Brazil takes steps WhatsApp Encryption Over ... Again

5:12 PM
Brazil takes steps WhatsApp Encryption Over ... Again -

Last week, a Brazilian judge jailed a Facebook executive because of "repeated non-compliance with court orders . "the executive, Diego Dzodan, was arrested because he refused to provide police WhatsApp messages to help a drug-related investigation. Since WhatpsApp implements encryption end to end, Facebook has not had access to these messages, making it impossible for them to comply with the request.

Facebook called the arrest a "disproportionately extreme." the executive was released the next day bring jailed .

This is not the first time that Brazil has cracked down on the encrypted messaging. in December 2015, they closed entirely WhatsApp, again because the platform does not comply with a court order to provide messages in a criminal investigation. in the aftermath, in February, Brazil increased the fines for non-compliance with government "data transfer orders," placing the total fines to $ 250,000.

Brazil is a country that has, for the most part benefited from open Internet experience. It's about that they attempted censorship and taken steps to try to get access to encrypted messages several times recently, and certainly not a positive trend. Moreover, this last question draws parallels to the encryption battle that was going on between Apple and the US government, showing questions how widespread encryption are

Sources :. Ars Technica

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