Tell the President to "defend strong encryption" and Help Save Crypto

11:31 AM
Tell the President to "defend strong encryption" and Help Save Crypto -

Update - March 18: EFF, the organization behind the petition (with Access Now and the ACLU), grow a new phase of the campaign this week. Save Crypto asks President Obama tweeter users directly and ask him to defend crypto strong. You can visit the website Save Crypto tweet directly, including image or copy and past the text on Twitter :.

@ POTUS the time is now. Talk to safety without compromise. 100,000 people watching

update - December 9 :. This petition has crossed the threshold of 100,000 signatures, so that the White House will meet the site currently indicates that administration officials. will sit down with the creators of the petition to voice their concerns "this week" and they will report back with an answer after the meeting. You can also share your thoughts on strong encryption directly with the White House, or ask any questions you have

Update - November 9 :. Golden Frog and our sister company Foundry data officially joined the Stand Up for strong security effort! We are pleased to support the EFF and join forces alongside many other organizations and companies who care about encryption. As a society based on the principles of privacy and security, we believe that the Crypto savings is extremely important. Please join us in the fight for strong security, and sign the petition now

Update - October 20 : The petition must only 15,000 more signatures. Register now!

Last week, EFF, i2Coalition, Access and many other groups have launched now to save Act Crypto petition asking President Obama to stand behind encryption and protect the privacy and security when the creation of the Internet policies.

Edward Snowden also urged action on the issue, tweeting:

"It is not something to hide There is something to lose, it is time to.. beat, Internet. "

the groups behind the petition included Internet companies and nonprofits as well. These groups have filed a petition "We the People" on and asked President Obama to "defend strong encryption" and "reject any law, policy or a mandate that would undermine our security."

you can sign the petition here.

We are strongly in favor of encryption, and encourage you to sign the petition and join the fight to protect encryption.

encryption is an essential tool to protect our privacy and security

and should definitely be protected by government policies. Tell the president you want strong encryption now.

the organizations behind this initiative include access, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), American Library Association (ALA), computer and communications industry Association (CCIA), the application progress, Dropbox , DuckDuckGo, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), fighting for the future freedom of the Press Foundation, Free Press, Human Rights Watch, the Coalition of the Internet infrastructure (i2Coalition), Institute of technology Open New America, Niskanen Center, Sonic, Taskforce, TechFreedom. and Twitter

Sign the petition now:

Related Reading

learn more about the benefits of encryption and encryption backdoors dangers.

learn more about the Battle of current encryption, and high technology companies by the government.

Read more news on this petition and beat Silicon Daily Dot.

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