology used in Egypt?

5:24 PM
Does the new spy technology used in Egypt? -

According to a recent article by BuzzFeed t he Egyptian government used the engineering services of Egypt Systems (EES), a systems integrator who have developed a new spy tool for them, Deep Packet inspection (DPI)

DPI is an extremely invasive tool often used by governments in repressive countries, allowing them to monitor , monitor and censor online communications, including WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Skype and Viber, and all in real time!

BuzzFeed recently reported that a number of Egyptian government officials have confirmed that they have started monitoring the Egyptian surfing activities using IPR. Speaking to BuzzFeed, an interior minister who spoke on condition of anonymity said: "We are looking at every conversation, every interaction, we may find disturbing or would keep an eye on ... we look conversations between Islamists, or those who discuss Islam. "

However, the CEO of EDC has refuted this by saying he did not provide the government with the system. The Egyptian government later released a statement calling the article BuzzFeed" completely false " . But of course they would say that, would not they!

again we see another government behind the then call appearance protect its national security, to prevent terrorist attacks and to protect its population against the immoral content when in reality it is the cyber censorship in its worst form.

Egyptian human rights groups are rightly concerned about this new technology and have begun to protest against the intrusive monitoring of online communications, saying that the IPR system used "threatens privacy and civil liberties."

However, the Interior Ministry of Egypt, General Hany Abdel Lateef said, "Who said we are following your privacy? We follow the policy issues we need to look at electronic crimes , adding that Egyptians live in a "free era where everyone can express themselves."

Err, they live in a time when they are free to express themselves? Is the Egyptian government think his people were born yesterday? Spy and control of its citizens are not a new tactic. In 2011, during the Egyptian revolution, the government blocked social media sites Twitter and Facebook to stop the demonstrators to share their news with the world, but thousands of Egyptians skillfully used a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to bypass this prohibition by allowing them to continue using the sites to tell their stories.

Everyone has the right to freedom of expression

We at HMA! believe that freedom of expression and the right to privacy is something that should be considered the norm, not attacked and taken. When governments want to censor almost anything that lands on his way, and to decide what information can and can not be reached, we should be very worried. The removal of this fundamental human right is wrong, and we at HMA! hate web censorship, which is the main reason for our VPN service has been established.

HMA! to rescue

According to the DPI force filtering software may be able to detect that you are using a VPN as it searches the VPN protocol related data in your data packets.

However, because Hide My Ass! has more than 701 servers in 105 countries and more than 91,000 IP addresses, and through multiple VPN protocols available and our fantastic feature Autopath, you will be able to bypass the DPI blocks and continue using Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Viber without your government to be able to intercept your online business or tap into your conversations.

Whether you live in China, Iran, Turkey or Egypt or any other repressive country, you have the right to express your opinions and concerns without fear that your government you spy. And this is HMA! Pro VPN can help.

For more information on Hide My Ass! please visit our website.

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