8 Concerns of privacy posed by Wearable Technology

9:28 PM
8 Concerns of privacy posed by Wearable Technology -

Your privacy is of utmost importance, so it might be a surprise that some of your technology mobile could be a privacy threat. Smart watches and calorie counters to each piece of mobile technology from the convenience of mobile technology also comes with threats to privacy if you don, AOT play safely with your equipment. To help keep your private life under wraps, here are eight privacy issues you should know about mobile technology.

The third problem

If you have the latest, the most wearable health device that records and stores all your movements -surveillance, so your privacy could be at risk. Although HIPAA protects your privacy digital health, the Ministry of Health has yet to address the issue of third party with portable devices.

So what exactly is the issue? Well, accepting your device, portable AOS user license, you can also enable the manufacturer to share very personal health information with third party suppliers. These third parties may not have the same standards of data protection to your device provides, which means that your health information is unprotected in the open for a number of digital eyes to see.

Data collection Rampant

If you have a smart watch that acts as a sidekick to your mobile device or you, Aore plans to buy Google Glass one day mobile technology collects more your personal data as you might think. The moment you accept the license agreement, mobile technology begins to collect your personal information. Often this is to improve your experience, but it, AOS for other reasons too.

For example, data collected from your portable device is passed along to vendors who use the information to customize marketing efforts based on your daily activities. In some cases, data collection even includes information as personalized as your spending and eating habits, which is then used for further commercialization.

Personal life close

When you decide to take mobile technology with you everywhere you go, you, Aore de-privatizing your world. But did you know you, Aore also put the privacy of those around you at risk, too? Wearable recording devices like Google Glass not only record information based on your habits, but the habits of those in your vicinity.

This poses a unique risk that your daily activities also include public activities that didn, AOT your mobile device accepts the license agreement, OSA. Although Google has already agreed to give up, including facial recognition technology in their glasses, it doesn, AOT stop other companies to incorporate privacy infiltrating this technology into their portable devices.

unsecured Roaming Wi-Fi networks

It, AOS safe to say enough that if you, Aore leveraging mobile benefits of mobile technology and you, Aore probably dipping into and out of Wi-Fi networks regularly. Although there are ways to protect your VPN, Wi-Fi mobile technology that still raises privacy concerns regarding unencrypted networks.

Many portable devices prompt users to connect to unspecified networks, but some parameters allow mobile devices to connect to automatically¬ † Wi-Fi networks regardless of the encryption. This is especially the case with smart watches that are based on Wi-Fi to complete tasks. Homelessness unprotected Wi-Fi networks could cause problems for your privacy depending on what or who is hiding in the network.

Update Complications

The Wearable technology needs some software updates as your smartphone and other mobile devices, but with the ever changing technology behind appliances laptops, important updates often take longer than necessary to reach the consumer. This includes security updates and hotfixes that have essentially to jump through hoops to integrate into the portable device itself.

Many software patch cycles take months between when a safety issue is discovered and the update is released. And because mobile technology is changing by the second, the update cycles can take even longer. In-between, your privacy could be at stake.

Shorter periods of support

As mentioned, the technology behind mobile devices is changing at a rapid pace Lightning. Although this means good news for the future of mobile technology, it also means problems for your privacy. When new and improved portable devices on the market, support for existing devices, which includes security updates, often dwindle.

From smart to health monitoring devices watches, portable technology works on software support. When the new version of something out, manufacturers and software developers have set their sights on improving the most recent version. In fact, many manufacturers of smart devices are only required to support their devices for 12 to 18 months, which means you need to either update your mobile device or suffer the consequences of privacy and security.

Proximity-Based Hacking

Wearable devices thrive on technology based on proximity, which also makes them vulnerable to hacking. In terms of mobility, many manufacturers of portable devices using near field communication to optimize the user experience. NFC is add a level of convenience for portable devices in the form of a personalized experience, but it also adds a level of concern for safety.

In fact, hackers are already taking advantage of security vulnerabilities in NFC and Wi-Fi technology to infiltrate the mobile and portable devices. As these devices evolve and become more able to collect and store your personal information, they are also turning into popular targets for hackers based on proximity.

Theft Device

While laptops and tablets are stored in bags or left at home, and smartphones tend to live in hand pockets or bags, mobile technology tends to be more out in the open. That it, AOS a smart watch or highly desirable Google Glass, the theft of the mobile device is quickly becoming a problem that most consumers are beginning to bear their devices in public.

not only more portable technology come with a fairly high price tag, it also contains your That, AOS personal information equally valuable to criminals. So, as the threats to digital privacy above, the flight is also added to the list of potential privacy issues that go along with wearable.

If the mobile technology is your favorite accessory, be sure to keep in mind the above privacy threats.

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